Magic Awakens (7)

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Two years ago, when his parents left for New York, Adrien faced sadness, suffering, and despair, and this was due to the death of the Queen and King...
From then on, Adrien, who had become the New King, had succeeded in rebuilding himself, and thus becoming a king like his parents once...
And her life was being rebuilt, she was rebuilding herself with the help of her best friend and godmother, and it was after overthrowing King Nino and Queen Alya that Adrien found the love of her life...
Marinette was his happiness, his joy, but unfortunately, she was no longer...
Adrien once adored Chloe for what she was, kind, funny, adorable, she was not like all the others, but now, he who considered her his best friend had to face reality...
It was she who had killed the love of his life...
Adrien, now alone, will have to face again this pain that gnaws at the soul, this pain that tears away all hope from the flesh of a man...
And where only sadness is triumphant...
It was thanks to Chloe that he had succeeded in rebuilding himself, it was thanks to her that he had discovered his magic, and it was with her that he had the most magnificent youth, but now it was thanks to her that Marinette and her future child, had disappeared...
Nothing could console Adrien...
He didn't even have time to know if his future child would be a little girl or a little boy...
He could not live his life without Marinette...
But he had no regrets, he had lived some very precious moments with Marinette, and these are the moments that will help him in the future to take care of him, in his conscience, he said to himself that henceforth she was in peace and that she will take care of him...
She will be in his heart forever, he thought of the surprise he had given her when she returned from New York, and it was his best memory, which is forever engraved in his memory...
But after he faced his first grief, or he did what his parents told him a long time ago, to be kind, selfless, and loving, he could no longer imagine living again as before.
The pain he had in the depths of his soul was horrible, despair reigned in his heart.
He had no one left to rely on...
Only Rose was still there, but she went to Tom and Sabine's...
He wanted to find her, but he said to himself that he was going to wait for her in the palace.
He didn't know how he felt, between anger and hate, or sadness and depression...
It was very hard for him...
All day long, Adrien remained locked up in his room, thinking of Marinette, thinking of the magical moments they had had although they were not many...
He cried a lot...
All day long, Adrien was desperately looking for a way to be less sad, but he was failing...
He tried to read, to walk in the gardens, to write letters, he tried everything, but wherever he went in the castle, he saw Marinette and, when he passed by the library, he remembered the book they had read together, or when he went back to the palace and worried about how they were going to tell their families that henceforth these two loved each other or the rose tree planted by Rose...
It was in front of this magnificent rose tree, that all the love they had for each other had developed...
And though it was very painful for him, he sat in front of him, and remembered his sweet face and his beautiful smile, the beautiful daughter and his bewitching eyes, he thought of Marinette...
He cried, and his pain was insurmountable.
But he thought of the joke that it had made him, he laughed at their moments of happiness, of course, he was sad, but a slight smile could be drawn on his sweet face.
The only consolation he had was to know that one day the three of them would meet again...
Marinette, Emma, their future daughter, and him...
He had a flash when Marinette told him she was pregnant, they would have a little girl but he wasn't sure, but today, yes...
Nothing could say that her future child would be a girl, but he was sure of it...
And then the day passed, Adrien stood in front of this rose tree watching the sunset, as with Marinette...
But it would be cold, and one could not stay very long outside, Adrien took time to leave the place where Marinette and he promised their lives, and he was heading towards the palace.
In the evening, Rose had returned to the palace, and from afar she could hear Adrien's sobs, she was distraught because she did not know what was happening, Chloe was no longer there, and when she left the palace, she had sensed that something was going to happen.
She hurried up to Adrien's room, she saw him on the ground, kneeling in front of his bed, he cried tremendously, his head was resting on the bed, he looked at her without saying a word, only his tears could be heard, and his cries of sadness...
She also restrained herself from crying, for seeing Adrien like this, she felt guilty...
Rose sat by his side, embarrassed, she did not want to make him suffer anymore, but she felt that something was wrong...
She asked him :
« - What is it, Adrien, what is wrong ?
