Chapter 7

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warnings: teen boys being dumbasses, some poly stuff, cuddles


You two fell into a bad habit while crossing the desert in the dune buggy, of stealing it at night and driving away for some privacy.

You'd end up cuddling in the back, just talking for hours. The first time he told you he loved you was the first night. You'd parked the buggy just over the dunes, and he'd pulled you to lay on his chest.

You rested your head on his shoulder and looked up at him. He smiled gently at you. His hand cupped your face, as warm and comforting as ever. He stroked your cheek. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

You flushed and looked away. "Shut up."

He chuckled and kissed your cheek. "Look at me."

You did. He was looking down at you with such tenderness. Your heart melted. Nobody had ever treated you so gently. He was stroking your cheek like you'd shatter in his grip. You leaned into his touch and closed your eyes. He murmured, "I love you."

You smiled. "I love you too, Nori."

You laid your head on his shoulder and relaxed into him. You knew you were safe if you were with him. You trusted him completely. You laid with him for a while, until you had to drive back.

This became a ritual, almost every night. Driving away, never far, talking for hours, and returning. Jotaro quickly became very suspicious.

It came to a head when he stayed up to catch you two. You had taken the keys from Noriaki and were walking to get the car started, when a strong hand gripped your ankle. You almost screamed, but it was just Jojo. He stood and dusted himself off. He whispered in Japanese,"Where do you think you're going?"

You flushed deep red. He was intimidating. And hot. You bit your lip. "W-We-"

Kakyoin walked up next to Jotaro. "Do you want to come? We just talk."

Jotaro looked away. "Okay."

You smiled and looked up at him. You and Kakyoin sat in the front, and Jotaro sat in the back. You parked over the next sand dune and climbed into the back. "If you wanted to come, you've gotta cuddle with us."

Jotaro flushed so red you could see it in the dark. "I-"

You sat next to him, and Kakyoin climbed in on his other side. "Come on, you can't pretend this isn't why you came."

Jotaro sighed. "Fine."

One of his big arms went around each of you. Kakyoin smiled. "You're warm, Jojo."

You nuzzled into his chest. "He is. And big."

Jotaro's hands were shaking. You looked up at him. He was biting his lip. You laughed softly. "We do really just talk. Wanna hear about my childhood? Maybe the cool shit my Stand can do? She's a walking cigarette lighter."

Jotaro relaxed significantly. "I thought you two didn't want me around."

Kakyoin chuckled. "You're our friend."

The word "friend was heavy in Jotaro's chest for some reason. He nodded. "But you two..."

You said in English, "We're not just friends."

Jotaro swallowed hard, trying to quell the pit in his stomach. "What are you two?"
You shifted in closer to him. "You're awfully chatty tonight."

Jotaro shut his mouth. Kakyoin reached and took your hand. "She's my girlfriend."

Jotaro exhaled. You sat up in his arms and took off his hat. He looked at you. You ran your fingers through his hair. He groaned softly, closing his eyes. You smiled. "You're tense, Jojo. Something getting to you?"

Jotaro stiffened. "No."

Kakyoin made no comment, but he knew the matter was closed.

(Word Count: 581)

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