Chapter 9

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warnings: kissing, makeouts, love confessions


You walked outside into the hot Egyptian sun to find Jotaro on a bench out back, where you'd parked the car. The area was clear of people, but the desert spread out in front of you. You sat next to him. "Hi, Jojo."

He grunted. You frowned at him. "What was that earlier?"

He glanced at you. "What was what?"

You shrugged. "You grabbing me and hugging me. All the ways and excuses you've found to touch me. Catching me when my Stand energy ran out. You know. All your grumpy bullshit since we went to the desert."

He shook his head and looked away. "Yare yare daze."

Your temper flared. "Don't you 'good grief in Japanese' me! I want to know why you keep doing that!"

He shot a look at you. "Do you dislike it?"

You sat back, caught by surprise. "I- No."

He nodded. "Does Kakyoin object?"

You shook your head. "He thinks it's fascinating that you go out of your way to touch me. And even if he did, it's not his business who touches me."

Jotaro leaned back on the bench, chuckling. "Well, then."

You flared again. "What's so fucking funny, then?"

He smiled at you, his facade cracking. "You. You're funny. 'None of his business.' Heh."

You growled. "You dickhead, I'll..."

Jotaro grabbed your neck and kissed you before you could get another word out. You squeaked and yanked away. "Jojo!"

He looked at you slyly. "Shut you up, didn't it?"

He was being playful. You never expected this. You covered your mouth, feeling your lips tingling. Jotaro tsked and looked back out at the desert. "Did you like that?"

You nodded, your cheeks burning. He nodded back. "Good."

You knew that meant "I'll be doing it again," but you beat him to it, kissing him again. You nuzzled into his neck. "Do you love me?"

Jotaro swallowed audibly. "I-"

You nodded. He did. "Good."

You flicked his hat off his head, holding it. He reached for it. You licked your lips, still grinning. He growled. "Damnit woman, give it back!"

You shook your head, giggling. He glowered and pulled you into a deep kiss. You tossed his hat onto the bench next to you and kissed back, gripping his hair.

When he pulled back, he pulled you up under his arm so you were cuddled into his side. You rested your head on his broad chest and relaxed a bit. "So..."

Jotaro lit a cigarette, reaching around you with his long arms. "Yes."

You looked up at him. "Yes what?"

He met your gaze evenly. "Yes, I'll share you with Kakyoin. Nobody else."

You nodded and kissed his cheek. He took a long drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke away from you, then put his hat back on. You sat in silence with him until the others came out.

Joseph gave you a knowing look, but the others just seemed confused that Jotaro was touching you. Polnareff leaned in. "Y/N, is he bothering you?"

You blushed. "No."

You tried to push away from Jotaro, but he shook his head and kept you in place with one strong arm. Avdol frowned. "Well...if she doesn't mind."

You blushed harder. Joseph looked at you two. "Well, it's time to go back to the hotel."

Jotaro nodded and picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the car with the cigarette still dangling from his lips. You sighed. "I hate you."

He looked down at you. "I can drop you."

You gripped his shirt. "Just kidding, Jojo!"

He chuckled. "Yare yare."

He sat in the car, placing you between his legs. Polnareff clambered in next to you, and looked curiously at the unoccupied middle seat, then back at you. "Why is she sitting...There...Jotaro?"

Jotaro glared at him. "Because she told me she was cold."

This was a lie. A ridiculous one, given it was 40 C and sunny in the desert. Jotaro told it with such deadpan seriousness, however, that Polnareff didn't bother arguing. You just enjoyed having Jotaro's arms around you, and leaned your head into his shoulder as the car lulled you to sleep.

(Word Count: 658)

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