The New King (1)

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« Once upon a time, decades past, there was a vast, sumptuous and prosperous kingdom, where in chaos and destruction he had one day sunk, and that is how it happened...
This very large and magnificent kingdom, which was ruled by King Gabriel and Queen Emilie, was the most powerful on the Continent.
The King and Queen were good, selfless, and loving, they did everything to give the best to their land, the people were happy and lived in harmony, and no one knew what being wicked meant.
But as time passed, the Kingdom would soon discover it...
Each day that passed, only strengthened the love that the King had for the Queen, Gabriel and Emilie loved each other, and this filled the Kingdom with happiness, it was thanks to their love that this country prospered and became the most beautiful of all.
The other kingdoms only envied this beauty, where the people lacked nothing, and it was thanks to their King and Queen, that all this had happened.
This magnificent royal couple was loved by all the inhabitants, so much so that every day, groups of villagers came from the four corners of the Kingdom, together, to offer red roses, to symbolize their deep love.
These gifts, as beautiful as they were wonderful, produced tears running down Gabriel and Emilie's cheeks, and they were filled.
But time passed, and this family was about to grow...
One fine day, Emilie woke up exhausted, it was a rather strange sensation that had seized her, excruciating pains in her stomach, as well as pains in her head, and she had difficulty getting up.
Emilie did not know what was happening to her, and the Queen had not felt like that for a very long time.
And out of fear, she asked Gabriel to join her as soon as possible, she hoped that his presence could alleviate her pain...
And so it had happened, Rose his sommelier, mad with anxiety, looked for the King in the vast palace, and when she found him, distraught, she suddenly began to cry out:
« Your Majesty ! The Queen asks you ! I don't know what is happening to her, she is not well, she needs you ! » she exclaimed.
Gabriel, anxious and believing the worst, ran to join his beloved in her apartments, hoping that nothing serious had happened to her, and when he entered in queen's room panicked, he suddenly raised his voice :
« - My Queen ! My love ! What is going on ? Are you not well ?
- I don't feel well, Gabriel, she replied, I feel pain everywhere and I feel sick, I never felt like that. »
Saddened and anxious, when he heard that his wife was sick, he immediately called Sabine, the palace's nurse, she was a little lady, with short black hair and blue eyes, and she acquired all the knowledge that a good doctor should have in China, with her parents, and after their death, she came to the Kingdom, settled in the Continent and married the best baker of the capital, a certain Tom Dupain, a great fellow very skilled for pastry.
They formed a very pretty couple, where love overflowed.
Gabriel cried out in fear, and the whole palace heard the news, most of the servants immediately changed their feelings.
Joy gave way to pain and sadness, knowing that the Queen was at her worst.
When the King found Sabine, Gabriel's simple cry was very clear :
« - Sabine ! I need you ! »
She immediately understood that it was the Queen, and her looks suddenly changed and we could almost read a dash of despair on her face...
« - There is no time to waste ! Let's hurry ! » she said.
As soon as Sabine arrived, she asked Gabriel to go out and leave the two women alone.
There was nothing left in the King's mind, he remained outside thinking of his wife, he prayed, prayed in her honor to the Goddess of the Moon to bring her health back...
This mysterious Goddess of the Moon was a very important figure in those times, legend has it that the Earth, there is a lot of time ahead, had no source of light during the night, thus leaving for a long and cold period, the earth in great darkness, where the creatures of the night had the opportunity to attack humans...
But one day, it is said that a woman, whom no one knew, and no one knew what she looked like, had arrived on earth carrying on her shoulders a huge white stone ball, and when she saw the darkness and chaos that reigned on Earth at night, she gave it to the Earth, it is also said that it was this ball that, when it was thrown into the sky by this woman, her precious white stone was named the Moon, and so she brought magic to Earth.
No one knows if this legend is true, but from that day on, this woman that no one knew became the Goddess of the Moon, and when someone prayed in her name, she gave away the magic that the Moon brought to Earth, to help people in difficulty...
However Gabriel did not believe too much in this legend, but he was convinced of the existence of this Goddess.