- Where were you, Rose ? You left me alone for a week... where were you ?
- I went to Sabine and Tom, you know, what happened ? where is Chloe ?
- Chloe left... after taking away the only reason I had to live... »
Rose understood it, Chloe did something to Marinette, but she did not know what had happened, she was suspicious when she left the palace, she understood that it was serious...
« - Marinette and I were expecting a child, Chloe who was jealous of our love did the most despicable thing, I never expected that from her. She has... »
Adrien remained frozen in telling what had happened, he no longer had the strength to tell it, he suffered to the depths of his heart.
As he was about to say what happened to Marinette, thinking about it destroying him, he collapsed...
Rose, took him in her arms...
You couldn't describe the pain that was sticking to all parts of your body, it was as if we ended up burned and crushed, you could barely move, and that sadness just gnawed at your mind...
She had no words, she didn't want to make him suffer anymore, but she had to tell him the truth...
« - Adrien I... I blame myself for something I never told you... Chloe has been in love with you for a very long time...
- Did you knew that ? he said surprised.
- Yes Adrien... I didn't tell you because I expected you to open your eyes and notice Chloe... and I regret it so much... I don't want to make you suffer anymore, but I couldn't hide it from you anymore...
- How dare you ? He increased the time and got angry. If you had told me, we might not have gotten there, why Rose ? Why ?
- I don't know what to tell you... what I did was selfish... I should have...
- It's like a knife in my back that you just stabbed me ! »
Rose collapsed in her mind...
She preferred to keep this secret, even though it destroyed her, she might have avoided seeing Adrien like this...
As for him, rage made his appearance, he was angry, and it had never happened, Rose didn't hide anything from him, but this time...
Adrien was never like that, she could feel his anger just in his eyes...
What she had done was very wrong, she had not respected what Emilie asked her to do, but she promised herself that one day she would want to fix everything.
But at that moment, all she had to do was listen to Adrien, and take responsibility for the mistakes she had made...
Adrien was mad with rage, and she couldn't look at him without thinking that what she had done was horrible...
She cried in turn, but Adrien remembered what her parents told him.
« - Be kind and loving, never make others cry, but help them get up »
Seeing Rose cry, another part of hir soul was tearing away...
Even though he felt angry, he felt betrayed because Rose, for him, was like his second mother...
It was a shock to her when she confessed, how could she do that...
But he understood that she had done it for her good, so he took her in his arms and apologized.
« - I'm sorry Rose I... I didn't want to get upset... please don't blame yourself... it was my fault, I should have opened my eyes and seen that you were there... don't cry... because you are the only light that still loves me... I am truly sorry... »
Rose in the face of these words raised her head and dried her tears...
« - I'm going to go to Sabine and Tom's for a while, Adrien, I'm going to have to talk to them... stay in the palace and watch out for yourself. Please...
- Don't worry about me, I'll be careful, I'll stop by, but before I do, I'm going to have to settle a little thing...see you soon Rose..."
And it was with a heavy heart that these two, offered each other their last hug before Rose left for the Capital...
Rose felt that Adrien was sincere in apologizing, and she took the opportunity to shed a few more tears on Adrien's shoulders...
As for him, he could feel the warmth that Rose was giving him, hugs like this one, he had not had for a long time...
And when Rose left the palace, Adrien looked at her and made her one last goodbye with his hand, in his mind, he was happy.
Now Adrien was alone, and his way of thinking had changed...
And now he had made room in his mind for anger and hatred, those two feelings which seized his soul, for a week he faced his worst nightmares, he was consumed with remorse, and then, little by little, his sadness and depression, had turned into anger and hatred.
He could no longer think of anything else, in his mind he had to accomplish a despicable thing, even though Marinette told him to remain as before, and to rebuild himself, he could no longer do so, he had to face this injustice, he decided to avenge his love, he decided to kill Chloe...
Only revenge now mattered to him, and for that, he reserved for Chloe the worst way to die for all the acts she had committed...
