moving in

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As I slammed down the last box I sighed plopping on my new couch, maybe I can go to the gas station, so I stood up and walked out of my new apartment heading down in the elevator clicking the first floor listening to the music in my headphones soon the elevator stopping letting me step out and head out of the apartments to the gas station I seen while driving here, I would rather walk then drive so I headed straight for the gas station humming to my music.

As I walked in a notice an officer right away so I walked over to the drinks and grabbed a monster stashing it quickly into my hoodie pocket turning over and snagging a slim Jim why not right? I wasn't buying anything so why not just leave hm? So I walked over to the door pushing it open until "hey kid!" The officer yelled stopping me so I loomed down noticing the drink showing "shit!" I ran out this guy was kind of skinny so he was gaining on me so I headed to the grass running straight for the apartments I jumped over a fence and kept running "stop running kid!" The officer yelled so I kept running no way was I stopping so I kept running seeing the apartments come into view so I ran in and headed for the elevator "come on you pice of shit! Open!" Right then they opened so I clicked the button seeing the officer run up right as they closed he can still see the floor I'm going too so I headed to the fourth as it opened I ran to a random apartment knocking quickly someone opened the door "hi sorry I gotta come in here right quick bud" and before they could say I word I busted in jumping behind there couch "if the police comes here nobodies home with you ok?" I said from behind the couch and next thing I knew someone was knocking on there door so I covered my mouth and curled up staying quiet

"Have you seen a teenage girl in a black hoodie and blue jeans?" It was definitely the officer since he was out of breath please mystery person save me "uh no sorry I haven't what did she do?" They guy asked so the officer caught his breath some more "she stole froma gas station and ran right up to floor four" He said "yea no I heard running but nobody here" they boy said so the officer thanked him and he shut the door so I popped my head up and seen a boy with pig tails and a mask "your Alright now" He said so I stood up and sighed out "thank you man I really needed to get away" I said giving a thumbs up so he shrugged "what did you even steal?" He chuckled so I took out the slim Jim and drink making him laugh "I've never seen you here before?" He said cocking his head to the side "I'm new here I'm y/n" I walked over putting my hand out shaking his hand "I'm Sal but my friends call me Sally face" He nodded "well thanks for letting me stay but if you ever wanna come over some time then I live in 405 and nice mask by the way" I smiled "it's a prosthetic but thank you and I'm actually going down to my friends house in a bit for some drinks if you wanna tag along" He said shrugging so I nodded "sounds like fun just come over and knock when your about to go" I said opening his door "alrighty bye y/n" He waved "bye Sally face" and with that I left out and headed into my apartment sighing in relief today was a crazy day.

Tiny time skip

As time went by I had changed and took a shower and also decorated my room and unpacked and just as I plopped on my couch there was a knock so I got up and opened the door seeing Sal "oh hey" I waved earning a wave back "you ready?" He asked so I put a finger up grabbing my cigarettes and phone "Okay now I'm ready" I smiled exiting my apartment and walking with him to the elevator and going to the basement? "Yo if your trying to kill me just atheist don't bring me to the basement" I laughed making him laugh aswell, his laugh was kind of cute "what no first of all I would never kill you if and second of all I don't want to kill you" He said as the doors opened and we walked out heading straight to a door so he opened it up walking in "hey lisa" he loomed over waving making me look over aswell, there stood a tall lady with brown eyes and long brown hair "oh he Sal who's this?" She smiled walking to me and putting out her hand "I'm Lisa and my son is Larry" she smiled so I gave a warm smile back "I'm y/n I just moved here today" she nodded "well I'm the janitor here so if somethings up come down here and give me a heads up hun" she smiled walking back to the sink so I nodded and followed Sal to another room and as we walked in a had a strong smell of cologne fill my nose "yo larry" Sal said plopping on the bed "this is y/n she just moved here" He said making Larry look over and put down his paint brushes "yo I'm Larry and this is my house I kinda live here with my mom" He smiled shaking my hand "I'm y/n nice to meet you larry" and with that he sat back down and painted "so how did you two meet?" Larry asked making Sal start laughing "she ran into my apartment running from a cop" I instantly threw a pillow towards him "holy hell that's sick" Larry said looking over at me "I stole a slim Jim and an energy drink" I laughed walking over and sitting next to Sally

As the hours went by we laughed smoked some cigarettes and just had a good time "so why do you live here alone?" Larry asked as he chilled back on the bed with Sal and I sat on a bean bag "my parent kinda died when I was little" I shrugged hitting my cigarette strongly "oh shit sorry man" He said widening his eyes "oh no it's fine they are better off in heaven" I shrugged but Sal spoke up "my mom died when I was about 5" He nodded "sorry to hear that Sally face" I smiled at him a little "it's okay" but after that day I begin to like Sal, almost more then a friend but not too much like in love....I am not a type of person to fall in love I don't even believe in love

Yap that wraps that up, hope you liked that! And stay tuned for the other chapters

too much love/ a hanahaki story/ sally face x fem reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora