Magic in Blood (2)

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Yesterday, Adrien was just a simple prince, loved and cherished by his Kingdom and to whom his parents lost their life at sea, and today, Adrien became the King of the Kingdom, the most cherished person of all, in the hearts of all the inhabitants.
It was a great day that marked his life, from now on he will have to face the responsibilities that a King had to face, and continue to fight the mourning of his parents.
He had great difficulty moving on, the memory of his parents having disappeared destroyed him, and Adrien only regretted his greatest remorse, he let his parents go, without having insisted enough that they remained in the Kingdom, in the palace, at his side.
If he could have done that, who knew, his parents would still have been in this world...
But unfortunately, the events were over, it was a huge trial for Adrien, and the New King had to live with it.
It would be very hard indeed, but he knew at least that he was not alone, at his side were Rose, his governess, and his second mother, always there to take care of him and to cherish him, but also Chloe, his best friend, and then Sabine and Tom, who were the closest friends of his parents until then, they would always be there to support him, not to mention the Kingdom, which was now there to honor their King.
But that day, was not like the others, today Adrien was to receive in his palace the Assembly of Kings.
As Adrien was getting ready, he looked in the mirror and wondered how he was going to succeed, which his father once did.
Then suddenly Rose appeared, she knew that Adrien was stressed, and looking at him so tall, so mature, she realized that he was no longer the little boy she saw playing in the corridors of the palace.
He was a man now, but she still felt this little madness, this little child's soul in her heart, she tried to remind him :
« - Adrien, it is now time, your council is waiting for you in the reception room.
- Thank you Rose... I'll be right there...
- Don't worry, Adrien, you'll be fine...
- I hope so..."
She could almost feel his anguish, Rose knew that this stress was bad for him, the only thing Adrien needed was a little comfort...
« - Come on, come here sweetheart... »
Rose huged Adrien in her arms, and faced with this gesture of love, Adrien could not stop blushing, and suddenly he had taken her in his arms back.
He could not stop by raising his lips to give way to a pretty smile on his face, and when he placed his head on Rose's shoulders, whispering in silence, he said:
« - Thank you, Rose... »
Adrien succeeded to calm his mind, he was more serene now, but he had to go and welcome the other kings, and when the two let go of their arms, Rose kissed him on the forehead and said:
« - Good luck, Adrien, show them who you are ! »
And it was when he left his room, with a smile on his lips, that he joined the Reception Room.
However, Adrien knew how this assembly worked.
Indeed, Adrien used to attend the famous Assembly of Kings, it was a kind of meeting where the kings of the five kingdoms constituting the Continent met, he attended alongside his father.
In this Assembly, the Kings debated all possible subjects : trade in material goods, pacts to strengthen the army in the event of an enemy attack outside the Continent, diplomatic exchanges... and many others.
Since he knew what was waiting for him, and since his father was no longer there, he took the lead and decided to organize this meeting, a week before although he knew, that he would not be fit, thanks to Rose, Adrien was ready.
Today, Adrien didn't feel comfortable, when he was in his room with Rose, it was about stress, however, he thought he heard voices in his mind, inaudible whispers that disturbed him, he thought it was probably because he was tired, he stayed up late the night before, because he had to take care of the horses in the stable, he was very attached to them, which is why he took his time, he remembered his mother, who loved horses, It was the best way for him to made her being here...
But this feeling of hearing voices in the distance, made him tremble, it was as if millions of ants were riding him.
But he tried to stop thinking about it and went forward, the Kings of the other kingdoms were waiting for him.
When he entered the reception hall, he had to face a great noise background, several Kings were present, but he did not know the names and being embarrassed, he did not wish to ridicule himself in front of the assembly by asking for the names of each, then he accommodated himself by calling the others « Your Eminence, Majesty... ».
The only person he recognized was King Nino, a great vain and greedy man of small stature, with short brown hair, and brown eyes, an ordinary man, unworthy of being King.
But despite this, he had joined the assembly to enjoy the riches of the other kingdoms, but he did not assume.
The other kings discussed among themselves, only Nino remained alone, one could say that he was envious of this friendship that had been created between the other kings.
Then he saw Adrien entering, and without letting him say anything, Nino rushed towards him and thus preventing him from entering the room.