Seeing her suffer was a way for him to pay tribute to Marinette and Emma, they should have been together, starting a real family, but now he had to punish Chloe for the jealousy she had...
As time passed, only the bloodthirsty desire, hatred, and rage circulated in his soul.
He had to act, he did not do what his parents told him to do, but he suffered horribly for the second time in his life...
Marinette was the only one who could fill it, and now he told himself that the only way to remember Marinette was to avenge her by killing the woman who took her life...
Because of these bad feelings, her white magic, like Chloe's, became black, one of the most powerful ever...
That night, Adrien slept well... very well...
He had become more powerful, but he was not yet able to face Chloe, so he had to prepare, for a month, alone...
And so, every day that passed, Adrien became stronger, he trained from morning to night, he learned to better master his gifts, learned his spells, and he wanted at all costs to confront Chloe because revenge now flowed into his veins, he had a thirst for blood, the thirst for Chloe's blood, the way Marinette died was atrocious, this poison inflicted horror on her, fleshly suffering that inspired her victim, that even death would seem sweet to her.
Every day, he would create Crystal statues in the palace gardens, lay them everywhere, and bandage his eyes.
He tried to spot his statues without using his eyes, but by taking advantage of his aura...
And when he felt close to one of the statues, he created energy balls in his hands.
His hands were uncrossed and his fingers folded to create this ball of energy, powerful, dangerous...
And then he turned in the direction of the statue, and pushed his hands forward, and from that ball of fire, of energy, like lightning was coming out, and so destroyed the statue, making it dust.
His eyes were mad with rage, and his anger only made his powers more powerful...
It produced huge explosions, but Adrien was proud, his magic became stronger...
And the day after a full moon, Adrien had read that it was going to develop its powers, and then he did as he wrote in one of his spell books, he had a ceremony done in the middle of the courtyard.
His magic became black, and his way of working had changed...
When he landed in the middle of the pentacle which he had drawn, he had to sing a very old incantation, and from there the Moon channeled his magic, and thus strengthen it.
That night, his eyes were turning red, and with his powerful magic, the next day, he was going to attack Chloe, he felt ready...
He walked in the gardens of his palace, the evening fell, he looked at the stars in the sky, he admired them and remembered how he looked at them with Chloe a long time ago...
He was in pain, of course, he was going to kill his old friend, but the memories he had with her will never go away...
His vision of things had changed, in the past, and Adrien always tried to see the good side of things, always tried to find the best solution, but today, he was lost, he no longer knew how to think like that, suffering and hatred had made him the worst person, and by smiling lightly at the stars, he imagined Chloe's suffering tomorrow...
The next day it was early, the sun was just rising, but Adrien was ready, his horse was ready, he got into the saddle, and left the palace.
It was the first time he took this path, the temple of the Moon was quite far away, and it was necessary to cross a very dense forest.
But he went on, in his mind, to see Chloe suffer was the greatest satisfaction he could have.
For hours, he galloped on the back of his horse, and shortly before his arrival, in the sky, the Sun rose, but it was strange, we could see the moon remain in the same place, it was very strange, it did not go down...
According to Adrien, the temple of the Moon is a very important magical place, and perhaps that is why the Moon did not go down.
But in reality, that day was quite special, it was the day of the Eclipse, and for witches and sorcerers using black magic, that day was very important, thanks to the inconspicuous rays of the Lunar Eclipse, their powers will thus be channeled and multiplied by the lunar powers, it was the opportunity for Chloe, more than she was in the temple of the Moon, to develop her powers...
But Adrien arrived, and Chloe, who was sitting at her table, reading her favorite book, Beauty and the Beast, felt the presence of Adrien, she lifted her eyes towards the door while smiling slightly and folding her eyes, she felt the carnage coming, she laughed.
And when Adrien knocked at the doors of the temple, they opened themselves, and he entered ...
This palace did not inspire his confidence, but he had to build on it, it should not appear weak, otherwise, Chloe was going to use this fact to his advantage.
