Chapter 6

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warnings: canon-typical violence, teen boys being awkward


Kakyoin wasn't clueless. Not even close. He knew exactly why Jotaro was pissed. He also knew that Jotaro needed to admit it to himself before anything could move forward.

So while you were all walking to breakfast, he held your hand tightly and made sure to walk next to Jotaro. You couldn't figure out why, but you didn't mind. You talked with Kakyoin about his life in Japan, and he talked with you about Cairo and Egypt.

Jotaro didn't say much, but you knew he was listening. You'd occasionally ask him questions, but he was very short and snippy with you. It was a sharp departure from last night, when he'd been practically chatty. You figured it was just the effects of being with the others, and focused on Kakyoin.

Polnareff also seemed eager to talk to you, walking on the other side of Kakyoin and asking questions about your childhood and your life. Even Avdol joined in, asking questions and comparing your experiences in Egypt. You found out that the market, or soukh, you'd spent your childhood in was the very same that his shop was in. You conversed in Arabic with him, thoroughly confusing the others.

This continued on the way back, and by the time you got back to the hotel, you felt much more at ease with the group.

Joseph told everyone to grab their bags and check out, as you'd be leaving right then. You complied, running up to the room with Kakyoin tailing you. When you were alone, he drew you close and looked into your eyes. "I know we won't have much time to go out on a date, but I want to keep going."

You nodded. "Me too."

He smiled and leaned down slowly. You smiled and leaned up to kiss him. He flushed adorably, and you wanted to kiss him again. But you needed to leave and nobody would wait. You picked up your bags and were off to cross the Saudi Arabian desert.

Joseph insisted that you all cross the desert in a small plane, a Cessna. It made sense, being the quickest and safest way to cross the desert. There were only five seats, though, which left you sitting on Kakyoin's lap, leaning forward and talking to Avdol. You spoke in English, so the others wouldn't be so confused. "So I grew up not far from your shop. I can't believe you never saw my Stand."

Avdol thought. "I made a point of feeding the children who lived around there, but I don't think I ever saw you. And you said its full ability didn't manifest until you were sixteen, right?"

You frowned. "I guess that's right. It manifested spontaneously when Dio threatened me."

Avdol nodded. "Your ability is very threatening to him. I imagine he wanted to control you because he couldn't kill you."

You nodded, the scars on your back tingling. "He also believed...He believed I was a holy woman. That I was sent by God to guide him to Heaven. I never told him that my Stand likely bears only a coincidental resemblance to an angel."

He smiled back at you. "I doubt it's coincidental. Your Stand reflects your soul."

You grinned. "So your soul is a big red bird?"

Avdol chuckled. "And yours is angelic enough to manifest straight out of the Old Testament."

You blushed. Polnareff chuckled from behind you. "Beautiful inside and out, eh?"

Jotaro grunted, flicking him. Avdol sighed. "I don't mean to embarrass you. Your Stand merely reflects and feeds off your true internal self. Yours being: fierce, vengeful, beautiful, and wild. It makes for a powerful ability, should you learn to control it. Insofar, you cannot use it in group combat because it would quickly destroy allies as well as enemies."

Just then, Kakyoin began to shift in his sleep. You looked back. "Is Noriaki all right?"

His movements became violent, knocking you off his lap. You gasped, and Jotaro grabbed you, holding you steady. His foot shot out, kicking Joseph. Joseph cried out. "Wake him! Now! Now!"

Polnareff tried to shake him, and Jotaro pulled you close as the plane plummeted. He said harshly in Japanese, "Hold onto me. Now."

You wound your arms around his neck, looking down at him. Jotaro suddenly realized how intimate the position you were in was. You were sitting on his lap, your faces a few inches away from one another. Kakyoin woke up, and Jotaro looked away from you, and the plane went down.

Both you and the baby were safe, securely held. The plane? Not so much. Joseph cursed under his breath as camp was set up. "We just have to call for help."

Kakyoin looked shaken. You went to him and touched his arm. "What happened back there?"

He shook his head. "I had a terrible dream."

You nodded. "We'll rest today and wait. Okay?"

He nodded. He fell asleep before everyone else, and when he woke, he was insisting that the baby was causing this.

"Y/N. I need you to keep Angel out, no matter what happens."

The request came from a very flustered and stressed Noriaki. You were shocked, but you'd stuck with him so far. That baby was suspicious, as far as you could tell. It had fangs, for fuck's sake. You argued his case so ferociously that Joseph backed off, but if, quote, "Kakyoin continues his bullshit", you'd have a tough time. You were starting to wonder if he was actually fucking crazy and you'd chosen the wrong guns to stick to. That night, it really was an issue. Noriaki brought out Hierophant in an attempt to prove his claims, and you had cried out. "Nori! Nori, stop!"

He was panting. "No. They're in danger. You're in danger. I couldn't forgive myself if..."

He trailed off. "That baby is a danger to us. I can't explain how, but it is. These marks on my arm..."

Polnareff groaned. "Shut up about the cuts, goddammit. You did them yourself."

You looked between them, and made your choice. "Pol, just let it go. You're all tired. You too, Nori."

You materialized your stand, casting a radiance over the desert. "Angel will stay out and watch while we sleep. Nothing will happen while she watches."

Your Stand nodded and bowed, rising into the air. Like a little sun, her glow warmed the group and made everyone feel a little more safe. You watched Noriaki relax a bit, but he kept Hierophant out. Jotaro, on the outside of the group, tipped his hat at you. You smiled at him. You turned to Noriaki. "Now everyone, just fucking sleep. Fuck."

You crawled into your sleeping bag, between Noriaki and Jotaro, and went to sleep holding Noriaki's hand.

The dream was sudden, unexpected, and immediately terrifying. You knew immediately that you'd been there before, and that Noriaki was not lying or crazy. Angel was with you too, her wings beating the air gently. You were in the middle of a theme park. A baby's laughter rang through the place. Nobody else could be seen.

You reached for your Stand, and remembered her limitations. Not even you were safe from burns on direct contact. You looked at her unhappily. She looked back at you, every one of her multitude of eyes blinking in a profound sadness. You turned around and she gripped you by your shoulders.

On the healed burns, her touch felt warm and pleasant, but if a finger slipped, she would immediately burn through your skin. A blessing and a curse.

You surveyed the theme park and found them. Death 13 was held by Hierophant, and you swooped down to help. He sliced through Noriaki's Stand and you gasped, diving to him.

Your Stand dropped you unceremoniously by Noriaki's side and swept back up to burn a hand print onto Death 13's face. It wasn't long before Death 13 was beaten, and Noriaki stood victorious.

You felt the dream pass you by, and then woke up. You were on Noriaki's chest. He smiled down at you, and you kissed him. You knew then that you'd stay by him, no matter what. He was just as reliable as any of your former friends, with better instincts than anyone you knew.

You'd never seen a future for yourself before, but after that, he was it. Noriaki Kakyoin was your future.

(Word Count: 1371)

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