Eternal Love will always Exist (4)

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For a few moments, Adrien and this princess, whom he met, could not leave their eyes.
Adrien looked at her and was blown away by her beauty, but he thought he saw something in her eyes that no other girl had...
He said from the first glance that he would love her for eternity...
Marinette in her turn, too, had lost her gaze in Adrien's eyes, and she also saw something that she could not explain in the gaze of this mysterious King, whom her father was determined to make them meet.
Marinette was not very tall, she had black hair, but when she was in the presence of light, these made appeared as blue traces, like the night sky.
His eyes were blue and large, the sparks of light created by day were almost confused in his eyes, like stars...
But Adrien could not get stuck looking at her, Rose behind him gave him a slight nudge, she hit him with her leg, at the back of her knees, it was a slight signal that meant : « go ahead ! »
Then he blushed slightly, took the young lady's hand, then gave her a kiss like a real gentleman, and finally, he introduced himself :
« - Your Highness, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Adrien, and I am the King of this country, I am more than honored to meet you. »
Adrien thought he was going to lose his soul, how could he introduce himself by saying that he was the king, it was a mistake, and now he was stressed, for having embarrassed the young princess...
Marinette, however, was not embarrassed, the light kiss that Adrien gave her on his hand made her blush and left a slight smile on her face.
She introduced herself, after bowing to Adrien...
In the face of this, Adrien felt like tingling in his body, a light heartbeat was almost audible, was it even this love at first sight that he had felt, that made him react like that ?
« - Your Majesty, there is no greater honor for me than meeting you, I am Princess Marinette of New York, and I thank you for your warm welcome... »
In her mind sounded a thousand bells, she was afraid that Adrien would judge her, or even worse than he had despised her...
And as these two of them presented, King Andrew and Rose spent their time looking at each other, they quickly understood that love was blossoming between these two, their looks were so obvious, that they could like reading each other's thoughts...
Then Rose, who could not help but mingle with it, proposed :
« - Adrien, why don't you have dinner with her Highness the Princess in the palace gardens tonight ?
It will soon be the night, and dinner is approaching, more than the Moon will be full tonight.
- That's a great idea, replied Andre, Marinette, what do you think ? »
Adrien wanted to shout, how was he going to do this with the woman of his life, alone, more than he would be alone, but it was too late, Rose talked about it and therefore, Adrien had to continue...
« - It would be a joy for me to take you to the gardens tonight, would you ? »
- I could not refuse such a request, Your Majesty ! »
It was true, Marinette could not refuse, she had discovered the man of her life, and she wished to learn more about him...
Marinette accepted, and this filled Adrien with joy, he immediately asked that a basket have to be prepared for him, and brought into the gardens.
After that, he took Marinette by the waist, putting his right hand behind his back, and both advanced into the alley.
Marinette couldn't help but look at her Prince Charming discreetly, she didn't know if he felt the same way as she did, but for the first time in her life, she was happy...
And Adrien did the same, he hoped that Marinette would feel the same as he did...
He had never felt love at first sight before, and these butterflies in his belly made him uncomfortable, he did not wish to ridicule himself in front of his love...
As they moved on, Marinette recounted his Kingdom, what it looked like, and how the boat ride was, to lighten the mood...
The Sun was setting, and Adrien took Marinette, in front of the rose tree that Chloe and Rose had planted...
For him, these red flowers like blood might help him to better manage his stress, but it was here that the Moon was the most beautiful to look at, he knew that here, we felt like we were bewitched by the beauty of the stars, and Adrien wanted to show Marinette the beauty of the stars seen from this place...
Everyone had noticed, that between these two, something magical and wonderful was growing up...
But this scene, which was wonderful for some, were terrible and chaotic for others...
As Adrien felt his heart pounding and Marinette saw herself living the best moments of her life, Chloe witnessed the whole scene...
The doors of the palace were wide open and their highnesses remained on the threshold of the doors, Chloe had hidden in the stairs that led to the floor, from where she was, she saw everything, she heard everything...
