
46 1 7

Sals POV

As we pulled into the parking lot me and Larry jumped out quickly and ran in heading straight for the desk where the worker sat "hello how may I help you?" She asked looking a little concerned as we were out of breath "do you have a y/n l/n?" Larry asked still trying to breath a little so she typed her computer pad a bit and nodded "um only family can visit at the moment" she said so Larry and I gulped "I'm her brother and that's her boyfriend" I looked over at Larry with wide eyes so he shrugged and she nodded "floor five and room 538" she nodded so we booked it heading into the first elevator clicking the fifth floor quickly trying to check on our friend

As the doors open we skipped down the halls until we found the room with the numbers 538 on it so we walked in seeing a nurse standing up working on some things and y/n laying in bed with her eyes closed as she was asleep, j was just glad she was alive and breathing "your family of y/n's?" The lady asked so we nodded "Alright well I'll leave you kids alone and I'll send a doctor in for a discussion" she said letting us thank her and she left the room so me and Larry plopped down in some seats while watching her was so sad to see someone like this and it kind of brung memories back of my mother so if stung the heart deeply while seeing her in this condition so I pulled my chair closer to her bed and reached out grabbing her soft cold hand just softly rubbing it with my thumb as she laid limp

Larry just laid his head on her leg to chill out from all the running but I just looked at her calm face she didn't look in pain or anything she actually looked happy and mellowed out as she rested Luke she didn't have a thing in the world to worry about but before I knew it the door opened showing Neil Todd and Ashley all worried sickly about her so Ashley ran over and gasped "oh God is she gonna be alright?" She frowned tears now pricking her solid green eyes so I shrugged "I don't know the doctor was supposed to be on his way in here" I breathed out bringing my eyes back to y/n wishing this doctor would hurry his ass up and get in here to tell us something

About thirty minutes passed and Todd along with Neil left giving us some luck while I, Ashley and Larry stuck around to hear from the doctor who just now showed up so I stood up quickly "is she going to be alright is she going to die what's going on?" Ashley rambled on with questions while Larry put his hand on her shoulder telling her to calm down a little so the doctor spoke "you guys do know about her disease correct?" He asked jotting down some things so we all kind of gave off a dumb founded look making him clear his throat "Miss l/n's has a disease called hanahaki disease which is caused from one sided love" He said sighing "can she be cured or what?" I asked now even more upset so he nodded "it's either by the love to be two sided or for surgical removal but all the love and the feelings for the person she has will be also tooken away and will disappear permanently" He nodded making me and Ashley along with Larry look down at y/n with full tears in all of our eyes

"Can she die by this?" I asked still wondering about this crap and how to figure it all out "if she wants to keep her love for the person and not work with surgery then she will die if the person doesn't start loving her back" He nodded jotting down some more things so I knew one thing "do you know the person she loves maybe we could talk to them" I smiled nodding quickly seeing a small smile and some hope start to form in the others eyes but he shook his head "I do know but I can't give out that information unless miss l/n's wants me to so we would have to wait until she wakes up I'm sorry" He sighed and walked out leaving all of us stunned and upset with this bullshit but as we stood her phone started going off so I reached for it reading the contact name 'aunt jamie' who the hell?

I answered it "hello?" I didn't know y/n had any family "um hello where's y/n?" The lady sounded about maybe in her thirtys so no telling her age "um miss this is her friend Sal um I hate to be the one to break the news to you but y/n is currently in the hospital" with the news I instantly heard a gasp "is she going to be alright!? I'm heading to nockfell now I'll be there tomorrow or late tonight" and with that the phone disconnected "who was that?" Larry asked as he plopped down next to y/n again

"Y/n's aunt?"

DUN DUN DUNNNNNN yes I know I haven't written on this one in a long while because ya girl is busy guys lol so I thought I'd throw a chapter out on this hehe hope you like it!

too much love/ a hanahaki story/ sally face x fem reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora