The Pact of Kingdoms (3)

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A few days later, on one evening, after having saved a young woman from death, Adrien wondered about organizing a new Assembly of Kings.
Since he discovered his magical gifts, the King was afraid of the look that the other leaders would have had on him, for certain, his magic was only light, and forever he would use it to do only good, but he was afraid that the others would be jealous, or scornful, and so they would revolt against the Kingdom.
But Chloe, the most wonderful girl, was always with her best friend, supporting him and taking care of him.
While he was sitting, stressed, he put his hands on his lap, his head down, and began to ask his dear friend for advices :
« - Chloe, you have been with me since I was born, tell me what I should do, do you think organizing a new assembly would be a good idea  ? »
Maybe the other kings will want to try to attack me or worse, hurt my kingdom, out of jealousy or whatever, and since the last meeting, when my magic came out and I read King Nino's mind, I'm starting to worry...
- Adrien, you should not be afraid, the other kings should accept you as you are, a good King, altruistic, loving, and loyal, they should not despise your powers, on the contrary, they should make them the glory, because they are only light, you are the fruit of true love, of very deep love, and these people, they knew your parents and they know how much they loved each other...
Don't worry, I'll be there with you... »
Chloe was trying to counsel Adrien as best she could, but she was also trying to hide her feelings, which was not easy for her, as Adrien didn't realize that her best friend had fallen in love with him...
Adrien wisely listened to Chloe, because he knew she was the voice of reason, and she was always right...
Thanks to her, Adrien took confidence in him:
« - You are right, Chloe, I will organize a new assembly of kings, but the problem now is King Nino, at any time he can order his army to attack us and we will not be ready...
- Then you must be prepared with the other Kings when Nino launches the offensive, you know very well that his Queen is not only his wife, but she is also the Leader of the Army, Alya is the most cunning and powerful Queen in the world has ever known, I inquired, and her plans of attack have always been victorious, she to the rage of overcoming, the thirst of blood, just like her King, but you must not be afraid Adrien, listen to me well... »
Alya and Nino indeed represented real threats to the continent, and Adrien had to try to manage complicated situations...
Chloe did not feel comfortable giving advices to Adrien, she did not want to make him feel guilty for being a bad King, but she began to explain to him her plan :
« - This is what I propose, you must send a letter to each King in the Assembly, without sending one to King Nino, you will tell them to come and organize a secret meeting in your palace.
You will explain to them all you know about Nino's plans, and you will tell them how you discovered them, because they are afraid of this impulsive and accurate king, they will only follow you and help you overthrow him.
However, you will need the help of a new kingdom, and for that, you will have to appeal to King Andre of New York, he is the only one until now who has managed to resist the battles of Nino and Alya, he must give you his support.
- You think our four kingdoms won't be powerful enough against Alya ?
Of course, she runs the army, and she always wins, but fighting against four kingdoms will be very difficult... right ?
- I understand what you are saying, but the Continent has always been at peace, and the Kings for generations have never known war, except the Kingdom of Alya and Nino, they have always waged war against other countries outside the continent, they know how to do it, and the only Kingdom that managed to resist these furies was the kingdom of Andre.
And once the other leaders have confidence in you, you will create a pact that will aim to gather the armed forces of each Land, thus resisting the King and the Queen.
And once this pact is approved by everyone, you will have to reorganize a new assembly with King Nino this time, and at this assembly, you will take the lead and you will exclude Nino from your group.
And since Nino is prone to violence and very impulsive, you will profit from it, it is because of the anger you have provoked him, that he will decide to attack the Kingdom, and at that moment, you and the other Kings, that you will be ready to retaliate against his army, and thus overthrow Nino and Alya.
- Chloe, I promised the people that I would be like my parents to honor them, that is, to be kind and pacifist, it would be contrary to all the promises I made, to go to war...
- Adrien, unfortunately, I understand you, I am in the best position to understand you, but as we speak, if you do not strike the kingdom of Nino and Alya, the vision you had by reading her thoughts at your first assembly, will become a reality, and your people will suffer...
- You're the best friend I've ever had, thank you for being by my side... »
Adrien felt slight chills, he had never spoken with a lady like that...
But what he was sure of was that he felt happy...
