Happiness will cause Destruction (5)

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This morning, when he woke up, Adrien immediately prepared to join Marinette in front of her apartments...
He dreamed of her that night, he dreamed of their first dating together, they were in a big clearing eating ice cream while admiring the flowers dancing in the wind.
He rushed so quickly, that when he left his room, he had not noticed that the ground was slippery...
It was not long before he fell, but he came to his senses and arrived peacefully in front of Marinette's room.
She wasn't out yet, but he was waiting.
And when she opened the door and looked up, she saw the love of her life...
« - Hello... My love » said Adrien.
A Marinette mad with joy when she saw him again, jumped into his arms, and so they cuddled and snuggled up against each other.
It was crazy love...
Together they took the way to the kitchen, where Rose and Andre were waiting for them, to have their breakfast.
Then, as they entered this room, they had to separate their hands, which were intertwined, and they had to wait a little longer before telling their love to their families...
And looking into their eyes, the two entered, and took their breakfast, while being bombarded with questions by King Andre...
But the morning passed quickly, and the moment of the departure of King Andre and Princess Marinette was approaching, their boat was ready, their luggage too, they did not wait any longer, then the carriage that would bring them to Port Royal.
However, while Rose was saying goodbye to the King, Adrien and Marinette remained hidden in front of the palace entrance.
They were sad, they loved each other so much, their hands were intertwined, their foreheads were glued to each other's, and each one, small tears of sadness were seen running down their faces.
They were grieved, of course, Marinette would return to the castle in a month or so, but this duration seemed to them an eternity...
Looking at his love in the eyes, Adrien with a sad voice said :
« - I cannot conceive of standing here alone, walking every night in the moonlight without you standing by my side.
- I know, Adrien, it will be hard for me to leave and watch the sea without you thinking about it.
- I love you so much... » said Adrien, letting tears appear.
- Know that you won't be alone, Rose and Chloe will be there for you, don't cry... because I will feel bad...
I can't wait to come back to see you and see your beautiful smile again, living here will be for me something much more than a young girl can dream of, my love for you is like o one before...
- I must let you go, of course, I am sad, but I know that we will dream very quickly, when you return I will offer you a surprise Marinette, just to see you smile, I am ready for anything, I love you... »
Adrien had a heavy heart, he had to part with his love...
Leaving his hands, Marinette went towards the front door, opened it, and went out...
The carriage was waiting for her, she went up smiling to her father, he knew why his daughter was sad, he felt that she was very uncomfortable, despite her smiling.
The carriage departed, and Adrien, through a window, saw his happiness moving away.
The two barely separated, thought to each other...
It was a big tear that it had caused, the two young lovers were in pain, they had to stay close to each other, but because of their royal titles, they had to separate...
A few tears flowed over Adrien's face when he saw the coach moving away, but he kept hope, and he knew that Marinette would return...
And all this time, Chloe, who had the worst night of her life, had spent her time looking at them, and in her eyes, once filled with joy and love, suddenly changed, now through her eyes, we could see that jealousy and hatred...
While she had locked herself in her room with her parents, she had kept an object that Adrien had previously given her : a ring...
And it is thanks to this one, that she used a charm, which once used, allowed her to see everything through Adrien's eyes.
She saw the love he had for Marinette, he saw the moment when they remained hidden, she saw the moment when he said goodbye to her...
And little by little, anger appeared...
Chloe had realized that soon, to love, she had to face...
When the coachman arrived at the port, he helped the small family unload their luggage and got into the boat, Marinette immediately ran to his room, leaving behind her all her luggage...
The King had seen what happened, he had left all the luggage alone, and so he went to join, his daughter.
« - My sweetheart, I've never seen you like this before, what happens to you ? Are you sick ? »
The King knew exactly what was going on, but he had to wait for Marinette to talk to her father about the relationship she had with Adrien...
- No father, I'm fine, I'm a little tired, I want to rest a bit, but first I have to talk to you about something... »
At that moment, Marinette was getting ready to do what she had decided with Adrien, each of them had to tell their feelings, the feelings that had been created between them...
The two lovers were frightened by the idea that Rose and Andre refuse either that Marinette comes to live in the Kingdom or that these two are together...