Then he prayed, and prayed...
Despite all the responsibilities that Gabriel had as King, he put everything aside to take care of Emilie, his beloved.
A few hours later, locked in the Queen's room, Sabine consulted the Queen, asking her about her pain, listening to her heart, and her lungs, like every doctor.
But of all the answers that Emilie gave her, the Queen had forgotten to mention a small detail, her belly...
Sabine discovered, astonished, an immense piece of news that was doubtless going to change the Queen's life.
She carefully observed Emilie, who was only massaging her belly :
« - My Queen, what is happening to your belly ? Is it here that you are in pain ? » asked Sabine, worried.
Emilie replied with a yes, that word she pronounced was heartbreaking, one could feel her pain through a simple word, so it was by listening to her belly, with her ear stuck to her skin, that a light heartbeat could be heard.
No one can expect this kind of event, Sabine had some doubts about what could happen, but these light beats confirmed her theory...
Sabine was crazy with joy, knowing that the Queen was pregnant for the first time and being the first to know it was an incredible thing, she was moved and it made her blush, she did not know how to say this miraculous thing.
« - Please, Sabine, tell me what's happening to me, I can't take it anymore. »
- Well, my Queen, I don't know how to tell you, I am so happy for you and the King, you have a child ! » She cried with joy.
Emilie was shocked, she didn't know what to say, her heart was juggling between joy, sadness, happiness, and anxiety, but Sabine tried to reassure her :
« - Your Majesty, it is perfectly normal to have pain and to feel sick, because you are creating a whole new person !
And there's no happier way is happier than living with the idea of having a future child.
You do not have to worry, you will still be hurt for some time, but I know that you and the King will be the happiest in the world, I will come to see you every day to be sure that you and your future child are well. »
And it was on these beautiful words that Sabine left the royal room and left Emilie alone with the idea that she would become, a mother.
As soon as the king saw Sabine crying as she left the palace, he began to run to the royal room as quickly as possible and ask his wife what was going on :
« - My darling, my love, what is it ? he asked in a panic, I am confused and I see that you are suffering, there is no worse way to make me cry than this, I have just seen Sabine leave the palace crying, I pray that this is not bad news, I do not understand...
- My love, crying with joy, I don't know how to tell you, there's not bad news, and Sabine was crying with joy, but my sufferings are nothing compared to the happiness I'm going to offer you.
Today you called Sabine for me because I was suffering and it was thanks to her that I discovered that I was carrying a child..."
Gabriel, shocked and amazed, fell backward and fainted.
He didn't expect that...
He was their first child, and Gabriel had never experienced this kind of event before, which is also what could have caused this situation...
The Queen jumped from her bed to join her husband, lying on the ground, and crying with joy hoping that he would wake up, she repeated in her consciousness, that nothing would be as before.
We could read Emilie's joy, just by looking at her smiling face, she was looking at her husband, asleep.
When he woke up, he took his wife in his arms and kissed her passionately, he thought it was the end.
In a peaceful voice, he said :
« - I love you, Emilie... »
And when they left Emilie's room, the news passed through the castle in a flash, it was under a thunder of applause and wishes that our two future parents, came out of the palace and walked into the gardens.
The kingdom, for his part, discovered those news, and he wept with joy.
It was a time of celebration, where all the villages held sumptuous celebrations, in honor of the future Prince, or Princess.
And Sabine, as she had promised to Emilie, every day she went by to make sure that the King and the Queen were fine, everything was normal as far as Emilie was concerned, but Gabriel remained stressed and worried about what would happen in the future...
How would he manage to care for his future child and love his wife, while being in charge of a vast kingdom...
Sometimes he did not sleep for whole nights, but one night Emilie reassured him :
« - I know what torments you, my love...
Don't be afraid, we will manage to do everything, you just have to trust us...
Because forever and ever, I will love you. »
In the face of these words, Gabriel could not help but shed tears, and for the last time, on this autumn night, Gabriel took his wife in his arms...
It was a very long but passionate hug...
