Blinkys day out part 1

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Honey lemons point of view

In the former Janice Order base now transformed into a teen Centre

Namora do you brush your new clothes and told us to wait in this room, Gogo protested but Namora explained her reasons and logically it makes sense. She said that we might be carrying some sort of disease or torment germs in our bodies that could be hazardous to everyone in this dimension... Still feels weird to say that

I mean I've always had a sneaking suspicion that the Multiverse was real but I never thought I would be swung straight into it, it's really hard to keep positive when you're in tire world views pretty much been shattered not only that you find out that you might not even be the original honey lemon. Again another thing I never thought I would think or say but I can't deny what's going on what gym and that alien thing called streaks said makes some form of sense then again I'm not sure what makes sense anymore but they seem to have more experience when it comes to this whole Multiverse thing so I think I should trust them but then I would also mean I could never go home again I would never  see my friends and then go go or my family again but if Jim is right then if I do go home and there is another version of me there we could end up creating more of a problem in the Multiverse it's so confusing

Gogo: honey lemon you okay?

Her question snaps me out of my thoughts as I smile nervously: yeah I'm okay... Well I'm still overwhelmed with everything

Gogo nodded for once she's actually not looking emotionless she seeming just as surprised and overwhelmed as I am: I know what you mean this whole thing is bizarre, I'm still half expecting to wake up and all this to be some sort of weird dream

Yeah I'm pretty sure that that would be anyone's reaction in this kind of situation well except maybe Freddie he will probably be over the moon about this whole situation

Gogo: so you think that Jim and streak are telling the truth?

I voice my opinion: truthfully I think we can trust him, I mean what possible reason would he have to lie about this whole thing it's pretty clear we're an alternate reality and if that is the case Why bother lying, besides he seems to be more experienced when it comes to the Multiverse

Gogo nodded: yeah as much as I hate to admit it you've got a point, so what are we gonna do are we going to take a chance and try to go home and risk ripping a hole in the fabric of reality? I mean I am the lemon we're talking about never seeing our friends or family again can we really live with ourselves

True but I ask a question of her: True but could we really live with ourselves if we ended up ripping a hole in the fabric of reality, Gogo i'm not gonna lie this is probably the worst thing that could possibly happen to us but it doesn't mean it has to be the end we can try starting a new life here or if not in this dimension maybe another one Jim said it's up to us to choose and he'll help us anyway he can

Gogo: I guess you're right, Hell Jim said that even if we weren't time copies or whatever finding our dimension is out of an endless stream of them would be like finding a needle in a haystack or so I guess this is our life now

For the first time ever into my complete a surprise go go actually cry so little bit, I don't know whether this is because we may not be the real Gogo and honey lemon or because she's just upset but either way I'll give her a hug to try and comfort her as some tears come out of my eyes as well

Namora interrupts us as she walk in: oh my apologies I'll come back later

I callout: no no no it's fine, Namora we were just coming to terms with this whole thing

Namora nodded: I understand I cannot even begin to comprehend how you're feeling right now, the good news is it's been 24 hours since your confinement you're allowed to leave now if you so wish and my master would like to apologise on any problems that may have arise from you being locked in here for 24 hours

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