« - Your Majesty, I offer you my sincere condolences, I know how close your parents were to you. Said Nino.
- I thank you, your Eminence, but know that I succeeded to turn the page, I apologize, but I want to close this subject, it is not easy for me to talk about it. » replied Adrien.
Except that Nino, clever and wishing to embarrass the King, was going to insist :
« - It is a pity, Your Majesty, your father was a great man, worthy of great strength of character, he was the best King I have ever met, now that you have taken up the torch, I speak in the name of your kingdom, I hope you will be as valiant and courageous as he was.
- Thank you your Majesty, but now we have to start this Assembly, Adrien talked to all kings after speaking with Nino, Now that I have become the new King, I hope to be able to honor my father's memory, let's start..."
And it was on these beautiful words, short in themselves, but full of hope, that Adrien launched the debate.
But he was not well, he still had this feeling of hearing voices, he had withdrawn from the group of Kings for fear that they would judge him or criticize him for the fact that he would be weak, being sick is something that is easily seen, and he did not wish to tarnish the image that the other Kings had of him.
The voices he heard, spoke louder and louder, he couldn't take it anymore...
He didn't understand what was going on, or what those voices were telling him.
But it was while looking at King Nino, that a strange thing happened to Adrien, he no longer understood anything, a feeling of cold seized his body, he felt like a thing descending along his spine, he had like tingling in his arms, and he could no longer resist the headache that had suddenly appeared.
And it was after a long look at that greedy, grumpy person, that he realized that he could read people's minds, and what Nino was thinking was terrified of Adrien, that king wanted to leave the assembly, having collected weapons and corrupted soldiers, He will want to take control of the continent and overthrow all the kings.
It was rather strange, he knew that Nino despised the beauty of the other kingdoms, but not to the point where he would be able to destroy the other kingdoms so that they could access this beauty.
Adrien, distraught, decided to break this assembly, and thus postpone it to another day, for fear that the other leaders would discover its secret, its feeling, its despair...
Trying to look dazed, he did not want to show his ill-being, but the kings would have asked for a justification because to cancel this assembly must have valid reasons...
He had no choice, he had to say why, and despite being afraid of others' reactions, suddenly he announced :
« - My Majesties, I apologize for cutting you off, but this is very important, I will have to postpone our meeting to another day, I know for a fact that this is my first meeting, but I am not hiding it from you, I don't feel very well these days, I don't want to be seen as a weakling in your eyes, but please understand, I lost my parents and now I have to take back the throne.
I hope with all my heart that you will understand me and I will keep you informed for the next assembly, thank you. »
It was then that one of the kings approached Adrien.
« - My Eminence, that what you are living is not obvious, it is a very complicated thing to take back what your parents left you, know that my kingdom, my Queen and I, will be there to help you in case of need, take care of you and your loved ones ! see you soon ! »
And it was in driving all the kings to the exit of the palace, that Adrien panicked, he did not understand what was happening to him, not long ago, he felt the danger that would represent the departure of his parents for a new kingdom, and now he began to read people's minds. He believed that he had not recovered from it since the death of his parents and that the title of king prevented him from assuming this role.
Frightened, he decided to go and see Rose so that she could treat him.
Since his tragedy, Rose has always been there to care for Adrien and to love him like no other person, and it is by crying with fear and panic that Adrien finds Rose in her room :
« - Rose ! Please help me ! I do not know what is happening to me, I am tormented, I am lost, I am afraid, I feel pain in the depths of my soul.
During my assembly I experienced something terrible, I heard voices but I could not understand what they were saying to me, I looked everywhere, in every way, frightened.
And it was by looking at King Nino that the strangest thing happened to me, it was after looking at him for several moments, that I realized that I could read his thoughts ! I am afraid, Rose, I am afraid, because what King Ninho wants to prepare is simply frightening...
« - Calm down my prince I'm here. »
She took him in her arms, she felt the fear that Adrien felt, and he cried, she thought this was since her parents were no longer there, and that the role of King was too hard to assume, but it was much deeper than that...:
« - Sit down, lie down on my bed, I'll call Sabine and I'll make you a nice tea, don't worry Adrien, we're here for you... » she said.