But the two adults knew the love that blossomed between them, and they had already accepted that Marinette came, but our two dears, did not know that their families were aware of their little secret...
As she began to cry, she began to tell his father everything that had happened, of course, the King already knew everything, so he took a surprised look.
« - Father, I know it's not my habit to cry, or to be sad, but I finally found out what my purpose is.
You asked me to come with you to the Adrien's Kingdom, and I came, you wanted me to meet him, but that day, when I saw him, I did much more than meet him, I fell in love... »
Marinette felt embarrassed when she said this to her father, because since childhood he had always protected her from all the little dangers that exist, and now that she was going to tell him her feelings, she did not feel comfortable, she was afraid...
« - He and I realized, it's strange to say, but we had a lot in common, and we shared the same passions, and then without thinking, we kissed, I beg you to forgive me...
But I love Adrien with all my heart, and I cannot justify myself...
Because what I felt was very strange, like a...
- Like a lump in the belly that keeps us from breathing...
Answered the king by cutting his word, oddly he said exactly what Marinette was going to say...
My dear daughter, you came with me, and you found love, I always loved you and cherished you, now it's Adrien's turn to do it, I wasn't very honest with you, Rose and I, knew you loved each other, but it was up to you to come to us first, I had to lie to you, and it's up to me to apologize...
I've seen how much you love each other, and I know that you wish to leave at Adrien's palace and now live your life with him, and know that I love you and I will love you forever, I want you to be happy, so yes, I let you fly, live your life, from now on Adrien will be there to love you and cherish you in my place, but I will always be at your side... »
Marinette, speechless, began to cry, and without further ado, she jumped into her father's arms, she held him so tight to her heart, he could no longer breathe, and in a very small voice, Marinette said, trying to distinguish her voice from her tears of joy:
« - I love you, thank you, father... »
The King felt tears of joy come down his cheek, he was glad that his daughter was happy, and they stood there, each in the arms of the other for several minutes, for Marinette it was the happiness to have had the blessing of her father, for the King, it was the sigh of a father who let his daughter take flight, no one can describe this kind of sensation, no one...
And the ships sailed on the waves, and when Andre entered his cabin, Marinette remained on the deck and looked at the sea, straight ahead of it was a vast ocean, and in her mind, she said to herself...
« - Adrien, I will come back... I love you... »
Before she ends up in her cabin too...
On the other hand, Adrien was stressed by the reaction that Rose was going to have, since the death of her parents, it was she who took care of him, like her own son.
Certainly, she had made a promise to Queen Emilie a long time ago, that in case of misfortune she would take care of Adrien, but here we can almost feel the love that Rose had for this young boy, not only because of the promise she had made to herself, but also because Adrien was adorable, and they spent all their time together with Chloe...
But today the situation was not the same, Chloe hated the one who was once her best friend, and now Adrien had found her soul mate...
Returning to the castle, Adrien, who was very disappointed, went up to his room while thinking, about how he was going to announce the news to his godmother...
A letter ? A poem ? Where was he going to tell her in person ? Adrien didn't know what to do...
But for the love he had for Marinette, he had to throw himself in the water, he joined Rose in the gardens, she was sitting in front of the beautiful rose tree she once had
stuck with Chloe.
She was looking at this rose tree and thinking about the love that Chloe had for Adrien, as we read this passage, Rose knew that Chloe was bruised with sadness...
She regretted that she had not acted before and had directed Adrien to fall in love with the nicest girl in her turn...
She didn't want to get involved, because love is an unpredictable and strange thing, but she regretted it today...
Adrien arrived and sat next to Rose, and while blushing, he opened the conversation :
« - This rose is beautiful, new flowers have appeared...
- That's true, but it's been said that the people who planted it gave it incredible power, love...
That's why it's said that this rose tree is beautiful because the person who planted it passed the love... »
Rose tried to remind him of Chloe, but in vain, Adrien thought of Marinette, he was damn stubborn...
But it was too late now, Rose could no longer try to repair the crack that separated Adrien and Chloe...
« - Rose, I have one thing to tell you... It's pretty strange ...
I feel embarrassed and ashamed to tell you, but you have been with me since I was born, and when my parents left, you were there for me, and I will never thank you enough...
- Don't feel ashamed, Adrien, I'm here to listen to you, help you and cherish you.