The years passed and Emilie gave birth to an adorable little boy, now the Kingdom had a new person to love and cherish, Prince Adrien.
As for Gabriel, he had become the happiest father in the kingdom.
As time passed, Prince Adrien grew up in happiness and joy, and his parents blossomed to see their child grow up.
Adrien's day of birth was the most magical of all, Gabriel was trying to support Emilie by the hand, but the pain Emilie was unbearable...
This was her first birth, and she needed support, support from her husband...
Everyone was there, Sabine, Rose, Gabriel, and a few others.
However, Emilie could not stop laughing when she saw Gabriel looking pale, his marvelous face had a funny effect on the young mother...
But she could not forget the moment when she saw her husband take their son in arms for the first time...
As she fell asleep, she needed rest, Gabriel were singing lullabies to Adrien, and told him little stories...
And that moment was forever engraved in memory, they were fulfilled...
The whole kingdom was warned, and every day for weeks and weeks, Gabriel and Emilie received gifts from the people...
However, they could not forget a gift, which was not like all the others, it was a dream catcher, and on a little piece of paper was written:
« For His Majesty Prince Adrien, from Tom and Sabine »
She hung it on the wall of the Prince's room, and from that day on, Emilie looked at him every time she went to Adrien's room, she was amazed at his beauty...
But time passed, and Adrien grew up...
The Prince did not grow up alone, however, he was the best friend of Chloe, the adopted daughter of Tom and Sabine, who was barely older than the Prince.
One day, as Gabriel and Emilie walked into the neighboring kingdom, they found a lovely little girl abandoned on the road, the King and Queen could not let her die of hunger and cold in the vast forest, and with Adrien who was soon to be born, they decided to have little Chloe adopted by Sabine and Tom, because they knew that the two lovers could not, unfortunately, have children.
Sabine once spoke with the Queen, unfortunately, she could not have children, and of course, Tom and Sabine loved each other, but a child would only increase their happiness, and after all the help that Sabine gave to the King and the Queen, filling them with happiness is the least they can do...
The two lovers were now the parents of an adorable little girl, and since that day, Sabine and Emilie have grown closer.
Since the birth of Adrien, the children grew up together and became best friends.
Years passed and the two young friends played together every day...
Emilie and Sabine once had lunch in the palace gardens, leaving Adrien and Chloe running and twirling in all directions.
As they were having lunch, Chloe and Adrien, barely four years older, were running to their mothers in panic, and both were very happy to have brought them a gift that will never be remembered.
The two young children had made crowns of flowers each on their own...
These little gifts melted the hearts of their two mothers, and when they had cuddled, Chloe looked at Adrien winked and whispered:
« - We did it ! »
Then the memories came together, time passed, and the two friends grew together.
Adrien was a young prince, very kind and adorable, a normal young boy, who loves to play with his mother's hair every night...
However, Chloe was not just an ordinary little girl, since she was six years old, Sabine and Tom noticed that she was not like all other children, she had magical powers, and we did not know how this was possible, but with Adrien and the love she had get, she managed to develop her powers and thus to be only light, thanks to her miraculous gifts, she helped the world.
She loved to play with Adrien, but she loved to create fireworks in the night's sky...
The Prince was amazed at what Chloe was capable of.
These two had the most fulfilled childhoods, but over the years that passed like a torrent, Adrien and Chloe grew up...
Time passed and Chloe became the most powerful Enchantress in the Kingdom, and since she was walking around this vast land to help people, she could no longer stay with Adrien as before, the Prince was often alone.
Ever since Adrien turned fourteen, Emilie and Gabriel have been traveling more and more, to distant kingdoms, and on each return trip, they brought a different gift to Adrien, to show him the beauty of the outside world, the beauty of the world outside the Continent...
Unfortunately, he could not travel with his parents by boat, but despite everything, they still tried to make him travel through their stories, without leaving the kingdom...
It was Rose who looked after him, he was often sad, but she was there for him, like a second mother...
They spent days playing, fooling and walking around, it was a way for Rose, to make Adrien forget the absence of her parents and Chloe...