This feeling of intense pain, no one could understand it, or even feel it...
It was only Adrien who knew what he was feeling, and from everything he said, fear invaded Rose as well...
Although Rose did everything for him, there were things that no one could explain with words, for the pains in the mind were things that gnawed at existence, and no one could understand them...
Rose, on the other hand, had never experienced or seen this kind of resentment, and that was what worried her, she was afraid for Adrien, and hoped that it was not something serious...
When Rose was next to Adrien, she wanted to give the impression of being calm to reassure him, however, she had died of fear because Adrien was not well, so she ran to find Sabine in the capital, distraught.
It was exhausting because the capital was not near the palace, but she was lucky, she was taken by the coachman as soon as possible.
When Rose arrived in front of the bakery, she entered like a cataclysm, while Tom and Sabine looked at her, surprised :
« - Sabine, please help me !
- For heaven's sake, my dear, what is going on ? » she replied, astonished.
- He is the king, he is not well, he has come to see me and I can tell you that his condition is very worrying, I beg you to help me, I am very worried ! »
Running to the palace, Rose worried, and began to cry, Chloe was with them, if ever Sabine failed, Chloe would be there, and now that she masters her magic she will help Adrien by saving him with a healing spell....
Once they reached the palace, they found Adrien, crying and talking to himself, he was frozen, with his legs crossed and his hands on his knees, his eyes wide open, mumbling the same words :
« Chaos and destruction, the King will destroy us, Chaos and destruction, the King will destroy us » and he repeated these words over and over again...
Sabine and Rose were trying to talk to him, but he wasn't answering, it was when he heard Chloe talking to him that Adrien came to his senses.
« Chloe ? Is that you ? he asked lost because he couldn't see anything, Chloe ? He asked again.
- Yes, Adrien, it's me... » his gentle voice made him cry, she was everything to him, she was the only one who could understand him.
The bond between them was very intense, and it had lasted since childhood, it was magical, these two best friends, we're like brothers and sisters...
He immediately jumped into the arms of his friend, crying, thanking Rose and Sabine for trying to save him, but he needed Chloe...
« - Don't worry, sweetheart, we'll leave you... » said Sabine.
And the two women came out of the room and went into the Kitchen to have tea and try to change their minds, Adrien was in good hands with Chloe, she was going to save him, but before going out, Rose told Chloe that in case of need, or at the slightest problem, let her come and see her.
The door had closed, and Chloe, sad to see her friend be so bad, suspected more or less what could happen.
As she took Adrien's face in her hands, he looked her in the eyes, she could not help wiping the tears that flowed down Adrien's cheeks...
She could not bear to see him like this, and in a low voice, calm she asked :
« - Tell me, Adrien, what is happening to you ? »
- Chloe, I can't take it anymore, I hear voices all the time, I even read King Nino's thoughts !
It never happened to me ! What happens to me? I beg you to save me, he said, with his head down crying.
- Don't worry, I'm here Adrien, when he tells her what happened at the meeting, in her mind, she wondered if Adrien could be not just an ordinary boy, but someone very special, like her. »
Chloe, when she was six years old, she had experienced the same sensations as Adrien, she was able to read minds, and she heard voices, over time, she realized that those voices that she heard, came from the dead, but not any of them, but of his family, certainly, she was found and said to be abandoned, but she heard his family...
And that's how she realized that her family died shortly after she was born.
And now Adrien hears his parents' voices except he can't understand them.
« - Chloe helps me I feel like these voices are trying to tell me something but I don't know what ! I can't take it anymore... »
And what Adrien just said marked Chloe, she no longer had any doubt, she understood that Adrien had powerful powers but she now had to check her magic, on which side she was, black or white, such as the question that tormented Chloe.
She asked Adrien to lie on his back, breathing gently and told him to think of something that pleased him, that made him smile.
Her goal was to enter her mind, to see the clues she could see, and to allow her to recognize the magic of Adrien.
« It's not very difficult to think of such a thing, because I see it in the same time we speak, you are my happiness Chloe, you are my best friend... » and he looked at her smiling.
Chloe, blushing, was very happy, and when she came into Adrien's mind, she saw everything that made him suffer, that made him laugh, that made him what he is, and as she ventured into his consciousness, Chloe discovered in amazement, that it is the fruit of true love, the love of Queen Emilie and King Gabriel.
