The Painful Death (6)

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That night, Adrien and Marinette had the best time of their lives, it was a magical night for them, and where we could feel the love that each one had for each other.
In their eyes, only happiness flowed, and this happiness was only theirs, no one could take all this love from them, but the future will prove, that this happiness will turn into chaos...
The next morning, the sun rose over the Kingdom, and through the window of the room, the great sun projected his rays on Marinette's sleeping face, and little by little she woke up, in her mind, repeating to herself that she was the happiest in the world, she now lived with her great love, and had shared the best moments of her life...
She watched Adrien sleeping, he was with his head resting on Marinette's shoulder while holding her in her arms, she tried not to wake him up, she caressed his head by intertwining her fingers in Adrien's hair while humming a lullaby.
Happiness was there...
And little by little Adrien woke up, and looked at Marinette while humming with her...
These two admired each other deeply in their eyes...
Adrien in a gentle and peaceful voice, said, embarrassed :
« - Hello, my hear »t, he said smiling.
Smiling Marinette also answers him :
« - Hello, my love... »
For a few minutes, they looked into each other's eyes...
« - Marinette I...
I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and that I will do everything to protect you, to love you, to cherish you...
For the rest of my life...
It was an unforgettable night with you...
And know that I will always be there for you...
Adrien blushed by saying this, he did not want to inconvenience Marinette...
« - I love you, Adrien, more than anything, and I will always be there for you, no one will have as much love as I will have for you... »
And it is by blushing, the two, that for a short moment they kissed each other, their lips intertwined, proving here a pure and sincere love...
They remained in the bed, Adrien again had his head on Marinette's shoulder, and she was intertwining her fingers in his hair...
Nothing could take them away from this moment of happiness, nothing and nobody...
Adrien, who thought he had made up for the tragedies he had experienced, had just realized that it was only today, that his soul was repaired, before the meeting with Marinette, he had a void in his heart that he could not fill, but now, thanks to her, this void had filled, Adrien was reborn...
Together they were happy...
After spending the whole morning, together, snuggling up against each other in bed, the two lovers got up, dressed, and then left for breakfast.
Marinette could not stop laughing, and making fun of the new hairstyle that Adrien had, since she was intertwining her fingers in the hair of her boyfriend, he found himself all messed up...
As for Adrien, he told little jokes that only made his princess laugh...
The whole palace could hear them, they lost a lot of time walking around the palace...
But little by little, Marinette felt she was tired, and Adrien saw it...
In his mind, he thought he was guilty, maybe Marinette wasn't ready yet last night...
Despite sharing an unforgettable and magical moment, he thought he was the culprit...
It had all begun when they arrived near the library, at that moment, Marinette had to stop and cling to Adrien, who thought she was a little tired, so they continued their way.
But on arriving in front of the kitchen, Marinette no longer walked as when they had left the room, she was weakened...
Adrien, panicked, blamed himself for having wounded Marinette last night...
They went into the dining room, where Rose was waiting for them.
Marinette, who was barely able to walk, was hooked to Adrien, who helped him to sit down and asked the others to leave the room, only Rose had remained in a corner, Adrien had beckoned her to stay...
By sitting next to her, Adrien was very panicked, and he asked her calmly to reassure her:
« - Are you all right ? »
What's the matter with you?
I saw that you haven't been well since we left the room, tell me...
- Don't worry, Adrien, it's all right I just got a little tired... »
She felt the fear of Adrien, and she didn't want to accentuate it, she didn't even know what was happening to her, it was the first time it had happened, at the level of her stomach she felt like cramps, and like nausea, who sucked all the energy out of her body, she was almost half asleep.
In no case, she had said in her mind, that it was Adrien's fault, never !
She took part in the most beautiful night she had ever had, and it was Adrien's love that made her stronger now, it was a magical moment they had shared, and it only strengthened her love for him...
« - Don't worry, I'll be fine ... I'll eat and then I'll get some sleep...
