Chapter 4

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a/n: i have removed all sexual scenes and references from the parts where the characters are underage. this fic is and will stay sfw in that regard.

warnings: teen boys being awkward, cuddling, fluff, pining, my canon now


Jotaro wasn't asleep. He was grumbling to himself in his head, thinking about the conversation he'd had with his grandfather.

Joseph had shut the door behind you and Kakyoin, then looked at him carefully. "I know I never spent a good deal of time with you in your childhood, but these past days have shown me who you are, Jojo. You like her."

Jotaro had looked down and refused to answer. Joseph sighed. "Good grief."

Jotaro bit his lip. "Tch. Mind your business, would you? Bothersome old man."

Joseph frowned. "Being nicer to her would help you a good deal. Maybe ask her out. Get to know her."

Jotaro shook his head. "You don't get it, do you, old man? Whatever I choose, she will never be mine. Kakyoin... He just looked at her and she was his."

Joseph had put his hand on Jotaro's shoulder. "You don't give up a battle before it's lost. She isn't anybody's but her own."

Jotaro had closed his eyes. "Stop it, old man."

He walked out and slammed the door.

Back in the room, you picked up your bag. "I'm gonna shower, Nori."

Kakyoin smiled and nodded. "Okay."

You walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, letting it run until it turned hot. As steam filled the room, you pulled off your clothes and stepped under the water. The stream ran down your body, soothing your tense muscles. You bit your lip, thinking. So much had happened since your last shower.

You'd met Jotaro, and Noriaki, and the rest of the gang. You'd gotten punched in the jaw by a... let's face it, really hot guy. He was a dick, though.

You looked down at yourself. Jotaro was really attractive, and so was Noriaki. But Noriaki was the only one who really showed interest in you. But Jotaro seemed pretty reserved and bad at expressing himself, so... Maybe? Well, thinking about it like that wouldn't do anything. You had to talk to him, get to know him.

You moved to wash yourself, quickly scrubbing and rinsing before stepping out and drying off.

You slipped into pajamas and stepped back into the room. Jotaro was the only one there, writing in a small, leatherbound book. Without looking up, he said in Japanese, "Kakyoin is out getting food for us to eat in here."

You nodded, setting down your bag and sitting on the bed he was on. You said in Japanese,"Jotaro, I think we got off on the wrong foot-"

He glanced up and interrupted you. "Jojo."

You stuttered, "Huh?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Call me Jojo."

You flushed. "Okay, uh, Jojo. I'm sorry."

He nodded. You cocked your head at him. "What are you writing?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he said, "You were in the shower a while."

You flushed deep red. "I- Uh. I take long showers."

He nodded again, seeming disinterested. You sighed. "You're goddamn hard to have a conversation with, Jojo."

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