It was this powerful love that made Adrien the only boy with the most powerful white magic ever known to him.
Chloe had time to learn about the exploits of other magicians and witches known on Earth and their magic, but she had a strange feeling that Adrien would be, more powerful, and endowed with an excellent potential to become the best.
Now she knew that Adrien had magic, but she still didn't know what was happening to her...
When Chloe came out of Adrien's mind, he was upset because he no longer understood anything...
Adrien was tormented because for a few moments he saw Chloe with her eyes closed and she had placed her hand on her forehead.
« - Chloe, explain to me, tell me... what happens to me ? »
And he began to cry more and more, this feeling made him suffer, now he had the impression that someone was torturing him, he felt like five swords, piercing him...
It was a very strange evil, which had attacked him, Chloe even did not understand what was happening.
Adrien couldn't take it anymore, he started screaming so loud, that the whole palace could hear him.
Chloe, like Rose and Sabine, was very worried, because Adrien was never like that.
Somehow, Chloe was trying to calm her friend down :
« - Adrien, hey, my King, my friend, don't worry, everything will be all right, it's perfectly normal that you feel so bad, I went through it too, a little bit faster than you, but I experienced the same thing, those voices that you hear are your parents, they try to talk to you, but as long as you are afraid, you will not hear it, you must have confidence in yourself, and smile so that I see your pretty face again... »
Smiling, the King replied :
« - But why should I hear my parents, and what about the visions ? What happens to me ?
- Adrien, you are an exceptional person, not because you are the King and my best friend, but you are the fruit of true love, thanks to the love of your parents, you are only light, you have magical powers, and your powers are the whitest and purest magic of all.
Do not be afraid, I will teach you everything you need to know with magic, I will teach you how master your powers, but you must accept yourself as you are now, otherwise, you will remain sad and anxious all your life, you must move on to something else, open your heart, for that is what you are, and no one will be able to make you change except you...
- And so, it's because I have magical powers that I suffer ? And why has it only happened now ? 
- Because your magic is that light, the love of your parents when they raised you, canceled the process that was supposed to make your gifts appear, but because of the tragedy you experienced, a time of sadness, you were no longer able to feel love, and it triggered your powers to appear... »
At that moment, Adrien remained petrified, he no longer knew what to say, but amazed, Adrien got up, took Chloe to her bars, and went round in circles in Rose's room, these two were best friends, and together they left the room and went to join Sabine and Rose.
He had many questions, but Chloe was right, since his parents disappeared, Adrien felt very lonely, but he wondered why his gifts appeared today...
It was news that had changed Adrien's life, he expected everything but that, he was indeed jealous of Chloe's powers because she could do beautiful things.
But he never thought it would happen to him, it was excellent news for him, now he could be a better king, who could help, protect, and take much better care of his kingdom.
But despite that, Adrien was still suffering, he continued to have pain, but because Chloe had asked him, he tried to put on his pretty face, his smile of before...
The two women, worried, wondered what was going on, but when they saw the two children enter the kitchen smiling, Rose was relieved, seeing the Prince again with a smile made her cry with joy, and she went directly to take him to his bars:
« - Don't ever scare me like that again ? I thought I lost you... so what happened to you ? »
Rose did not know how to thank Sabine and her daughter, they left after a few moments spent together, and Adrien decided to tell Rose everything...
And it was at this very moment that Adrien accepted his powers, he managed to listen to his parents, he cried with them in his conscience and explained to Rose everything in every detail.
It was with the passion that Rose looked Adrien in the eye and listened to everything he said, she was very happy for him.
In the end, she was overwhelmed and relieved to know that he was better, knowing that this little boy was so exceptional, filled the heart of her governess with joy.
But this news, was not to change Rose's way of taking care of Adrien, at first she thought that this news could help her and allow Adrien to fend for himself sometimes, But she quickly came to her senses and realized that she could never leave Adrien alone because that was the moment when he had to be careful and when he needed love and help.
Rose had to be there more than ever for Adrien now, not only because of the promise she made to her mother but also because she cared about that child...
Since Émilie and Gabriel were buried, Rose swore to take care of Adrien as her son.