She looked at her happiness, and her joy, flying away...
Excruciating pain had gripped her soul at that moment, her breath was cut off, she could not move, her heart was bruised...
Chloe saw that between Marinette and Adrien, something magical had appeared.
Their eyes were cast into each other, and she read Adrien's thoughts at that moment.
And a tearing took place, in his mind...
What she saw, what she heard, what she felt, were a torment to her...
Adrien had fallen in love with Marinette, and Marinette had fallen in love with him...
When she looked back on the moments she had spent with Adrien, she could feel tears running down her face, her eyes were crying, her mind torn, nothing in the world could explain what she felt when she saw that Adrien, his secret love, fell in love with another girl.
She could almost feel this blossoming love between the two, and she now knew that Adrien would never be her's...
And that, even if he did everything possible to make him fall in love with her, this hope ended, when he saw Marinette's eyes...
She felt punished, why did it happen to her alone ?
As her spirit slowly died, she could no longer watch her happiness drift away...
She got up and began to run...
The tears on her face were tearing, Rose who had seen Chloe getting up and running away crying, immediately understood that it was about Adrien and
Rose felt very bad, she knew that she was in love with Adrien, and every one had understood it, now it was very likely that Adrien and Marinette would end their life together, and Chloe would no longer have any chance of seeing each other together, with Adrien...
Chloe expressed her sadness and discomfort by crying, but Rose could feel the despair that Chloe had in her heart...
As she ran through the halls of the palace, shedding the biggest tears she has had to shed so far, Chloe was on her way to the one place where she could hope to find some calm...
Rose's room...
Whenever she was sad, or when she was ill, she always went to that room, even though she was small, in that room, Rose was always there, she came to put her sweet, weeping face on that woman's lap.
While she was crying, Rose passed her head and spoke with Chloe, hoping to take away her pain little by little...
But today, Rose was not there to greet Chloe in her arms...
When she entered the room, the only thing she wanted was to kneel, with her hands crossed on this soft bed, and hope to ease her pain...
Everything was tormented in her mind, nothing was as before, she kept thinking about how Adrien made her laugh, how they played hide and seek, how they read « Beauty and the Beast » ...
We can't say she was angry, but she realized that Adrien had never seen her best friend, who had always been there for him and had always taken care of him, let her down for a princess, whom he didn't know, but for whom his heart caught fire...
She no longer understood anything, but her most wonderful memory, which was the moment when these two, Adrien and Chloe, had for a few moments embraced each other in front of a huge and beautiful Moon, one evening with a starry sky.
This memory, as beautiful as it was, had now become an endless turning point and thus turned into his worst nightmare.
As Rose was coming to her room, she knew this was where Chloe had come.
As she approached, she could almost hear the sobs of this girl, and before going through the threshold of the door, through this slightly the  door, she looked at Chloe kneeling, crying.
This scene was heartbreaking for Rose, she felt guilty for pushing Adrien to introduce himself...
Her heart was also torn when she saw Chloe crying, she dared not enter, and it was with a heavy heart that she turned around, out of fear due to not being able to console her, Rose left her alone, during this evening...
Adrien, meanwhile, was with Marinette, they were having dinner, sitting on a blanket in front of the magnificent rose bush, having a good time, getting to know each other, telling jokes...
Nothing in the world could disturb them...
However, Adrien was quite embarrassed, he thought long and hard about the words that would come out of his mouth, he did not wish to make the young princess uncomfortable...
He looked at her with such passion, her eyes were bewitching, and her pretty voice was peaceful and sweet.
Marinette was an adorable and funny young princess, who managed to melt Adrien's heart every time she spoke...
His heart was pounding, and he desperately wanted to tell him everything he was feeling, but he had to hold back because he didn't know how Marinette would react, he
was afraid that she would judge him, or that she would reject him...
Thus risking to hurt the heart of the young King...
But Marinette did not think so, she had fallen in love with Adrien...