You are a young man who, I would never have thought, has become even better than his parents, and I have always been there because, despite making a promise to your mother, I love you Adrien as if you were my son, don't thank me, that's what your mother would have done too. I listen to you sweetheart, tell me everything.
- Rose, you know... something happened to me that I never thought I'd be here this early...
What I'm about to tell you is very strange, but I think I'm in love... »
Rose already knew about this announcement, but she had to listen and act as if nothing had happened, for she could not interfere with the relationship that Adrien had, then with an astonished air, she replied :
« - There's nothing strange about that, said she smiling, it's normal, life is very complicated, there are moments of happiness, as well as of misfortune, and where everything doesn't go as planned, love is something that no one can explain, it's a feeling. And the fact that you want to tell me, just makes me happy.
- I wanted to tell you, but I wasn't sure if it was just a dream or if it could become a reality.
When King Andre introduced me to his daughter Marinette, it was very strange, I was asleep, and I had a feeling of a stomach ache, and you know...
After I met this girl, nothing was like before, she's the one I love Rose... and it is reciprocal, of course, we have only met for a very short time, but, we know that we love each other, although it is strange to say so.
I know you won't let me be with her, but I wanted to tell you... »
Adrien turned around and looked away, he was persuaded that Rose was going to intervene between them, whereas no, she was worried because Chloe will be changed forever, but she only wanted Adrien's happiness, so she said to him joyfully :
« - There is nothing more that can make me happier Adrien, how can I oppose you, you are a very smart boy, and very cute, I am very happy that you love each other... But did Marinette talk to her father ?
- She told me she was going to talk to him on the way home, said he embarrassed, but he was almost bursting with joy when Rose announced that to him.
Thank you, Rose... for everything... told he by jumping in her arms...
« - I am so proud of you, my darling, the little bird must now take off... she said, looking at him with emotion.
And that's when the two stayed a long time, one in each other's arms...
But during this moment of happiness, Chloe attended the whole scene, and heard Adrien...
She knew that he loved the princess of New York, but the way he told Rose, made her understand one thing :
Chloe will never win Adrien's affection, he will never love her.
All hope was now lost...
Once she had a chance to love him, and he loved him in return, but she preferred to support him rather than give him all her love...
Chloe could no longer look at him without her eyes, flowing only the rage to defeat a mind too blind, she felt anger rising, her blood bubbling and in her eyes, like red flames, stunning, desiring to kill, or only death was visible...
Because Adrien only saw Marinette, she was jealous, desperate, and distraught to see that love other than his and that of her former friend was blossoming, but now, because she had nothing but hatred, anger, and rage to see that her future was destroyed, she longed for only one thing, revenge...
Then she left the capital, went to the temple of the Moon Goddess, and where this place of peace and pure magic, she transformed it into a horrible place where
from now on she would sit down and seek the most painful revenge she could inflict on Adrien...
His magic that once was light, the enchantress was the embodiment of the purest magic of the Kingdom, now became black, than any that had existed in the Kingdom, and Chloe then began to seek, and seek, until we find the best solution to do evil, poison...
« - It is from your suffering that I will draw my greatest joy... » she said.
A month later, Adrien received a letter from Marinette, she told him that she would come back to live in the Kingdom indefinitely.
Every word he read from that letter only melted his heart...
« My love...
It was after talking to my father for a long time, having told him wha happened, that the two of us were now in love, and my father finally allowed me to come and live with you.
This letter is very short because I don't know what to tell you, at this very moment, no word can describe my joy at seeing you again...
I will return soon with Kim on the Captain's boat, the journey will be long, but at the end of it, I will have you... see you very soon, Marinette »
Rose was not at the castle this morning, she had gone to the market of the capital, she wanted to prepare her specialty, the macaroons...
He wanted at all costs to announce the news to her, but he had to wait, his mind was jumping in all directions having learned that Marinette will be back, and for this, he wanted to organize a nice surprise for her...
It was the good character of this great fellow, since his earliest childhood, he loved to please and make others happy, and even at the age of eighteen, this little trait of character so delicious had not disappeared.
He was thinking, they had spent so little time together, he knew nothing of Marinette for the moment, but the only thing he knew would please him would be a red rose
from Rose's rose tree...

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