Chapter Fourteen ~ Finale

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As Soojin got ready for school, she made sure to cover up. She wore a long skirt that went a little below her knees, black leggings, and a baggy hoodie. After getting dressed and making sure she was almost completely covered up, she headed off to school.

Upon arriving, she saw Soyeon at the front entrance of the school. She tried walking by her without being noticed, but failed.

"Heyyy Soojinnie~" Soyeon cooed, wrapping her arm around Soojin's. The two walked down the hallway together, but both gave off completely different vibes. While Soyeon gave a confident and cocky vibe, Soojin's energy was drained and she looked awkward, like she'd never held someone else in this way.

After walking down the halls a bit more, the pair bumped into Sooyoung and Eunbin. "Oh wow, don't you two look cute!" Sooyoung giggled. "Yeah, like a couple!" Eunbin exclaimed. Soojin's cheeks turned visibly red, and she looked flustered. "We're not-" "Oh, no need to lie or cover it up, Soojin. You two are too obvious!" Eunbin interrupted.

"I think we look cute too, Soojin." Soyeon turned to the black haired girl and smiled. Soojin now felt a pit in her stomach. She wasn't used to this sort of affection, especially in public. She didn't know if it was a joke, or if Soyeon really liked her. She didn't know if Soyeon's friends were teasing her or really thought they looked cute together. Not knowing what was going through other's minds was the worst.

"I have to go." Soojin said, letting go of Soyeon and running off to the bathroom. "What was that all about?" Sooyoung asked Soyeon. "I don't know, but I'm going to go check on her." Soyeon said before darting off to follow her hopefully future girlfriend.

Soyeon ran until she found the bathroom she saw Soojin run into and followed her inside. Soojin was nowhere to be found, but she knew there was someone in there. She knew because she heard vomiting coming from one of the stalls. Soyeon peeped under the stall to see a girl in black leggings on her knees in front of the toilet. She knew it had to be Soojin. Nobody else at this school wore black leggings today or in general besides her.

"Soojin, let me in! What's wrong, do you feel sick?" Soyeon asked, knocking on the stall door repetitively. All she got in response was the sound of throw up hitting the toilet water and Soojin choking on her own vomit.

Soyeon crawled under the stall to see Soojin on her knees, hands holding the sides of the toilet and her head hovering above it. The blonde grabbed Soojin's hair and pulled it back, patting her back until she stopped throwing up.

After two minutes of hearing nothing but vomit, the sounds finally stopped and Soojin lifted her head up. "Soojin, what was that about!?" Soyeon asked. "I always vomit after your friends talk to me. My stomach can't handle feeling so nervous, so I always end up throwing up after talking to you and your friends." Soojin admitted with a pale face. "I'm also not used to.. Being held, so.. That made me nervous too." She continued.

The two sat on the bathroom floor in silence, staring at each other. Soyeon trying to comprehend everything she was just told and Soojin trying to think of anything but the pound of vomit in the toilet.

Soyeon mumbled something, then hugged Soojin. Soojin wrapped her arms around Soyeon's back, rubbing her hands in circles. "What'd you say?" Soojin asked. "I'm sorry." Soyeon whispered into Soojin's ear. Those are two words she never thought she'd head from Soyeon. Soojin pushed her away and stood up.

"Don't joke around with me anymore, I can't tell if you're being serious!" Soojin yelled, feeling that same anxious pit forming in her stomach. "I'm being serious, I'm sorry Soojin!" Soyeon shouted back. Soojin didn't know what to think. The act Soojin pulled in the hallway, her friends teasing her, this sudden apology, it was all too much. Where was Shuhua when she needed her?

"I'm sorry." Soyeon repeated herself. She walked up to Soojin and held both her hands, kissing her. Soojin pulled away immediately.

"I'm not falling for your tricks this time!" Soojin argued. "There's no tricks.. Soojin, I really like you."

No, no, no, no...

"Will you be my girlfriend? I'll cut off Sooyoung and Eunbin, anything. I just want you now."

No, no, no!

"No!" Soojin impulsively yelled. "What do you mean 'no'?" Soyeon asked. "No, I won't be your girlfriend.." Soojin crossed her arms. "All you've ever done is ridicule me. You've made my high school years hell. You've gotten gross creeps online to prey on me. You've publicly humiliated me. So why should I say yes? Just because you've been acting differently for the past few days!?" Soojin finally let it all out. She'd been holding this in for so long, she felt like there were huge weights being lifted off her shoulders.

"You're right. Why should you be my girlfriend after I did all of that to you?" Soyeon questioned. "Maybe because I'm the only one who cares about you enough to do anything to you, even if it's something bad." Soyeon continued.

"That doesn't make any sense." Soojin replied. "Oh, but it does" Soyeon said.

"Think about it. Your former stalker, Yeh Shuhua claimed she loved you, but she never acted on it, did she? She never interacted with you the way I did. She hid in the shadows. If she really loved you, wouldn't she have acted and talked to you sooner?" Soyeon asked. "But me? I acted. It was out of love, Soojin." Soyeon said as she ran her hand down Soojin's face.

"I don't like you, I love you. Nobody loves you or feels for you the way I do, so don't you think you should be grateful that you have this opportunity with me?" Soyeon asked.


"Yes." Soojin respond. "I knew it. You just needed some reasoning." Soyeon kissed Soojin's forehead.

"So, Seo Soojin, will you be mine?"


"Of course." Soojin complied. She couldn't say no after all of that explaining. Now that she had Soyeon's perspective of the situation, she understood. She understood Soyeon's undying love for her. Soyeon was the only one who cared for her. Now, her world would revolve around Soyeon more than it had before. She understood everything now.

Maybe.. ♥︎ SoyJin ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora