Chapter 5

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warnings: flirty polnareff, pining, teen boys being awkward, mentions of violence


You passed out in his arms. The last thing you heard was his soft chuckle.

You woke up in the hotel bed with Kakyoin spooning you. Someone was knocking at the door. You threw off Kakyoin, who grumbled before turning over and curling up. You got out of bed and straightened your clothes. Polnareff was at the door, fully dressed and looking impatient. You opened it and said in French, "Hey there."

You yawned. His eyes went wide, looking you up and down, responding in kind. "Mm, mon cherie. You are a vision when you're not trying to commit murder."

You rolled your eyes. "Why are you here, Polnareff?"

He peeked past you. "To wake those big lugs up and to greet you. We're getting breakfast."

You nodded. "I'll get them."

You turned and went inside, leaving the door open. Polnareff came in and looked around. "Hm."

He closed the door. You shook Kakyoin's shoulder. "Hey. Polnareff wants you up."

He nodded and yawned, sitting up. You moved to Jotaro's bed and shook him. He shook you off. You sighed. "Jojo...I swear to God if you make me do this..."

You shook him again and he grumbled. "No."

You nodded. "I can set your bed on fire."

He groaned. "Fine. I'm up."

You nodded and walked back to Polnareff. "They're up."

Polnareff nodded and said, "I see that."

You smiled at him, and he blushed. You said sweetly, "Thank you for letting me know they had to be up."

Polnareff nodded. "It's nothing."

He peered past you. "So how was your night? DId you get sleep?"

You nodded. "Jojo was rude to begin with, but he stayed quiet."

Polnareff cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, he's Jojo now?"

You sighed. "Yeah, he's Jojo now."

Polnareff chuckled. "So you slept in his bed?"

Kakyoin stood next to you. "She was with me, actually."

Jotaro knocked Kakyoin's shoulder on his way to the bathroom. Kakyoin blinked in surprise. "Well, he's an asshole."

You shook your head. You turned to Kakyoin and put your arms around his neck, kissing him on the lips. "Good morning, Nori."

He smiled, gripping your waist and kissing you more deeply. "Good morning, Y/N."

Polnareff clapped. "Beautiful."

You laughed and pulled back from Kakyoin. "Now, Polnareff, if you don't mind, I need to put on clothes."

He nodded. "I'll tell Mr Joestar and Avdol that you'll be out shortly."

He turned and left. You bent to pick up your bag, and Kakyoin smacked your ass gently. You stood up and turned to him, grinning. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Wanted to."

You hugged him around his waist, and he smiled down at you. You kissed his chest as your hand crept down. Before he could react, you smacked his ass hard. He jumped, starting to laugh. "You're amazing."

You grinned a bit. "Thanks, I try."

You pulled back and picked out clothes for the day, just denim shorts and a new bra, as you were already wearing the shirt for the day. You slid off your sleep shorts and felt Kakyoin's eyes on you, but elected to ignore it. You slid your shorts on and slid the straps of your tank top off to put on your bra. You snapped it shut and pulled on the straps, pulling your shirt back up. You turned to face Kakyoin, who was once again in his school uniform. You smiled at him, and he smiled back. You walked up to him. "Hey handsome."

He put his hands on your waist. "Handsome? Me? I don't know, but I do know that you're beautiful."

You blushed and leaned up for a kiss. He kissed back, pulling you close to his chest. You stayed there, even after the kiss broke, just looking up at him. His eyes were soft, his hands were gentle, and you were safe.

Five minutes earlier, Jotaro had pushed into the bathroom and shut the door. He sat on the closed toilet seat and put his head in his hands. He knew it was too late. He'd hoped that maybe you'd come to him last night. But Kakyoin had asked you out, and you'd said yes.

He looked down at himself. He'd woken up about an hour after going to sleep to your low voice. He hadn't moved, and kept breathing as if he was asleep. He'd heard you talking to Kakyoin, baring your soul, and despite himself, his heart had ached.

He couldn't understand why. He got up and turned on the shower, stripping and stepping into the hot water. He was tense. He hadn't slept much after you'd dropped off. He couldn't stop thinking about you, how cute you looked, even when he said the wrong thing(every time!) and pissed you off. How sweet you'd sounded talking to Kakyoin. He wished you would talk to him like that, tell him you felt safe with him, smile at him.

He knew it couldn't ever happen, but a little fantasy never hurt anyone...right?

Wrong. It was tearing him apart.

(Word Count: 808) 

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