Power will Triumph (8)

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The next morning, when the sun poured its rays on Adrien's beautiful sleeping face, his eyes were bright green and were in his iris, waves flowed, one would have the impression that his green eyes were as bright and magnificent, turning, twirling...
But this was due to magic, now it flowed through her whole being, in her blood, in her heart, in her whole body, and that power, that force that he had monopolized with Sabrina for two long months, was now devoted to one purpose, to annihilate Chloe, to avenge himself, so that he may find peace...
Something had changed in him, he was not the same...
Before she left, before this whole thing, her soul was peaceful and sweet, but now she was atrocious and chaotic...
He was able to tame hatred and anger when his parents died, but now he can't.
Because before, he was not alone, and today, no one is there for him anymore...
He was overcome by anger and rage...
But when he got up in the morning, he kept thinking about what Sabrina taught him, between the multitude of spells and rituals, to better master and learn from his magic, he laughed literally when he realized the suffering he was going to inflict...
He had become very powerful, now he just needed one thing to satisfy his revenge, he needed time...
It was by having faced death several times that his thirst for blood became enormous...
And after all that had happened, all that his mother taught him to do, to be kind, altruistic, and loving, none of that existed anymore...
He had become bitter, bad...
And the kingdom felt it, their King had evolved...
It is a feeling that no one can explain, that losing someone causes unparalleled suffering, and where a great speed is created in our hearts as if we were missing something...
And it is after realizing that we will never see that person again, that suffering will create havoc...
Adrien had gone through this with his parents, and now with Marinette, he was annihilated.
Every morning, he woke up and thought of his parents and Marinette, they missed him, every morning, on his cheeks, fell, rushed torrents of tears...
He always thought of the smile his mother gave him when he got up in the morning, of his father who carried him on his back as if he made him fly in the air.
And especially to Marinette, he thought about the future he should have had with her, and also their future daughter...
He would not have been present for her first words, her first steps...
He reproached himself for having turned into a monster and for not keeping the promise he made to his mother and wife...
But it was too late to back down, now he fell into vengeance, and into the desire to inflict suffering...
And it was because of the jealousy that Chloe had towards Adrien, that henceforth he had only revenge in his eyes, and every day that passed, reinforced the worst emotions that Adrien could have, he desperately sought Chloe's death, he thought that killing her would allow him to make peace with himself, and accept his wife's grief...
And meanwhile, while Adrien was savoring his future victory, Chloe had been spying on him for the past two months, and she had observed very well what Adrien was doing...
He trained with the world's most powerful witch, Sabrina...
She was afraid now because she had observed Adrien's progress, they were frightened because every day he became more and more powerful than she...
Chloe needed years to train in magic, and Adrien became more powerful than her within two months...
But the motivation she had to make Adrien suffer was unparalleled.
She sometimes wondered if she had gone too far because deep down, she loved this young boy, they had the best moments of their childhood together.
She often thought about the times they spent together in front of the great rose bush, it was a sacred place for them, but today, nothing mattered anymore...
But her evil nature took over, she now had to defend herself and play smart, and looking to the future, Adrien was going to come after her, and after that, so that he could annihilate her, he needed a capital ingredient, the flame of the dragon, a primitive and powerful flame, the one who possessed it could bring down even the whole world that lives on Earth...
But since Chloe changed, she collected a lot of magic objects, and she had a map with the location of the flame, and it's in an adventure
She went to get that flame, to defend herself and thus prevent Adrien from destroying it...
The card that allowed Chloe to find that flame, did not show him a position, it was not a hidden treasure like any chest that the pirates tore, it was an object, a magical relic to which the magical power is equal to nothing else on Earth, and this object was not to be buried underground, this object was held by persons who undertook to watch over this flame and not to use it, and so it has been since the beginning when the dragon spewed fire to kill a knight five thousand years ago.
Chloe was surprised to see that she was not currently holding the flame she did not expect it at all.
When the portrait of King Nino and Queen Alya appeared on the old parchment, she wanted to laugh, she was in incomprehension, how this royal couple who did not know magic, could have found the most powerful object that Earth has ever known...