He was a good young King, and adorable, he didn't know what being wicked meant, and she thought he was very cute...
His golden blond hair and his green eyes were magical, and the way he spoke conveyed emotion...
He was sincere, and Marinette knew that she would love him forever, but she still could not say anything to him, for like him, he did not know whether what she felt was reciprocal...
There was opposition in between, they thought they didn't like each other...
It was funny to know that these two were secretly in love, but as they had finished dining in front of the sunset, the night was making its appearance, and while waiting for the moon to rise, during the twilight they spent their time laughing, and talk about their lives, about some pleasant memories they had...
Marinette told Adrien how she played with her parents in the castle, she did not know that his parents died...
Adrien's face changed slightly, he had lowered his eyes downwards, and Marinette became frightened, she hoped she had not disturbed him.
« - Adrien is all right ? Did I say something I shouldn't have said ? »
- No, no, don't worry, It's just my parents aren't with us anymore, but I'm okay.
- I am truly sorry... I... I didn't wanted to hurt you... »
Adrien said that by now he had recovered, but he still felt sad...
And for the first time in his life, someone understood him...
Marinette faced with this, feeling very embarrassed, reproached herself for having recalled painful memories...
She wanted to console him, she approached him and gave him a big hug...
She took in his arms and said in a very low voice :
« - What you've been through has been difficult, and I know we've only known each other for a short time, but know Adrien that you're not a boy like the others, you're adorable and strong, and that if you ever get sick, I'll be there for you... »
Adrien, when he felt Marinette's arms and body, approached him and took him in his arms, blushed...
He would never have thought that his love would take him in his arms, he remained petrified for a few moments, but he took Marinette in his arms too...
And so, holding each other in their arms, each with his head resting on the shoulder of the other, they shared an unforgettable moment.
Adrien did not know Marinette, but the gesture she made was adorable, and in a disembodied voice he said :
« - Thank you so much Marinette...
- It was a pleasure, Adrien... » she said...
So when they spent those magical moments together, they didn't even notice the time passing, the Moon had risen high in the sky, it was a full moon
immense and white that sailed through an ocean of stars...
But as the two young Highnesses let go of this enchanted hug, they held hands while looking into each other's eyes.
And they smiled at each other, it was an embodiment of happiness, it was as if they spoke through their minds when in reality they would only lose their gaze in each other's eyes.
It was a magical moment, when, for the first time, everyone could understand that Adrien and Marinette were going to end their lives together, but now we had to wait...
Adrien thought that Marinette was the woman of his life...
Her kindness, her character, her beauty, and her charm had conquered him, she was not like all the others...
And Marinette, for her part, was convinced that it was with him that she wished to end her life...
Her heart was on fire, her feelings for this young king were inexplicable, but she was happy looking at him...
And it was by losing their eyes in each other's, that they thought of each other, in front of a magnificent Moon...
Then, an idea crossed Adrien's mind...
« - Princess, what if we would lie down, not only for look at the stars, but I would also like to show you something ... »
Marinette was surprised, but accepted...
Having said this, Adrien felt as if it were cold to take hold of his soul, but then they lay down without letting go of their gaze, and then suddenly a shooting star appeared, which distracted the two lovers.
« You have to make a wish ! » they said at the same time, before laughing, together.
This setting and these moments were wonderful, and they were having a good time, but from afar, Chloe saw everything again...
She had spent most of the evening crying, and her sadness was heavy to bear...
But she felt that her tears were beginning to stop flowing and that her sadness were disappearing little by little...
But her sorrow remained in her mind, and she will never disappear...
But as she rose from her knees, Chloe's eyes were red and swollen, fortunately, she found a basin filled with water on Rose's dresser, and she took the opportunity to gently rinse her face.
In front of the mirror that Rose had on her wall, Chloe looked at herself and asked :
« Why is this happening only to me ? »
Her heart didn't know what to say, maybe Chloe didn't have the right to happiness, she said to herself.