- Marinette I'm sorry... I'm sure it's because of me, I shouldn't have... end... I think we weren't ready yet and then...
- No Adrien... »
She looked at him smiling and putting her hand on his cheek, his head was down and he was very sad, but Marinette was going to try to give him comfort and to take away this feeling of guilt...
« - Don't feel guilty, Adrien, this night was the most wonderful of all.
Do not feel guilty because I have never felt so much love and happiness as I once did in my life...
Nothing would make me happier to start again with you this...
You're a good man, and very sweet, how can you think you hurt me ?
Never in my life have I felt this, and for the first time, it was the most magical of all...
- But I'm so afraid I hurt you... I don't want you to feel bad because of me.
- I will never feel bad because of you ... your love and strength are my pillars ... how will I survive without you ?
- I love you, Marinette, more than anything on this earth, in this universe... »
She knew how to find the words...
Adrien found his mind, Marinette's words had succeeded in reassuring him...
No one had spoken to him like that...
He smiled, and without waiting, they kissed each other...
Rose, who had attended the whole scene, could not help crying with joy, the little Adrien she knew had finally taken flight, and set off on the long road that is called : life.
His parents would be proud of him...
Separating their lips and having their foreheads on top of each other, they looked into each other's eyes and went back to the room...
Adrien took Marinette in his arms, stretched her on the bed, and sit beside her.
She had fallen asleep, and he looked at her peacefully, sleeping...
In his mind, Adrien said to himself, that nothing in the world could fill him more than that...
But he still felt a little bit of guilt, because according to him, if they had not shared this unforgettable and magical night, Marinette would not be in this state, but he felt reassured by what she had said...
He was filled with...
And he, too, had fallen asleep at his side.
And that's how the two lovers gave way to beautiful dreams...
Until now, the people had continued to live, and they had not heard much from their King for a long time.
In the middle of the afternoon, when Adrien and Marinette got up, they experienced what had happened that morning, in their eyes only love appeared...
Immediately Adrien asked his princess:
« - Are you better, my love ?
- Yes, Adrien, I'm better, don't worry...
Your presence by my side has helped me, I love you...
Don't think you're guilty... I'm better » she says, looking into his eyes and putting his hand on his cheek...
Adrien, looking at Marinette in his eyes, smiling and blushing, was very happy to know that Marinette was better, but he wanted to ask her a little thing, yet he did not know how to tell her...
But he said to himself:
« - Marinette ? I have a rather strange question to ask you.
You know, my kingdom has not heard much from his King... and I thought, if you would, that it would be a good idea to tell them that ... although he couldn't find the words to express himself...
- You wish to announce the people for our marriage ?
- I know what I'm asking is very disturbing... and it's going a little too fast... but again, we only do it if you want to... he said while blushing...
- Nothing would please me more, Adrien...
Now I live here, and it would be a great honor for me to meet the inhabitants of your kingdom...
What if we go tonight ? Is that okay ?
Adrien was delighted to hear this from Marinette, he thought it would bother her...
- I'd love to, yes, I'll ask the coachman to get ready. We'll meet downstairs, but are you sure ? After what happened this morning...
- Yes, Adrien, let's go, don't worry about me » said her, smiling...
She exclaimed, happy...
And a few hours later, Marinette and Adrien took their seats in the carriage and left for the capital.
Marinette was nervous, she was going to meet her new people, but she did not know how he was going to react, but she was still anxious because she was not alone, she was with Adrien, today was a great day...
Adrien, for his part, was very stressed, because he too was afraid of the reaction of the people when he saw him arrive, it was more than two months since he gave no sign of life to the inhabitants, who showed themselves very worried, every week a peddler came to the palace to check on him but nothing was told him...
But tonight, everything was going to change, Adrien had not used his magic for a very long time, so for this very exceptional day, he was going to make use of it, to show his people that he was still there, but also, to help Marinette feel less stressed...