But for her, no difficulty would stand in her way to get it back, so not to kill without reason, she first wanted to bargain.
So when she left the kingdom, she rushed to the castle of the kingdom of Nino, which was sure, was that she would return with the flame, no matter how much it would cost...
When she arrived at the palace, she asked from the entrance to see the King and the Queen, as for the King of New York, she pretended to be a young assistant, on a diplomatic mission, and the butler, having heard this, was not even interested in the Kingdom where Chloe came from, and he took her directly to the throne room...
This little king was so predictable, that he had no idea, whereas before, he was quite intelligent...
And as in New York, Chloe closed the door and all the exits with her magic, she didn't know what was going to happen, so she wouldn't take any risks...
And with an air of confidence, he began the conversation :
« - What brings you here, I know that you helped Adrien defeat me, and you dare come to see me ?
- Your Majesty, with time I have come to know Adrien better, and recently he has caused me a lot of damage, you think I will leave him unpunished ? You have something I need, I'm going to say it straight, give me the dragon flame ! »
Chloe ordered King Nino to do so, but King Nino was not naive, he wanted to know more because he also wanted to get revenge on Adrien...
But Chloe could not bear the slowness of this formerly vain and greedy king, so she said:
« - I'll be clearer, either you give me the dragon's flame, or you keep making faces at me and wasting my time, and I'll kill your wife here, then I'll destroy the whole kingdom, and then I'll kill you, then ? »
The King knew that Chloe was powerful, but he began to laugh...
What upset Chloe, and without even wasting any more time, she understood that Nino would not give her the flame, and upset, she could not help herself....
With a helping hand, in bringing down the guards, who died, strangled, she took with her other hand, at a distance, Alya at the throat, and Chloe knew she was the Head of the Royal Army, she lifted her, made her fly in the air, before dropping her, And when Alya rose at the end of her strength, Chloe brought forth stakes, crystal swords, which appeared from the ground, as an earthquake was understood, before the earth beneath her feet opened and made the Queen pierce three large black crystal stakes.
Throughout the room, the Queen's blood was visible, and Chloe's thirst for blood was unparalleled...
And with her shining eyes, beautiful green, as fireworks could see each other, she looked at the King and smiled at him.
While Nino was mourning his wife, he was terrified...
« - Enchantress, I beg you, please don't kill me, I give you the flame of the dragon, but leave my kingdom and my life in peace »
Nino was desperate, terrified of Chloe's power, and no one could explain her suffering...
He was running and trying to find a way out of this monster, Chloe was being eaten up by revenge, and to be safe, she had to use her magic to kill a greedy, foolish King.
When Nino fell to Earth, Chloe walked with him, begging him to stop, he said he had suffered enough...
Chloe felt his anger rise, so she took him by the throat and lifted him into the air until he could not touch the ground with his broken and bruised legs...
« - No one has suffered as much as I have ! »
And Chloe punched him so hard that the King, half dead, found himself on the other side of the room, glued against the wall.
He flew quite a distance, and when he fell, Chloe dragged him to the ground, but of all this, she smiled at him and said :
« - It's too late... I gave you two proposals, you chose very badly... that you suffer for your mistake, and that the flames of Hell consume you! Let the ritual begin ! »
The guards vainly tried to enter the throne room, but they came to nothing, Chloe for her part, threw Nino at the center of a pentacle she created thanks to her magic, and at that moment, fleshly suffering took hold of a body of Nino, what the King of New York felt when Chloe killed him was nothing compared to the pain that Nino felt...
Chloe, with the flame of the dragon, drew a flame that stretched in the air, one seemed to be a serpent of fire, and this flame, as lively as it was dangerous, encircled every hand and every leg of the King, before transforming into chains attached to the ground.
He howled with all his strength during the ranks still stuck, tried to enter...
Chloe got into Nino's thoughts, he was on his knees, only her head managed to get up, and Chloe, while Nino begged him to stop, looked him in the eyes and entered his mind.
She saw the suffering, she felt her sorrows, Nino was half dead, but to continue this carnage, she ripped out of Nino's head, the reincarnation of her conscience, in the King's head, gave a horrible scene, Chloe gave human form to the consciousness of King Nino, and with a sword, she pierced him, and turned the sword into the body of this creature, and in doing so, she removed all the good memories that the King had had, thus leaving room for suffering...
