Monsters vs aliens part 2

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Aja point of view

As the human say, this might not have been the brightest of ideas. True that we probably could've tried something else instead of going headfirst chasing after our protector, hoping to help him against this brotherhood of evil that robbed him of his family, but maybe not running in headstrong was a good idea

I didn't want combat training, but perhaps writing a professional, wasn't the best start of my warrior career as a human say but at least I'm giving a good enough distraction for my little brother to steal The part from the brotherhood ship that we need for our ship to work at full capacity

Of course, that's provided that nothing unexpected happens, and something definitely unexpected happens while we were fighting the brotherhood, this strange, hairy creature with sharp claws and teeth jumped out from the woods and started attacking everyone, and then suddenly our human... Friends and I use that term loosely appeared

The leader one named Jim : what the hell is- ahh!

He dropped his phone as he quickly transformed into his parasitic form as one of the brotherhood, tries to attack him, but is quickly floated by blue tentacles, grabbing the bounty hunter and throwing him aside

The one named Mary appeared behind me, and protected me against the female member of the brotherhood forcing the bounty hunter back and onto the floor: okay well we really ran into our all out brawl here didn't we?

She helps me up when I look down at the battlefield that is gone from vax level of insanity to now complete, and total insanity. The creature seems to be attacking everyone without discrimination and it seems as if our human friends are getting caught up in our fight.

I look to the human: what is going on? What is that creature?!

Mary the human explained: well you see that's a werewolf you weren't at school today because you were busy doing your driving test for whatever reason which don't ask me how I know that let's just say we've had our little goddess. Keep an eye on you and your brother for your own safety as well as ours but anyway back to the story what happened in school today was a bunch of little tiny creatures were released into the school which made everyone see their worst nightmare, which included this poor soul here.

I look down at the creature confused that used to be a person, a person that can now lift cars and is throwing them going on a rampage: and her greatest fear was turning into that!

Mary shook her head: no, the stress of seeing her worst. Fear triggered her transformation. Now we need to stop her before she ends up hurting someone and the only way to do that is for one of us to defeat her. Werewolves need a social hierarchy, so if there's someone here that defeats her in battle she'll begin listening to the person like a loyal little dog and if we don't do that, he's gonna continue doing a rampage until she's destroyed everything she needs clarification on who is in charge that's why she's fighting everyone. So what's happening with you who are these Star Wars wannabes?

I don't know what that is, but I might as well explain our situation since it seems we've both been entangled with our own adventures: they are bounty hunter sent you to collect the bounty on our heads. My brother is in the ship, trying to steal a part we need to get our ship up and running again.

Mary: okay then, then perhaps we can help-oh my God, what the hell is that?!

I turn to where her attention is grabbed, and I see what she means. Is that a giant human walking straight towards us! Seriously, what in the universe is going on today?!

Jim point of view

Of all the things that happened tonight this was one of the things I did not expect. I did not expect to be caught in a brawl between aliens and monsters. Most importantly, I didn't expect to see a giant woman with a Gogo and honey lemon on her shoulders, joining us in on the fight.

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