On the coach ride, the two were trying to relieve this stress by telling each other a few jokes, but what made them confident, and lose their negative emotions, was their passionate gaze...
Every glance that crossed between them, strengthened their love, they were happy...
When the carriage arrived at the Capital, night had fallen, and as half the inhabitants were watching, making use of its magic, it made appearances in the sky, white trails of light, trails in the shape of waves, which illuminated the whole city.
Marinette was blown away, she had never seen Adrien use his magic, he was looking at the stars while having his hands in the air, and with the snap of his fingers, these magnificent lightwaves had appeared.
And to mark their entrance, Adrien asked the orchestra that had accompanied them to sing a sweet song, like a lullaby.
It was beautiful, at that time, all the people were coming out of their homes, and what made Marinette laugh was that they didn't understand what was going on, but after hearing the music that was getting slightly louder, the inhabitants realized that it was their King...
And it was then that a huge procession was formed, the inhabitants seeing their king, saw the rebirth of hope...
And this great procession ended when the carriage had arrived at Grande Place, and it was at this very moment that Adrien was extremely stressed, but Marinette was there, she gave him courage by holding him by the hand and kissing him on the cheek.
Then, confident, Adrien went out and spoke...:
« - My dear People...
I want you to know that I'm here today to tell you some great news...
But before I tell you, I have to apologize...
I haven't been back to see you for a long time, and I haven't given you a sign of life
While every week the Peddler came...
I didn't want to say anything...
Maybe you were worried, but I want to express my deepest apologies, and that from now on, I will never forget you like that again...
But today is a day of celebration, I know some of you will be shocked, but I have to tell you, soon this kingdom will have a Queen... »
Then, little by little, she came out anxious...
She was afraid, but Adrien, smiling, was there for her, she had nothing to fear...
« - I present to you, Princess Marinette of New York, my future wife, and soon, your future Queen...
Did he smile and look at her...
- I count on you to glory and love her, just as you loved my parents...
We invite you all to our wedding...
Unfortunately, the date has not yet been decided, but we will inform you of everything... »
The people were overjoyed, for to see their King happy was the most wonderful thing to see.
They shouted, clapped, and spread joy and good humor...
The inhabitants were overjoyed, and at that moment Adrien, with a small gesture of his hand, made fireworks appear.
And it was on these thousand fires of colors, that the two lovers went back to the palace, and that the inhabitants joined their houses...
In their carriage, Adrien spoke with Marinette :
« - So ? How did it go ?
- Your people are magnificent, Adrien, and it will be the greatest pleasure for me to reign alongside you. »
The two then kissed, and arrived at the palace, it was very late, and directly after getting out of the carriage, tired, although they had slept most of the day, they went to the room where everything had begun and gave way to dreams.
They slept peacefully...
But from a distance, from the Temple of the Moon, Chloe, using magic to observe very well the actions of her former friend, expected him to propose to Marinette, but not as quickly...
Just seeing him happy only pissed him off...
She watched a happiness blossom to which she was no longer entitled, she watched them live happily when it should have been her instead of the little princess.
And when Adrien said that she would become the new Queen, the anger was greater than anything, she could no longer control herself, but in her mind, she said to herself, that later, her revenge would only bring her joy, it would take time, but in the end, she'll be happy...
But to take revenge for this love at first, she decided to do something despicable, in her mind she asked herself:
« - So who started this story ? King Andre of New York of course ! »
Everything was becoming clear, so in revenge for having been deprived of certain happiness, she was going to accomplish the worst thing she could do so far, she went to take revenge directly on the man who introduced this young princess so uninteresting, she was going to destroy her kingdom, no matter how great it was, and by taking the life of the King, she was going to alleviate her suffering.
No more waiting, she packed her luggage, and that very evening, she took the last boat to New York, in her eyes only the anger, in her mind, as she looked at the moon, while she was on the deck of the boat looking at the waves, she was enjoying the pain she was going to inflict, so when she went to sleep in her cell, Chloe slept well that night, slept very well...

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