The king's conscience was dead, and Nino's belly opened as if a sword had pierced him...
Chloe killed this creature that reincarnated Nino's happiness, and besieged the King for good...
Nino wanted to die so he wouldn't suffer, but he wasn't dead when his stomach opened up...
And Chloe was looking at the king, suffering, she was smiling, and in her hands, she had two huge fireballs, with red flame-like blood, she watched the king die in silence and said to him...
« - No one has suffered as much as I have ! I have been clear with you, but your ego has respite over you, and you are unfortunately suffering for your imbecility, and in my hands, you see here two flames directly from hell and know that I always keep my word, your wife is dead, your kingdom will be destroyed, and you, well, you will go to hell, and you will come to the point of your thought, or you will tell yourself that what I have done to you, is much sweeter ! Good bye, Your Majesty ! »
Nino, in despair, saw Chloe hurling the flames of Hell at him, both of whom drew curves in the air, before striking the King with unparalleled power, Nino howled, suffered, and while his soul was on its way to Charon's boat, Chloe took some of her blood...
As she left the room, she erected a magic shield that prevented anyone from getting close to Nino, she wanted no one to try to save him, he had to suffer...
And as she turned around, she could still hear the guards trying to get in...
In her hands she made appear a huge ball, a ball of magical energy, and she looked at the door, she launched that power which, made a huge explosion, the door had opened, the guards were all dead, and amid the corpses, Chloe had in her hand the flame of the dragon, and left the palace smiling...
She went down from the hall, and left the palace, as she walked to the garden centers, she still heard the small cries of pain that Nino was making, she was reveling in the suffering that she had inflicted on her, but if Nino wasn't dead yet, it was normal...
In the center of the gardens she had a huge pentacle made, and in the middle of it was placed the vial with the blood of the king.
Chloe raised her arms in the air while reciting an incantation...
With the blackest magic, she brought forth a destructive storm, the sky became red as blood, red clouds filled the sky, a rain of lava and blood fell, and in this chaos, huge balls of fire rose from the clouds, and destroyed every village...
The king died and was destroyed, and it was when the last man in the kingdom lost his life, that Nino took the path to Hell, for eternity...
As for Chloe, having observed the Second Kingdom which she destroyed, disappeared, in a great cloud of red smoke, and with the snap of her fingers, she found herself at the Temple of the Moon, and at her side the dangerous flame of the dragon.
Immediately, she had put her in safety, hidden from Adrien's eyes, for this she used the magic of blood, the magic that prevents any other person from opening this chest, only Chloe was capable of it.
From now on, Adrien would have a hard time attacking Chloe without that flame...
But Chloe remained concerned because, despite the magic of blood, she knew that Adrien had the power to undo it, she was aware of the power he had acquired...
For her safety, she now had to protect this flame, even if it could still endanger her, Chloe lives in the future, and without this flame, Adrien could not kill her...
The dragon flame was now the center of all his attention.
A week later, Adrien awoke distraughtly, suddenly the King scorned and confident in revenge found himself again a fearful man...
A great doubt had taken hold of his whole being...
This morning the Sun had risen, and Adrien, who slept peacefully, jumped and rose from his bed, sweating and distraught.
He began to shout, he was frightened by what he dreamed...
He looked out the window, the birds were singing, everything was fine, but he wiped his face with his blanket, he was soaked as if he was coming out of a bath, his dream was for him like the worst of nightmares...
It was as if he was losing his memory, trying to force himself to remember, but the only memories he had of his dream were those where they saw Marinette and Emma in a bright place, they seemed happy, but suddenly Marinette's face changed, his eyes became as red as blood, and when Marinette placed Emma in her cradle while rocking her, like powerful red flames came out of her hands, and like a snake, these flames began to wrap themselves around her arms while moving on her body, these flames were not just any fire, they were the red flames of Hell.
The flames surrounded Marinette, who, without interrupting herself, mumbled incantations, and she approached her husband little by little...
Adrien in his dream could almost feel an unshakable hatred, Marinette was furious with him, he was frightened because he did not understand what was going on...