Chloe, on the other hand, was living a dream, Adrien was so charming, and Chloe succumbed, she could no longer resist, and she placed her head on the chest of her prince charming...
To make the moment even more wonderful, Adrien with his magical powers, with a simple gesture of his hand, made appear a shower of stars, like streaks of light in the sky.
And together they looked at the splendor of the stars...
It was after a few moments when they were lying on this heap of grass, that they said to each other:
« - Adrien is beautiful ! I didn't know you learned to do that !
- I learned it for you...
You have always amazed me with your powers, and as you are the light of my life, I wanted to give you this gift, the stars are you... »
As they stood up, they both looked each other in the eyes, in front of the Magnificent Moon, the two blushed, and nothing mattered at that time.
Putting her hands in Chloe's hair, Adrien felt a chill in her whole body, and without thinking, their lips touched, and gave way to their first kiss...
It was a magical moment for both, nothing more beautiful than it had ever happened to them...
But unfortunately, Chloe, who loved Adrien with all her heart, had to push him away...
Chloe felt she was making the biggest mistake of her life, but it was the best thing to do, even though it would tear her apart...
« - I'm sorry, Chloe, I wasn't in control... excuse me...
- No, Adrien, I'm sorry, you're the King, and my best friend, I should have said no, I got carried away.
You have to go to sleep now...
Tomorrow you must write a letter to the King of New York...
- See you tomorrow, Chloe... »
When Chloe left for the palace and left Adrien's arms, she cried, she had a magical moment, and for nothing in the world did she want to push him away, but she had to because Adrien had responsibilities...
His heart was torn, his soul bruised...
Adrien felt embarrassed, he had lived the best moment of his life, but he felt that he had offended Chloe, he continued to take her for his best friend, without realizing that she loved him.
Despite everything, Chloe was very happy that Adrien was following her advices, but she couldn't help but think about her love for him, she was very sad, she had a lot of pain in the depths of her soul...
She had embraced the person she loved most in the world, without being able to tell him anything because he had said it sincerely, that she was the best friend he had ever had...
Then why the kiss?
Chloe was crying because she also had to forget her feelings, soon a war would break out, and Adrien had to remain focused and devoted to her Kingdom, perhaps one day the enchantress would try her luck and confess her feelings for him...
She had trouble sleeping that night...
Adrien too was afraid of having hurt Chloe, he couldn't sleep last night...
The next day, when Chloe woke up, Adrien had already sent his letter to the King of New York, he explained the situation on which the continent, and at the same time, he sent a letter to each of the other Kings, to warn them of their secret meeting to be held in a month.
He was proud, he had managed to overcome his fear, which was that of being criticized and despised, he was stronger, thanks to Chloe.
But he was constantly thinking about Chloe, he couldn't help but think about kissing them...
When the two friends got together, Adrien was trying to justify himself to Chloe, and he was trying to apologize for last night's kiss, but what Chloe was waiting for was for Adrien to tell her that he loved her...
It didn't happen, and deep down, Chloe was crying... she told him that it was no big deal what happened last night and that it should not happen again...
And it was with the heaviness that she said this to him, but she kept hoping that one day they would end up together.
The enchantress could no longer resist wanting to kiss Adrien again, but she had to restrain herself, so she decided to leave for a while...
« - Adrien, I'm not feeling very well, I'm going away for a while, I've decided to come back when you meet the other Kings, I promise.
- Chloe, I need you, not to see you for so long ... will be very hard ... is it because of last night ? »
I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you...
- Don't worry, Adrien, I have planned to go to the Great Palace of the Goddess of the Moon, it will help me to make a void and maybe discover new magical things, I will come back very quickly, I promise. »
It was by kissing him on the cheek, that Chloe was at the bottom, Adrien was right, last night's kiss had destroyed her spirit, she had to lie to him because she couldn't bear to see him every day, and she had to hide her feelings...
Adrien, saddened, respected her friend's choice, but he felt very badly because he thought she had been hurt...
Rose saw it, she couldn't mingle between these two, she had gone for a while to the Capital to Sabine and Tom and she came back to the palace when Chloe was leaving, she didn't understand what had happened, but she understood that Chloe, was sad...
