The shattered King part 2 🍋

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Everyone so before this chapter starts I just wanna apologise for this chapter being so late, and also to tell you that my friend that does my artwork for this story has found a new way to do there art to take a look

Everyone so before this chapter starts I just wanna apologise for this chapter being so late, and also to tell you that my friend that does my artwork for this story has found a new way to do there art to take a look

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Amazing right, don't worry there's a lot more images to come in this fanfiction so anyway don't forget to leave a comment and a vote and I hope you enjoy the story

Jim point of view

I arrive with Gogo, honey lemon and Namora down in troll market close to The gryer To get ready with our new mission. That's when I show the others my brilliant plan I show them the blank plot that has been modified to match Toby's description and is spot-on it looks like I'm actually looking at Toby it's impossible to tell that he's actually a robot

Mary looks at me questionably: okay so just so I've got this completely straight your plan is to go into the swamps with Robo Toby convince them that he is the The human reincarnation of their shattered King even though he is far from human. That's the plan

I nod: yeah pretty much I mean it's the best thing I can think of, other than getting the actual Toby involved in that would've taken too long to explain. Plus I don't feel comfortable bringing in another person to our little band and having them risk their lives

Claire nodded: yeah I see his point and quite honestly this is probably the safest option because if these natives think that this robot Toby is their reincarnation of the shattered King it's possible that They want him to stay at least with the robot possible unless you are ET friends want it back

Streak answered as he appeared out of my chest: no they're cool with it if they've got plenty of them back on their mothership apparently.

It was true they apparently had over 50 of them still left in the mothership and they did say that in mind if we didn't give this phone back, which is a good thing because I think one way or another this robot is not coming back. Because either one of two things are gonna happen either A they want to keep the robot and make it their proper king Orby they find out we've been playing a charade and hunt us down and kill us or we get out before that happens but we leave the robot behind either way not coming back

Darci examined the robot: okay I'll admit it looks like Toby but The question is how will that be enough to convince them

True , They'll need more evidence than just a human that looks like they're long lost King. But thankfully Gogo took care of that

I let her explain: no need to worry, we programmed a blank with a bunch of stuff talking acting like a king and a bit of a know it all but we also had to give it some Toby attributes like the way he says stuff like awesome sauce or whatever just to make it a bit more convincing and to make it seem like he is actually alive

Yeah, that's about the best we could do it's not like we could download an entire how to be a troll King from the Internet considering the fact the majority of that stuff is grossly outdated and wrong

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