One fine summer day, Adrien celebrated his seventeen years, and Gabriel and Emilie decided to travel beyond the seas and oceans to arrive in a new kingdom, the Kingdom of New York.
Adrien didn't see the world like the others, he had a way to observe things, he foresaw events that would happen later, and no one understood how he could do that.
It was very strange, he felt like he was being attacked, and threatened, but more importantly, he felt huge headaches...
Before their trip, he had warned his parents not to go to New York because he felt something was going to go wrong, but unfortunately, he did not know what it was about:
« - Father ! Mother ! Please don't go ! I feel that something bad is going to happen and you know that I am right, please listen to me !
- Adrien, I know it hurts you that your mother and I are leaving, but we are not just going to discover things and bring you gifts, we are also going to try to make alliances to strengthen the power of our lands.
- Your father is right, Adrien, and then you will stay with Chloe, you know very well that since you were born, you are best friends, I will ask Rose to take care of you," I don't know how long we'll be back, but I promise I'll send you lots of letters. »
Certainly, Adrien was going to stay with Chloe, indeed, as her mother said, they are the best friends since her birth, but he remained very worried, except no one wanted to listen to her...
A few days before the departure of the King and Queen, Adrien again tried to change their minds, but he had not succeeded.
Her parents sailed with Captain Kim, the boat left in the early morning, but on leaving, the Queen was sad to leave her child, the King too, but the boat left the harbor, now they were moving on.
Emilie looked at the horizon, and she said quietly :
« - Don't worry, Adrien, one day you will come with me, I promise you ... I love you ... »
And the ship was advancing, sailing on the waves towards the Kingdom of New York...
Two months after their departure, the letters between Adrien and his parents multiplied, they increased in number, they explained to him how beautiful the ocean was and that when he will grow up, he would go with them on a journey.
But Adrien remembered the last letter he had received from his parents, they said they had soon arrived in New York, but two weeks have passed since Adrien received this letter, and since then he had not received any.
He began to worry about his parents, he didn't know what was going on, Chloe and Rose tried to make him happy, but in vain...
Chloe, who was smart enough, knew that Adrien loved to read, and she tried to take her to the library, but she failed, he was sad, he wanted nothing...
It was not in his mother's habit not to keep his promises, but he told himself that despite everything, with the discovery of this new country, they could not write to him.
A month has passed after the receipt of the last letter, and in the early morning, arrives in a panic, Kim in the palace.
The captain who led the King and Queen to New York had terrible news to report...
The Prince, at that time, was in the Royal Library with Chloe, reading their favorite story, « Beauty and the Beast », spending their days together, and staying in the library was their favorite pastime, but what they liked about everything, was to play hide and seek in the immense palace.
These two fellows were indeed seventeen years old each, they were not more responsible, however, they enjoyed their youth, and Rose was filled with happiness seeing that Adrien had once again the smile on his lips, since the departure of his parents.
But unfortunately, she was about to discover a tragedy, which will destroy all spirits...
The Captain was then received by Rose, who tried to explain what had happened he knew that his words would be destructive for the Kingdom.
« - Miss, I don't know how to tell you, I am myself upset, two days before our scheduled arrival in New York, a terrible storm has arisen, the sea was very rough, huge waves were raging on our ship and unfortunately the boat sank.
There were no survivors except me, I can say that the Goddess of the Moon was with me to support me throughout this journey, I should have died, and the King and Queen should have survived...
I managed to stay alive, hooked on a board and so after floating on the water for several days, I arrived in New York and was taken in by a family who took care of me.
They fed and cared for me, I will never thank them enough, but I am now worried about the future of the Kingdom, and the Prince, what will become of him ?
And he began to cry...
I automatically took the first boat to the mainland and am back, I had to tell you about this tragedy, not only for the Kingdom but for the Prince, I know that he was all about the love of our Majesties... »
And it was while weeping, in the company of Rose, that this tragic story made the tour of the castle, however, Adrien knew nothing of it, the staff of the palace looked at him with sadness without announcing the news to him.