Rose went to find Adrien, although she did not know what happened, she asked Adrien :
« - Your Majesty, take care of her, for she was there for you as no one before, she gave you back a smile, and even stopped your tears from falling.
- I know, Rose, but I can't stop her from being sad, I know she's hiding something from me, maybe one day she'll tell me. I trust her... »
Had he said he was saddened, and it was while watching Chloe walk away with one little bag, that Adrien felt guilt for hurting his friend, but he did not know how he had managed to make his best friend unhappy...
Chloe had been gone for a week now, and Adrien was feeling sad, for he had no one to play with except Rose, but time passed, and he had received the answer from the other Kings, they will all come as agreed, but receiving letters without his best friend when it was her idea made the King anxious...
In his letter, the King of New York said that he would help the Alliance, he agreed to participate without even having attended the secret meeting, because to overthrow Nino and Alya, King Andre would be ready for anything !
While awaiting the return of Chloe and the New Assembly, Adrien decided to wander around his Kingdom to help his people as best he could, but also, the King took the opportunity to launch a protection charm on the borders of the Kingdom, to prevent Nino's soldiers from attacking by surprise, this was his main goal while waiting for the Alliance to form, he had to protect his people.
As a result, Adrien created a very powerful invisible wall, not allowing enemies to enter his Kingdom.
Every time Adrien used his magic, he thought of Chloe, it was thanks to her that all this happened...
Two weeks had elapsed since then, and Chloe was back, she was not as she was before, she was again joyful and smiling, and when Adrien had seen her again, he could not help but, when saw her coming, he ran and took her in his arms.
« - I missed you so much », said he, embarrassed but filled with joy to see his friend again.
« I missed you too Adrien, she still loved him but by taking a step back, she managed to resist his feelings, And wait for you to see, I arrived at the temple of the goddess!" He was beautiful ! » she exclaimed.
Adrien, mad with joy, was only questioning Chloe about her trip, about what she had discovered, indeed she managed to develop her powers, and even brought back a small memory...
In a small vial, she brought back water from the Enchanted River, a river that took its source in the goddess's palace, which was only a legend, but this water had the power to show the future of the person who drank it.
« - Keep her safe !
Maybe one day you'll need it ! Chloe told Adrien.
- Your Majesty ! The Kings are waiting for you ! Your assembly is in the reception room, hurry up ! Had shouted Rose from the top of the stairs.
- Gee! I had completely forgotten. He said. 
- Hurry, my King, do not forget why you are doing this ! And the other Kings will follow you ... be careful. »
With these words, Chloe realized that Adrien loved her very much, he had forgotten his assembly just to welcome her...
She felt very happy, she had been mistaken about the King, indeed he had changed a lot since she had left, she kept hoping that one day he would fall in love with her, she hoped that it would happen one day in better circumstances...
In hurrying, Adrien arrived late in the reception room, however, the other Kings knew the purpose of this meeting, but they had not understood how Adrien could know what Nino and Alya were planning to do.
Adrien entered the room like a whirlwind, and the other people in the room looked at him surprised, but as soon as he entered, he began to speak to them :
« - My majesties, you know the purpose of this hidden meeting, we will have to overthrow King Nino when he attacks us, founding the Pact of Kingdoms is today a vital thing for the survival of our peoples.
With us joined His Majesty King Andre of New York, he managed to defeat the King and Queen when they tried to attack their land.
We have an asset with us.
- But why do you want to arrest King Nino ? »
You say he will destroy the Continent, but how do you know ? asked one of the Kings.
- At our first assembly, Your Majesty, you came to see me and offered your help in case of need, on that day I did not feel well because I had made a strange discovery... As you may know, I discovered that I had magical gifts thanks to the love of my parents who had passed away in the past...
And it will seem strange to you, but that day my gifts began to manifest, and the first thing I managed to do was to read people's minds, when my gaze had stopped on King Nino, I read in his mind his darkest thoughts, he said he was corrupting our soldiers, stealing our weapons, and finally decimating the continent...
- How ? cried King Andrew.
- I know this story sounds very strange, but in honor of my parents, and for the future of the continent, I ask you to trust me, because I know this is against my principles, but if we don't overthrow King Nino, our lands will perish... »
Despite this request as strange as Adrien made them, they were surprised to know that he possessed magic.