As he went on, he arrived in the main room, and where he saw Chloe sitting, reading, he dared not utter a single word, he was stunned...
« - Well, well, I see that the little King has come to see me, said she lowering her book and looking Adrien in the eye, have you finally accepted the death of your dear girlfriend ?
Aww, this must have hurt you... But let me console you, she wasn't good enough for you, she started laughing...
- You know, Chloe, you've been easy to criticize for a while, and yes, as you say, I accepted her death, I didn't accept the fact that you killed her, but now she's in peace, and I know she'll take care of me, Adrien took an explicit voice and was trying to provoke Chloe, but what I see is that you haven't been able to announce your feelings to a close friend yet, would you have been a coward ?
- Watch what you're going to say, if I didn't tell you, it's because you had duties as King, and if you would have been with me you would have failed in those duties, unlike you, I thought of you, and you were only blind. Rose knew, in case you didn't know, I've always been there for you, but I realize it was a waste of time.
- It's true, Rose told me, and I was quite surprised to find out that my best friend was in love with me, it shocked me, and stop talking about the fact that I was blind, you didn't have to talk, and what did Chloe do when she was sad ? She was leaving the palace, awwww poor sweetheart...
- Why are you here ? If you think you impress me with your words, you're wrong, she laughed, you wouldn't have come all the way here just to talk to me, tell me !
- Well, it's been almost a month and a half since Marinette was gone, and since I've already grieved with my parents, to grieve for Marinette would only be destruction, so I wondered who I was, why I was crying, what I had to do, and I realized that crying was of no use certainly my heart is in pieces, but at least it makes me stronger, I didn't want to relive what I lived with my parents, so I had to change, and tell me if I'm wrong, you noticed very quickly that I was not here to discuss as an old Adrien would, but that I am here for something else...
- Wow Adrien is changing, I'm surprised to see that you're finally opening your eyes, I'm listening to you, sweetie, go ahead, make me SCARED » she says, laughing.
Adrien was waiting for Chloe to ask him that, and with a mad rage he made a gesture of his hand as if he was strangling someone, and at that very moment, Chloé found herself pressed against the wall, unable to breathe, she was going to die according to Adrien, and in an aggressive voice, by which we could feel his hatred, he said :
- You have taken my love, my happiness, my joy... It is now time for you to suffer for your actions ! »
Chloe seemed to choke, but with a great voice she began to laugh, in reality, Adrien's powers did nothing to her, he was weak, very weak...
- Do you think you can hurt me ? She laughed until she had tears... Aw Adrien, you are hopeless... »
She only moved her finger, and Adrien flew through the palace, Chloe followed him, and watched him destroy himself...
She took him by the throat and lifted him, he no longer touched the ground, Adrien found himself in difficulty...
It may be true that you have trained, but go further next time, to reach me it will take much more than strangling me little mouse, from now on leave here, otherwise I will empty you of your entrails ! »
And she threw him on the ground, and he began to run, while Chloe laughed badly...
While Adrien was running, the lunar eclipse had begun, a huge ray of light fell on Chloe, her powers became stronger, and Adrien lost all hope...
Back at the palace, he was desperate, how could he lose to Chloe, in his mind he had trained enough, but not enough...
He was angry, mad with rage, nothing more in the world could make him angry than that, losing to Chloe, he felt disgraced, so he searched and searched for hours, until he found the best solution, thinking that Adrien had failed miserably against Chloe because he wasn't ready enough, he had to train more, but only he won't get anywhere...
He needed someone to help him become the most powerful of all the levers that the Earth had known...
He found in a very ancient book, the name of the most powerful witch known to this day, she was getting ready for Sabrina, and she came from the Central Kingdom of the Continent, and for hours he read his exploits, every page he turned made ...him sppechless
At times he found himself petrified in his seat, that bloody witch who made terror, torture, and death tremble.
It was she that Adrien needed, thanks to her, he will be able to annihilate Chloe, and according to this book, she had managed to destroy an entire army, which was fighting against her alone, or another time, she poisoned an entire kingdom, for it was her King who once, attacked her family...
