June 1994 (The Hill)

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Adam and Daisy had been going out for half a year now. The pair had fallen madly in love with each other at this point, and it was obvious to everyone around them. Adam was still fighting his depression, but Daisy couldn't really tell if he was doing better, she just did her best to try and keep his mind away from it.

It was a late June night, and Adam had just picked up Daisy for a date night. Usually he would have skateboarded to her house and walked with her to wherever they were going, but since he just turned seventeen a few days ago, he finally had unbridled access to the car. Feeling confident, he drove over to her house and he picked her up. It was around nine, so it was dark out.

They played some Furvana on the radio as they drove  about twenty minutes out, up to the north shore of the Island where the terrain wasn't so flat. There they took a road that led up a winding hill. At the top it leveled out, and there was a clearing. A wide open, empty field, with the only source of light coming from the full moon. They exited his car and walked to the center of the field, where Daisy threw down a blanket.

It was warm out tonight, yet a bit breezy as the two laid down on the blanket, looking up at the sky. Their fingers interlocked between them as they held hands.

"Isn't it pretty?" She said, "I love when we can come out and do this."

"So, do I," Adam replied, his mocha eyes scanning the stars, "Buuuut not as much as I love you~"

"How'd I know you'd say that," Daisy giggled.

Adam rolled his head to the side and kissed her on the cheek, "I'd also rather look at you than the stars~ You make me so happy... Even through the dark thoughts, you're the one who's kept me going."

Daisy blushed and rolled over to face him, and she planted a kiss on his lips.

She ran her hand along his cheek, "And I'll keep making sure you're happy 'till you kick this thing to the curb."

"I love you," he laughed, returning a kiss.

They both sat up, and Daisy draped her arms over his shoulders, pulling him close as she began kissing him again. Adam let his hands slide down to her hips as he let her tongue slip into his mouth.

"Mmmm~" He moaned through the kiss, letting his fingers lift her shirt slightly and slide them to the side a little ways.

He stopped his hands there, waiting to see if Daisy was allowing it. She just continued kissing him, so he kept going. He slid his hands around her and up her back, gently rubbing it.

"I love you~" She said, breaking the kiss.

Adam just smiled and reconnected their muzzles, pulling her down with him as he fell to his side.

Daisy felt Adam's hands slide around under her shirt as they moved to the front of her body. His hands moved gently over her breasts and slid it around to caress her back, sending tingles down her spine. She giggled a little in response. She then moved a hand down and underneath his shirt, sneaking it upwards and ran her fingers through the poofy fur on his chest.

Daisy snapped her eyes open for a moment when she suddenly felt his hands move from under her shirt and move down and around, to slip under her skirt, but she quickly accepted it and once again focused on kissing him.

Adam worked his hand upwards, until he felt the edge of Daisy's underwear. He slipped his hand under and quickly moved to her most sensitive area.

Daisy let out a moan as Adam began rubbing her. The heavy petting quickly turned her gentle breaths into labored ones.

She didn't waste time in wanting to return the favor. She moved her hand down and quickly unbuttoned his shorts. Her hand slipped by the waistband of his boxers and discovered quite quickly he was turned on.

She ran her hand along the inside of his thigh and up above his crotch, rubbing over it briefly. Adam bit his lip as his girlfriend teased him, letting out quiet moans every now and then.

Just as the two were ready to take it a step further, they both shot upright and pulled their hands back. 

A set of headlights shone on them from the parking area, but turned off moments later.

"Well," Adam laughed, "So much for being alone up here now..."

"It was still fun while it lasted~" Daisy said.

Adam buttoned and zipped up his shorts. He grabbed Daisy's hand and helped her up.

"I'll take ya home," he said, "Don't wanna stay out suspiciously long, they probably just think we went to dinner."

They gave each other one last blushed-filled look in the car before Adam pulled away.

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