Adrien was afraid of their reaction, he thought they would turn to Nino, and that he should be left alone....
But the others had noticed this fear and despair, they had to help Adrien...
Immediately, the kings debated, and they decided, after having discussed among themselves, to trust King Adrien.
Despite some doubts about the age of Adrien, this young King celebrated his eighteen years not long ago, in addition to his parents who were the most altruistic Kings in the world died, they did not know if, of this operation, he was ready to become the Chief.
However, when King Andrew received his first letter, reading it, he felt the despair that the young king had...
Adrien said he was ready to command this battle, and he assured the assembly that once Peace was restored, the Pact of Kingdoms would come to an end.
Having thought about it, all had signed this Pact of Kingdoms, and it was after Adrien explained Chloe's plan to the others.
While he spent his time explaining every detail of the plan, he couldn't help but think of Chloe, this exceptional girl, who had found the solution to save the continent.
And so, when all the kings agreed with the initial plan, Adrien decided to launch the operation, and thus convene a new assembly of kings two weeks later, King Andrew would be absent, but Nino would be there.
At the end of the assembly, Adrien went directly to see Chloe, who happened to be in the garden with Rose planting tulips, and when Adrien saw Chloe with a red rose in her hand, a very strange sensation took hold of him, as stomach pains came to him but also, he was cold.
Rose, who had seen Adrien looking at his best friend, told her quietly with a smile, and it was at that moment that he and Chloe walked around and talked.
Chloe told Adrien everything, everything she had experienced during the month she left the palace...
Adrian was amazed, he listened to Chloe with such passion that he thought she was special...
The evening was approaching, and they had to return to the castle, together, they had watched for hours playing in the royal chamber, between pillows battle and cards games, one might have thought that they were a happy couple, but they were just friends...
But time passed, and their friendship, which was already very strong, would only strengthen...
Two weeks had passed, and the hour of the new assembly had arrived, when arriving at the palace, King Nino felt a feeling of contempt and anxiety, he suspected something because according to him this meeting was organized too quickly.
When all the kings finally met, Adrien spoke and announced little by little the exclusion of King Nino from the assembly of kings...
« - Dear Majesties, welcome back to this new Assembly, I know this meeting has come suddenly, but we will have to talk about a crucial point today...
Adrien, on him, go on.
Unfortunately, the purpose of our meeting was betrayed by the treachery and deceit of one of you. »
At that time, Nino knew that Adrien was talking about him, but he preferred to keep his mouth shut to see what he was going to say.
Adrien's goal was to make Nino angry so that he could declare war, and thus launch the fighting.
« - His Highness, King Nino, as deceitful as he is a liar, has betrayed us all and therefore wishes to take advantage of our possessions, to annihilate the continent.
From today, you, Your Majesty, would not be part of our assembly, I decided to speak on behalf of all kings.
Your Majesty, King Nino, you are excluded from this assembly.
- How dare you, King Adrien, exclude me from the Assembly ?
Was he screaming mad with anger...
- That's how I and all the kings who are present decided to proceed, you thought perhaps we were not aware of your black drawings ?
We know very well what you have planned to do to the whole continent and thus take control of this Earth, but know that I will be there to prevent you !
- You ? You little insipid being, you who are only a king for some time, you dare to provoke one of the oldest of here ? » Laughing he asked.
Adrien knew that to provoke the King, he had to be radical, he had to say briefly what Nino was doing and also that he had to leave the assembly because the sooner he would have said it, the fewer details he would have given, and for that, Nino would have been angry to know the real reason...
How did he find out what he was planning ?
King Nino did not seem to realize that Adrien was not going to retaliate alone, and it was to his advantage, the treacherous, mad with rage, threatened the continent by provoking chaos and destruction, and it was with black anger, that Ninho declared war on King Adrien, by doing that, everyone realized that the plan was working perfectly.
« - As soon as the trees turn yellow and the leaves of the trees fall, my kingdom together with my wife Queen Alya, let us destroy your lands, my dear Adrien, you do not know what war is, and I would be happy to destroy you. »
And it was on these words that Adrien, a little frightened of what was going to happen, had closed the assembly.

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