And finally, she found the best way to make a person suffer, and it was in this way that Adrien wanted to destroy Chloe's soul, but he had to prepare...
It is said that the King of the Central Kingdom had fled, and his subjects remained at the mercy of this witch, which is why no one dares to pronounce her name, Sabrina was a powerful witch, no one could challenge her...
So without waiting, Adrien packed his bags, he decided to go and meet Sabrina, he wanted her to train him in black magic, he didn't know if she would accept, but he was sure of one thing, coming back from that trip, he would be able to destroy his former best friend...
A week later, Adrien gathered his things, and got ready, he was going to glimpse a great journey...
He left the key to the palace, and the rule of the kingdom to his butler, waiting for Rose's return, where she will take over, the reason why Adrien was unknown, no one knew where he was going, the only thing they knew, was a lie that Adrien had told his butler, he told her he had to go on a diplomatic trip for about a month or two...
He tried to say the least because he knew Chloe was spying on him, and the best-kept secrets are the ones we don't share.
He had to wait until nightfall to leave, since he tried to face Chloe, Adrien knew he was going to be followed and looked at by his treacherous eyes...
When the moon was full, in the middle of the sky, Adrien got on his horse and went away, without saying anything, a shadow in the night...
After crossing the Kingdom of King Nino without being noticed, for he was not appreciated in this corner there, he came to the central kingdom, and where from the entrance into this vast Kingdom, Adrien could feel the power of black magic and the hold that Sabrina had over this once beautiful kingdom, but where chaos lived...
When he arrived in a small village, he met a young woman, her name was Juleka, she was quite shy, and scared, so he asked her to show him the way to the witch's castle, but in panic, she whispers to him :
« - Sir, I do not know who you are, but you must never pronounce the first name of the one you have just mentioned.
She can now come to me and terrorize my family, this person's castle is on this path, cross the great forest and you will be there...
Beware, no one dared to go to her...
I would advise against that because you can be crazy.
- Don't worry, young lady, she won't come to you, go home. »
Said Adrien, thanking her, the poor girl went home frightened, but Adrien could not wait any longer, galloping on the back of her horse, he took the path that the girl showed him.
The forest was vast and frightening, but he was not afraid...
Then he hurried to arrive, and after a few gallops of his horse, Adrien disappeared into the forest...
Meanwhile, the witch sensed the presence of Adrien, she sensed the power he had when he entered his kingdom, and having observed him in his great mirror, she saw him coming towards her, and with a smirk, she said:
« - Perfect... »
When he arrived at the palace, he felt an enormous magical power, as if a huge wave passed over his body, he was amazed at the strong feeling that this power made him...
Even before knocking on the doors, they opened themselves, immediately he understood that the witch knew that he was coming...
The palace was not large, it was advancing in the entrance and once in the corridor, Adrien heard a voice in the distance...
It was the witch, he was stressed out because at last, he was going to meet her:
« Come on, honey, I'm in the big room, at the end of the hall, to the right. »
Adrien advanced slowly but surely.
When he saw Sabrina sitting on the big chair, he did not know how to speak to her, but he threw himself, frightened:
« - Good morning miss, I am sorry to bother you, but I am coming to see you for...
- I know why you're here, Adrien.
Sabrina knew everything...
- You're here because your old best friend killed your wife, and you tried to face her without winning, so you came to me to train you the darkest spells, to satisfy your revenge.
- I'm very surprised... I didn't think you knew everything... Adrien was blushing with shame...
- Well know that I'm willing to help you, not because your situation for me is the most pitiful, but because you have enormous magical potential, and untapped strength and that would be a waste...
- I am flattered, by fear he said that and was afraid of his reaction.
- How about you start showing me what you can do, starting by burning that lush forest you see in front of you ?
Adrien was stunned, Sabrina asked him to do something impossible for him...
So he tried but the only thing he managed to do was to burn a single tree...