When all of a sudden, Marinette with the flames of Hell, formed like a magic dagger, a dagger of fire, and without saying a single word, she pierced her husband, her red eyes, despite that shed tears, and in an aggressive voice she said to him :
« - You have broken the promise you made to me, you said you were a good and loving man, but you have become the opposite, so die in silence, this is for avenging yourself on Chloe ! »
Adrien fell to his knees, dying, and looking with eyes that gradually closed, he saw Marinette take Emma back in her arms, who cried, and so Marinette and her daughter had turned into ashes, which fell to the ground.
Adrien, meanwhile, fell into his dream on the ground, dying, and when his eyes closed for eternity, Adrien jumped from his bed, frightened.
He did not know how to interpret these frightening details, in his heart, he knew what Marinette would have told him, to accept, and not to take revenge, according to him, his dream was like a kind of reminder that would dissuade him from taking revenge, from giving up everything.
But he had gone too far, he could no longer go back, hatred and revenge were pouring into his soul, so he decided to act as quickly as possible, the massacre was about to happen...
He dressed up quickly, he could no longer resist...
Every day this vengeance became, more and more, a heavy burden...
He felt guilty for not confessing his future deeds, he knew that from where Marinette was, she took care of him, and certainly she saw what he was doing, but he felt bad for the fact that he did not tell him, in a dream, what he planned to do...
Running through the palace garden, he went to pick a rose on the Rose, where everything had begun.
He had hesitated, he wished that the rose he was going to pick would not be silk nor very old, and where the petals would be too open, he wished that the rose would be more or less with the closed petals, a newly born flower, to symbolize his love.
He searched the large rose bush, and finally, he found the perfect flower, it was distinguished by its color, as red as blood, and in the center of this flower were some black petals, it was the perfect flower.
Delicately, he picked this beautiful and strange flower, and so Adrien went to the tomb of his love, the tomb of Marinette...
Coming here was torture for him, he remembered the sweet face she had, he almost felt in his heart the warmth of her body, the love she had for him.
He thought of her every day, but her feeling of sadness grew and grew stronger as he came here...
His heart was torn into a thousand pieces, he remembered the day she had gone for eternity.
He cried, sobbed, cried with sadness...
The nightmare made him doubt, he thought that from where Marinette is, she no longer loved him, and this feeling destroyed him...
While he was suffering, Adrien looked with red eyes and filled with tears, and now had to tell Marinette everything, he knew that she saw him and listened to him...
With an almost inaudible voice, and sobbing, Adrien began to speak :
« - Marinette, my love, my life, my joie de vivre, my beating heart... I was ready to take our star from heaven to give it to you ...
But it was by leaving her in the sky that our lucky star gave us Emma... I only saw her in a dream...
I'm sorry I couldn't hold her, and I miss you so much... I think about you every second that goes by... You are the only hope I had left to find happiness...
But I lost you for the rest of my life... I dreamt about you that night... And I know that from up there you don't like what I did... And that nothing can justify me continuing to do evil... Deep down, I know that you would have told me to give up everything and that even if it were difficult, I would have to live with... But my heart is now more like before, I've done too much wrong, I can't back down... You would have wanted me to stay as I promised you in my last breath, but I broke that promise when I accepted and decided to take revenge... Forgive me, my love...
But I'm not going to stop until Chloe is punished for what she did to you...
Know that I love you, every bit of my body and soul... I miss you... I hope to see you again one day, you and our daughter...
Take care of her, I love you... Marinette... »
Crying, and it was with a heavy heart, that Adrien got up...
He picked up a tear that fell from his eyes, and placed it on the rose...
With a light gesture of his hand, he covered the rose with a crystal bell...
He wanted this rose never to die, just like the spirit of Marinette in his heart...
And having adorned the tomb of Marinette with this rose, Adrien now felt freer, he was not as preoccupied as before...
From then on, he was sure that Marinette was well, but his desire for revenge resurfaced.
He teleported into the library, in front of the large crystal ball, surrounded by a pentacle, Adrien now, was spying on Chloe...
He was happy to see her panicked, he was going to make her pay...