When she turned around, she saw a blue light coming from the outside, the curtains were drawn on the windows of the room, but this glow skirted the curtains and illuminated the room very slightly.
Then Chloe remembered, it was the night of the Full Moon !
At each Full Moon, Chloe looked at her, remained in front of her, and sometimes she closed her eyes, and as a connection appeared between the enchantress and the star.
It was said that the blue rays of the Full Moon amplified the magical powers of the person who looked at them, when she looked at The Moon, Chloe felt stronger, and freer...
Then she drew the curtains, and thus unveiled the huge white stone ball in the sky.
She lit up the room, and Chloe felt like a wave that would carry her away, and energy passed through her body, but this did her good...
And when she laid her hands on the windowsill, she saw Marinette and Adrien...
From Rose's room, we had a magnificent view of the horizon and the gardens of the palace...
But also on the rose tree that Chloe planted with Rose, for Adrien... For them...
And suddenly, sadness made her appearance back, Chloe felt as if she was abandoned, this rose tree was the place of Adrien and her, their meeting place...
But when she saw them, lying there looking up at the sky like she and Adrien on the evening of their kiss, did not fill her with sadness but with anger...
How could Adrien have taken a stranger to their meeting place ?...
This question tormented Chloe's mind, she could no longer bear to see that everything she did for Adrien no longer mattered...
She had given up on him, helped and supported him, taken care of him, and loved him.
But he was blind, and this now made Chloe lose all hope...
She could no longer stay in this palace, she could no longer bear to see Adrien, felt love for someone else...
And it was then that she ran, and ran with tears, and when she reached the stables, she got on her horse and galloped towards the Capital.
Chloe's bruised spirit could no longer be comforted by Adrien, and she did not know where Rose was...
All she had left was her parents...
Then she galloped at full speed, and arrived in front of the bakery, where she hung her horse's harness on a wooden pole.
And when she came in, it was very late, but Sabine and Tom were in the back of the bakery, she came in gently and shouted :
« - Mother ! Father ! »
Tom and Sabine surprised and frightened by these cries rushed to the entrance, with their baskets filled with bread they looked at their daughter, standing with a cape on her, and they saw that she was crying...
Chloe could no longer stand, she needed warmth and love...
She fell on her lap, and her parents panicked, and let their baskets fall, they joined her on the ground, they both took her in their arms and began to let tears fall on their cheeks, seeing Chloe sad was not a good sign...
And for a long time, Chloe remained frozen in the arms of her worried parents, crying...
That night was very long for her...
Adrien and Marinette were always lying on the grass, looking at the stars and the moon while talking about the beauty of the latter...
Then, after laughing at the jokes Adrien made, the eyes crossed...
Something had changed in their eyes, the sparks of Marinette and Adrien's eyes were like lights lit at the same time...
They looked at each other deeply, their eyes were one, it was magical...
Adrien felt chills all over his body, he felt like he was falling into a void, a feeling that had never happened to him before.
He was stunned by Marinette's eyes, these two were made for each other...
Marinette also did not feel comfortable, she had the impression of losing all consciousness, but she only wanted to stay with Adrien...
And Adrien, unable to help himself, had to say his feelings, despite the reaction of the Princess, he had to say everything because this feeling of wanting to hide it was eating away at him from the inside.
He rose while blushing, doubting for a few moments what he was going to say, but he took the courage, he said in a frightened but sure voice :
« - Marinette, I... You know, I offered to show you something, I think it's time now...
This rose tree that you see, was planted by Rose, and Chloe, a close friend of mine, and it was in front of this rose tree that I always found the smile sometimes in difficult moments, and today I brought you here to... »
Adrien trembled, his shyness resurfaced, he reddened enormously, but he did not know how to tell him, and then he picked a rose, it was the most beautiful flower he had seen, red as blood.
And he turned to her, and looking at her, lying down, he took her hand and began to smile.
And with his gentle, calm voice, he began:
« - It seems strange to want to show you a rose tree...