- It was pathetic... We'll have a lot of work... Go get some rest, and tomorrow we'll start...
Adrien felt ashamed...
However, Sabrina was stunned by the magical potential that Adrien had.
His heart was broken, and he lived a thousand horrors, perhaps even that he would be the most powerful sorcerer of all time.
Because he was born of the purest love, Adrien possessed the most powerful white magic, but now it was black...
And that power, it wasn't going to go away, it had to train.
But he did what Sabrina asked of him, and the next morning he had his first lesson.
Sabrina was waiting for him outside, and Adrien was standing there, waiting for what Sabrina was going to teach him...
« - You see, Adrien, with magic, you don't have to think, it's not something that prompts reflection, but it's related to emotions.
Adrien listened admirably...
The most powerful magic is related to emotions, it is a feeling that cannot be explained, and the blackest magic comes from the worst emotions, anger, hatred, or rage. And I feel it in you, what that Chloe did to your Marinette makes you shudder with anger, you have a huge untapped magical power in you, so wake her up, let her consume you...
Think about the pain Chloe has inflicted on you, think about when you will destroy her, think about the chaos you will inflict..."
Adrien's veins now flowed only in anger, he trembled, his magic appeared, and by closing his eyes, he succeeded in what he thought he was incapable of doing yesterday, he set fire to the whole forest.
If I asked you to burn this forest, it is because it is from the Earth that the blackest magic comes, it is from the Earth that the black magic takes her source, draws from this force and yours, and your magic will become powerful... »
And that's how lessons like these multiplied...
Between spells, battles, and rituals, Adrien became the most powerful sorcerer who ever existed...
But the most impressive lesson was that Adrien had to remain motionless, bound by immense chains, and his goal was to make these chains disappear by exploding them...
While he remained for a long time under the eyes of his teacher, Adrien succeeded with flying colors on many tests that Sabrina did him, others did not...
But today was like something final, and Adrien stood there, motionless until Sabrina started to get bored.
Then suddenly, around Adrien came torrents of red flames, he had appealed to the flames of Hell, and it was something that no one until now had managed to do, not even Sabrina.
She was stunned, Adrien's desire for revenge was powerful, and this conviction, this desire was to help her later...
These flames revolved around him, and suddenly these flames blew out the chains that held Adrien, but he did not want to stop there, he thus provoked before him, like a storm of fire, advancing, and burning the lush forest that was in front of him.
The trees were burned, and this forest became chaos...
« - I asked you to get rid of the chains... 
- Yes, that's what I did, but the first day we met, you asked me to burn this forest, and I did, but not only that, I annihilated a village that you wanted to destroy, your thoughts are hard to reach but not infallible... »
And she clapped, without speaking, she clapped...
Adrien was proud of him.
But Sabrina did not expect any mercy, she did not hesitate to make her student suffer, to show her the real black magic...
When he failed an ordeal, Sabrina did not encourage him to do it again, but hurt him for his failure, because true magic does not know bankruptcy, only the people who use it yes...
When she asked him to kill an innocent woman using magic, he refused :
« - Do you want revenge ? And you are not capable of killing her ? You wimp ! »
She was bombarding him with fireballs, and they were excruciatingly painful...
« - When we want revenge, no one should stand in our way, and you are not capable of killing this girl ? »
She lifted him in the air, and took him in the throat, as she passed on the pain to him through her nails, Adrien raised his hand, pushed Sabrina away with a ball of energy, and in anger he shouted :
« - You want me to kill her ? PERFECT ! »
And Adrien looked that girl in the eyes, and with a simple gesture, that girl's body exploded, and in the whole course, we could find blood and organs...
This feeling made Adrien stronger, and Sabrina said :
« - I'm proud of you »
After two months of practicing black magic, Adrien had managed to do what he wanted, he was strong now, and Chloe had only to behave, soon she would discover what was going on...
He had returned to the palace, determined to find Chloe, and destroy her...
Adrien saw Magic Awakens...

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