June 1991 (True Colors?)

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Eighth grade seemed to fly by for Adam and his friends. They were one day from summer vacation beginning and soon they would be moving on to high school. Classes had just ended for the day, and Mel, Jed, Cathy, Daisy, and Adam had decided to walk home together from school.

"So, guys," Melissa said to the group as they walked, "Since we graduate tomorrow, I figured we should do something to celebrate!"

"Like what?" Cathy asked.

"Well, I was thinking we walk to the mall and pick out some new earrings!" She said excitedly, "I want two more sets."

"I don't think a piercing would be my thing..." Jed said quietly.

"My mom would probably kill me if I didn't ask first," Cathy said.

"Laaaaame," Mel scoffed, "Learn to take chances guys, yeesh..."

"I want one!" Adam said quickly, "I'll do it!"

"Finally, someone willing to take a risk besides me," Mel said, "Come on, Daiz, I'll find ya something good."

"Sure," she said, "Don't see why not."

"Yesssss," Mel beamed, "Let's get moving then!"

They arrived at the mall and Mel led them to her favorite store to buy ear piercings at, the store had accessories suitable for both boys and girls.

"Let's seeeee..." Mel said as she scanned a rack of earrings, "Daisy... Oh! These are perfect for you!"

Mel pulled a packet off the rack, it contained two earrings that looked like white flowers with synthetic yellow gems in the center.

"Daisies for Daisy!" She said, "You like them?"

"Yeah, I'll get those," Daisy replied.

"Sweeet!" Mel replied before looking around for Adam. She spotted him at another rack away from them.

"See anything you like, Adam?" she asked.

Adam's eyes scanned the rack, "Uhhh... I kinda like these ones, but like, I only want one of them in an ear."

"We can do that," Mel said, "Just save the other one in case you want it later on." She walked over to him and looked at what he had found.

"Oooo..." She said, "Amber stones, you'll look pretty fly in these."

After her friends' choices were settled, Melissa picked out a set of rhinestone studs and a pair of gold hoop rings for herself. They paid and left for Melissa's house.


"Alright," Melissa said as she dropped her shopping bag on her bed, "Have either of you ever had any piercings before?"

"Nope," Adam replied.

"I have," Daisy said, "It was a while back though, so they closed up."

"I'll do you first then," Mel said, "I should be able to do it pretty quickly."

Jed and Cathy sat on the edge of Melissa's bed as they watched her direct Daisy to sit in a chair in front of her mirror. Adam was too busy messing with a Waterful Ring Toss toy that had been sitting on Melissa's dresser to pay attention to the process of Daisy's piercing. About five minutes later, he heard his name.

"Adam!" Melissa exclaimed, "Your turn, come sit."

Adam put the toy back down and went and sat in the chair, and Daisy joined Cathy and Jed. Adam handed the packet with the studs he picked to Mel, and she tore it open and took one out.

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