But I want to give you this rose as well to share something that I've been thinking about since I met you... »
Marinette did not know how to react, she got up and took the rose that Adrien offered her, and when she looked her love in the eyes, Adrien smiled at her while blushing.
She didn't know what he was going to say, but she hoped he wouldn't push her away...
« - What's going on, Adrien ?
- Marinette, you know, I...
When you were with your father in front of me and Rose, something wonderful happened to me, and it's something I could never explain to myself...
When I first saw you, I can't describe what happened to me, but I had a feeling that I felt like I was falling...
It's something I can't explain to myself, but I just know that I fell...
Fell in love...
I know that you have not known me for a very long time and that we spent this evening together, but I could not say anything anymore, the desire to tell you everything was eating away at my soul...
I'm afraid of what you're going to say, but at least you know now, I love you Marinette...
From all of my heart... »
Adrien felt very embarrassed to have said this so quickly, he could not face Marinette's gaze, he was afraid of the answer she was going to give him, and because of this, a tear fell from his eye and sank on his cheek.
It was not a tear of sadness, but a tear of happiness, for the first time in his life, he managed to do something with his heart...
As for Marinette, she had no say...
Now she knew that the person for whom her heart wished to stop beating, loved her...
It took his breath away, and tears of joy fell from her eyes.
But when Adrien saw them, he was worried, he felt bad...:
« - Princess I... excuse me, I didn't want to make you cry, I ... »
Marinette did not want Adrien to feel bad, she too took courage, and threw herself into action.
She took him by the hand, looked back at him, and in a weak voice said :
« - Adrien don't feel bad...
You don't make me cry...
Know that I have something to tell you too...
Tonight I spent the most wonderful moments of my life with you, and I will never thank you enough...
You are a wonderful young king, and adorable, and when you told me that you loved me, I thought I fell...
From the first time I looked at you, I knew I wanted to spend my life with you...
And that I will do anything to reveal my feelings to you...
I was afraid you would reject me, and I was horrified at that idea...
But now that I know what you're thinking, know Adrien that no one loves you as I love you... »
Adrien and Marinette, both facing these revelations, looked into their eyes...
For a few moments, nothing mattered, for a few moments, they forgot that they were Princess and King, outside in front of the beautiful Moon.
Their love now created a connection between them, and it was magical...
Adrien smiled, and Marinette blushed, but as he looked at her, he put his hand in her hair, and then finally, they approached each other.
Nothing mattered, just the present moment...
Their gaze plunged into each other's eyes, it was profound, passionate, we realized that they loved each other...
Adrien smiled at his beloved, Marinette looked at the man of her life...
Their eyes, which bore the sparks of new love, closed.
And so the sparks of their eyes were extinguished, to let their lips touch, and to give way to their first kiss.
A kiss of true love...
Both their bodies trembled, but this feeling never seen before, filled them with happiness...
A kiss that lasted a long time, made us forget everything they had in mind, only the passion of the present moment mattered...
A new and sincere love...
But when their lips had to separate, they looked into their eyes, blushing, they glued their foreheads to each other, and Adrien, who was having the best night of his life, said :
« - I love you Marinette...
- I love you, my Adrien... »
But it was getting late, and they had to go back to the palace...
Adrien got up, and took Marinette by the hand...
They went forward, she put her head on her shoulder, but they remained worried.
« - How are we going to say this to our loved ones... we are going to leave tomorrow my father and I....
- I don't know, my love, I think you should tell your father once you're on the boat, and I'll tell Rose... »
Adrien accompanied Marinette to her apartments, but the path was difficult because they did not know how to tell their loved ones...
Marinette entered her room, she could not help smiling, and Adrien looked at her joyfully...:
« - Good night, my princess.
- Good night, my love... »
This night was magical, and when Adrien and Marinette were in their beds, they slept well this night...
Dreaming of each other, and their future life...
Thus the two characters had separated for the night, and at that moment, in their consciousness, they knew that Eternal Love will always exist.

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