Without wasting any time, his thirst for blood was unmatched, he could no longer look at Chloe through this piece of round glass, he only waited for the moment when both of them will find themselves facing each other.
Our King imagined himself in gold and already putting Chloe on her knees, and that with a firm hand, he tears her heart out, burns her alive, and tortures her soul for all that she had committed...
He was so determined, that he could see in the palm of his hand the beating heart of Chloe, bleeding and thus letting flow the little blood that remained in his center, small rivers of sans flowed along his arm, and of the suffering that he imagined, he drew the greatest glory from it...
So without wasting any more time, accompanied by a troop of fifty men, Adrien and his army set out in search of Chloe across the Kingdom.
In the evening, he got on his horse and dressed in his war suit, a very simple outfit, but simply distinguished by a large black cloak with thick edges, and with his crown on his head, anyone who saw him knew that evil would happen.
Adrien and his army crossed the door of the gardens, and under the setting sun, the determination could be seen in his eyes, and suddenly, as they advanced, Adrien lifted his lips, he smiled, and was content with the chaos he was about to inflict.
As the days passed, Adrien could not find her...
After destroying the only place of refuge for him, the Temple of the Moon, he massacred entire villages, and many people died.
He killed because no one said where the enchantress had disappeared...
While so many people died, ignorant, Adrien only filled his conscience with anger and hatred.
He knew that the inhabitants were not aware of what had killed his wife, his love, they did not know the truth...
The people still believed that Chloe was a kind and benevolent magician, but they realized that the King wanted her dead for whatever reason...
The inhabitants had to hide Chloe...
Adrien knew it, he was afraid that Chloe would leave the Kingdom...
Then he descended from his horse and having drawn a pentacle in the earth, he made appear an immense red flash, a growing flame that springs from the center of the star drawn high in the sky, the inhabitants were terrified.
And when it was high, this flame dispersed and engendered an impassable shield, and it was at this moment that this enormous barrier, red as blood, encircled all the borders of the Kingdom.
No one could leave, no one could leave the kingdom, this huge globe made the Kingdom a prison, which even prevented Chloe from fleeing...
He had an idea behind his head, since no one was dedicated to denouncing Chloe, a terrible thing occurred to him...
Smiling, he got back on his horse, and sent his army back to the palace, while he took the road to the capital.
Once there, he did not waste his time, he made a lightning bolt, and all the inhabitants of the capital joined him in the center of Grande Place...
Then he began to say, with short but terrifying sentences, what he intended to do, the truth...
« - My dear subjects, I know that it has been a long time since I have come to see you, and that time has gone by too fast, but today I have come to realize that, as a king, I can no longer have confidence, as most of you know, I've been looking for Chloe for days. But how can I find her without you helping me, I know that you want to hide her and that for you she's a benevolent girl, but it's because of her that my wife died, and I can't stand by the idea that you betrayed me in my conscience today, all of you in this country would disappear forever. »
And so it is, has ever uttered the word, with his hands come out of the red flames, the flames of hell, in the center of the square selfie drawing is an immense pentacle, calling the pentacle of the damned, and where cursed inscriptions were written, A horrible scene where everyone started screaming.
With his great flame coming out of his hands, he fed this great star drawn on the ground, the sky became red, huge thundering clouds made their appearance, and from its clouds fell drops of blood, every drop falling on an inhabitant, Suffering was the worst of manners, and that torrential rain was blood had stretched over the whole kingdom.
At the end of the storm the inhabitants of your living body but their once benevolent and happy personality, turned into anger and hatred, rage and desolation, each of its characters suddenly began to doubt and it is at this moment, that each of them took up arms each inhabitant began to defy everyone, a war had appeared between each person.
And in this carnage where the bloodbath was mostly the characters, while one by one was losing his life, Adrian reveled in the suffering that everyone suffered, spells were meant to decimate all the population, except two people, him and Chloe.
The setting sun turned to wait for a huge ball of blood, and at the end of the day when everyone was dead, Adrien can now look for Chloe without anyone hiding her.
Another time his kingdom, which was nothing but goodness and joy, Adrien made it a desolate world, and this is how he proved to everyone that power will triumph.

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