Chapter 10

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warnings: makeouts, petting(heavy?), Jotaro being a bit awkward


You woke up in a hotel bed, fully clothed, with Jotaro next to you. You rolled over and yawned. "How long was I out?"

He was scribbling in his journal. "Two hours. You wouldn't wake up."

You looked around the hotel room. One bed. You looked at him. He had his hat off, his jacket off, and his shoes off. You scooted closer to him and began to play with his hair. He gave no indication that he was being touched other than a little exhale. You bit your lip and scratched your nails gently against the back of his neck. Without looking up, he sighed and said, "What do you want, Y/N?"

You put a hand on his cheek. "We could cuddle?"

Jotaro looked at you for so long, you thought you'd offended him. Finally, he nodded and put his journal aside before grabbing you by the waist and rolling on top of you. You laughed, and he nuzzled into your neck. "You're beautiful."

You flushed, taken aback. He looked up at you. "You stun me every time I see you."

You swallowed. "Don't be sappy. You sound like Noriaki."

He laughed softly. "Is that bad?"

You blinked. "N-No."

Jotaro shrugged, pulling back to kiss you gently. "You make me happy."

You grinned and laid your head on his chest. He kicked off his pants and stripped his shirt off himself, then laid back. You snuggled into his side again. He held you tight, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. With one hand, he pulled out his cigarettes and put one in his mouth. You bit your lip. "Jojo...I'm trying to quit. Can you not do that inside?"

He looked down at you and nodded. You smiled and kissed his cheek. He put his cigarettes away and pulled you closer.

You felt safe. You began to drift off into sleep.

At ten PM, you woke with a start. Jotaro was still gripping you to his side, but his fingers were digging into you. He shuddered in his sleep. "N-No. You can't have her. No!"

He bolted upright, Star Platinum surging out of him and knocking you aside. You yelped, his arm hitting you across the back and neck. Jotaro looked around in terror for a few moments before noticing you. You were gasping for breath, laid out on the sheets. Jotaro leaped up. "Y/N..."

His words failed him, as they so often did. He picked you up and cradled you to his chest. You caught your breath. "Nightmare?"

Jotaro nodded silently. "I'm..."

You nodded and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I have them too. Wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head, shuddering. You nodded again, kissing his lips. He held you tightly, almost crushing you. You melted into him. When his grip relaxed, you pulled back and looked up at him. He looked into your eyes.

He looked up at you and put the book down. You climbed onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tightly. He nuzzled in between your breasts. You smiled and started to stroke his hair. "Do you live there now?"

He kissed your chest, looking up at you. You smiled and tugged his hair back enough that he wasn't smothered in your boobs anymore. He grunted softly. "Let me back down, dammit."

You smiled and kissed him gently, and he kissed back with more force. His lips parted slowly, and you felt his tongue slide along your lip. You pulled back. "You're a good kisser, Jojo."

He shrugged. You cocked your head. "Are you experienced?"

He frowned. "In what?"

You flushed. "You know?"

Jotaro shook his head. "Didn't like any of the girls at home enough."

You nodded and kissed him again, and his hands began to wander. One large hand slid down to your ass, gripping and squeezing. You gasped into his mouth, and he pushed further into you, his lips insistent. You pulled back again. "Jojo, wait. I'm not- I've never-"

He blinked. "I thought Kakyoin-"

You shook your head, and he pulled back. "Sorry."

You shook your head. "It's okay. You can keep touching me."

He bit his lip. "I won't be able to stop. We can just-"

You laughed. "We can just cuddle."

He nodded and laid back down, closing his eyes. You sighed softly. "So tired."

Jotaro rested his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily. You mustered up the energy to hold him close. He kissed your neck, then your cheek sloppily. You smiled sleepily at him.

Jotaro was back to his old stoicism, but you understood him better now. There was a tenderness to it. His lips found yours, and you kissed him deeply. He pulled back and rested your foreheads together. "Mine."

You nodded and kissed him again. Jotaro grunted and nuzzled back into your neck. You chuckled. "You like it there?"

He nodded. You started running your fingers through his hair, and he sighed. He held you closer and kissed your neck. He murmured, so softly, "I love you."
You closed your eyes. "I love you too."

You drifted into sleep slowly.

(Word Count: 826)

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