Rose is a little lady, she had blond hair and short hair, she dressed simply and just like her first name, she dressed in pink, for her, life was a long story that was told by herself, and that everything depended on how we decided to live it.
Until now, Rose had never known love, and it was something that made her more or less sad because she had not known what it was like to get married, what it was like to have a child, but the feelings she had for Adrien were like those of a mother to her son, and for her, it was the most beautiful thing that could happen to her, she regretted the death of her parents, On the other hand, she was proud of what she had managed to accomplish so far for this little boy.
Now, Adrien had a gift that was certainly very good but could turn out to be dangerous, so she asked Chloe to teach Adrien, to use his magic, because he could not take the risk that he would lose control, and thus risk hurting someone...
The more time passed, the more powerful the King became, as promised, Chloe helped Adrien, now he had learned to practice magic like no other.
It was hard for him to stay on the road, but thanks to his best friend Chloe, he did it with flying colors.
He managed to progress and learn the good things of magic, he did not yet know what black magic was, but it was not long, it was necessary to wait a little more...
During her training, Chloé trained him in the basics of magic by teaching him a very ancient language, the elfyc.
What made Chloe laugh was the fact that Adrien, at the same time that was trying to learn this language as complicated to write as to speak, and he failed to rewrite the symbols of the alphabet, and while Adrien was getting angry with the pen in his hand, Chloe burst out laughing.
However, speaking and knowing how to read the language was the fundamental principle of the practice of magic, but as time passed, Adrien managed to tame this language.
Thanks to this language Adrien continued alone, to practice this very rare art, which was magic.
He progressed quickly, and within three months he learned to tame all his white magic.
And every day, Adrien made efforts to become like his parents, good and altruistic, he wished to help his people by caring for them, by making them prosper, and as every day that passed, the King walked into the Capital, He was helping the sickest people by caring for them.
The inhabitants did not know how to thank him, each trying to offer a gift to their King, who was nothing but hope and kindness to his people.
Every person in the Kingdom glorified the name of Adrien, for all the blessings he has done since he was crowned.
By helping his people who sometimes suffered, Adrien knew that he was only strengthening hope in a much better life and that the people loved him more and more.
It was at this time when the King had saved a woman from death, whom he met on a walk in the capital, that Chloe realized that Adrien was not simply his best friend...
It was a great thing that Adrien had accomplished that day, and it was also that very day that the kingdom discovered that it's king now possessed magic.
The news spread throughout the kingdom in a flash, and the family of this old lady who, going to die, did not know how to thank the kindness of their king.
The girl who was at the origin of this glory, at the origin of the discovery of Adrien's gifts, at the origin of the rediscovered happiness of the King, fell in love with him.
She thought she was going crazy, and it was after she saved Adrien from despair and ruin after she trained him in magic, that she realized that she loved him, but unfortunately, she couldn't tell him.
The strange thing was that Chloe looked at Adrien with such passion, and every time she was next to him, it was like she felt something in her stomach.
A small feeling of embarrassment, as if she did not feel at her place, but she knew that her presence only melted her heart.
Every time he looked her in the eye, with her pretty face, Chloe could not help but blush and look away, and for some time now when Adrien was talking to her, she could not stop her fingers in her hair.
These are feelings that she could not explain, but she was happy thinking of him, certainly, he was a prince and Chloe was the daughter of a baker, but their friendship was the most precious thing she could have...
She preferred to keep this secret, which gnawed at her every day with anger and sadness, because she could not tell her anything, and one day, this terrible secret, will end up causing her loss...
The only problem was that Adrien did not notice anything, following the many upheavals that he experienced in his life, he forgot how to make to notice the happiness that will offer him...
However, she tried to show Adrien her feelings, she tried in vain to send him small words, she spoke to him in a way where she tried to make Adrien understand that she loved him...
But in vain, Chloe did not succeed, Adrien was stunned by his new abilities regarding magic, and for him, the friendship he had with Chloe and the bond that united them, as well as the love of Rose was enough.
It was that day, when Adrien saved this woman from death, that Chloe realized the power that Adrien had, and that at this rate, he was going to become the most powerful of the Magicians of the Continent, that's when she realized, that Adrien had had for a long time, Magic in the Blood...

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