It was up to Rose, she was like a second mother to him.
Adrien and Chloe, after finishing their reading, left the library to join Rose in the kitchen of the castle, and when they arrived, Adrien, recognizing Kim, crying alongside Rose, began to worry :
« Rose ? What's going on ? Why is the Captain here, my parents are back ? » he asked.
Looking at the prince, the captain could no longer hold back, seeing this young boy now without parents, was too hard, he left the palace wishing Rose strength...
He didn't realize he lost his parents, but he suspected something, but at the moment he didn't know anything...
This tragic news was probably going to destroy Adrien.
« - My dear child, by taking him in her arms and crying, you must be strong...
Now you, the Prince of the Kingdom, must be very strong... »
The Prince expected the worst, he knew something was wrong, was it his parents ?
« - Rose, I beg you, the whole palace is crying and sad, what happened ? Did something happen to my parents ? Yes ? Please tell me...
- My boy, you are seventeen years old and I never thought you would have to face this alone, but I will always be there for you, my Prince.
Unfortunately, you no longer received letters from your parents, not because they could not write to you, but because they have gone on a journey for eternity...
You are a very intelligent and altruistic young boy, you must now become like your parents once, good and loving, the Kingdom in need of you, I need you, I have promised your mother since you were a young child, that if ever such a misfortune occurs, I will take care of you, your parents are no longer among us my boy, and I cannot understand the pain you have in having lost your parents, but we are all here for you, you will have to show strength and courage to face life, one day you'll find someone you want to spend your life with, and you'll be happy again. »
In this situation, no words could be said, only tears and memories could be pronounced...
Adrien, distraught, lost, dead, did not know where to look, his parents were no longer...
He now had to grow up without their love, he will be alone...
It was a pain he would never have suspected...
Now that his father is no longer King, it is up to the Prince to rise to the throne.
Adrien remained locked in his room for weeks, to face his greatest regret, that he had not insisted enough that his parents go on a trip, but they also wondered how he could have sensed such a thing, he was confused.
For weeks, the Kingdom did not extend anything of its Prince, he had retired to his palace, he was distraught and could not cope with his mourning, too heavy to bear.
Every time he walked into his palace, he remembered his parents, running after him while playing at his eighth birthday party, or when his father taught him to paint in the great gallery.
So many painful memories returned to him.
Every day that passed, Chloe and Rose tried to bring back some joy in the Prince's life, but he no longer resisted the call of weeping and sadness, and it was like that for three long months.
The Kingdom in its turn, was bulged, everyone wept for King Gabriel and Queen Emilie, and to support the Prince, red and white roses were laid symbolizing peace and decorated with a red ribbon in memory of their love.
Despair had settled in Adrien's heart...
Adrien was very difficult to console, he was not prepared for it, and this loss marked him for eternity...
He missed his parents terribly, and for weeks and weeks he looked for solutions to bring his parents back to life, but he found nothing...
As he searched day and night in all the magic books, he didn't found no spell or enchantment capable of bringing back from the dead, a missing person...
He cried while reading books, he tore the pages of them, it was deep anger that had become ingrained in his soul...
And unfortunately, no one could help him, he wasn't the only one, and his grief...
But a year after Emilie and Gabriel died, the Prince recovered, he forgave himself and agreed to live with his grief, hope and joy were returning to his heart, and now it was time for Adrien to take the throne, after a year of weeping and sadness, hope and life had to be spread in the Kingdom.
« - I promise to be good, and altruistic, and loving as my parents once were, I will do everything to make my kingdom the most beautiful and powerful, I will revive the spirit of the King and the Queen, now thanks to Chloe and Rose, I know that I am not alone and that I am loved. »
On the day of the coronation, Adrien was the happiest, henceforth he would no longer be a Prince, but a King, he knew that this day would change his life, and by leaving the Chapel he had become the King, the people shouted with happiness as they attended the greatest royal procession of all time, the Kingdom was reborn, and now Adrien was no longer the little boy that the Kingdom knew, but a loyal leader.
And that's how Adrien became the New King...

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