
42 1 11


Y/n's POV

He stiffened a little and turned over sitting up, he looked at me and stepped off of the bed gently looking up at the clock seeing how late it was "Larry went home, they moved an extra bed in here so you could rest" I couldn't make eye contact with him but he nodded "how are you feeling?" He asked so I moved the covers off of me and grabbed onto the side of the bed standing up weakly "hey I don't think you should stand you need to rest- before he could finish his sentence I slammed him against the hospital wall

He gasped out as I slammed him hard enough to where his breath got knocked out of him "you said you would kill yourself" I stared at his shoes not daring to make eye contact "w-what" He breathed heavily "you told Larry you'd have to kill yourself if I died!" I raised my voice finally looking up at his eyes through his mask "did you or did you not say that" I felt warm tears leak down my face

He just nodded, and I swear I only seen red because I was filled with rage and I was ready to start yelling at him again until I was engulfed into a strong hug "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he cried on my shoulder but at that point I was feeling nauseous so I slipped out of the grip and ran to the bathroom not even caring to shut the door behind me

I slumped down infront of the toilet beginning to heave like a sick dog hacking because it ate something it wasn't supposed to but as I gagged on last time up came balled up vines and thorns along with whole flowers, I just cried

I cried, I just let all my sadness flow out because there was no holding it in any more

I was gonna die because of my first time being able to love and I was not even gonna be able to tell him I love him because it'd make him feel nothing but guilt and now he's trying to kill himself, why is everything so difficult

As I sat at the toilet thinking I felt two soft cold hands brush against my neck to pull back my hair with ease and a cold rag coming into contact with my lips being sure to wipe off all of the blood from puking I only let the tears fall though not caring anymore but as I cried and Sal cleaned me up I heard the hospital door open "y/n?" That voice sounded so familiar but from where

I moved my weak body to stand and to turn around only to see my aunt Jamie

When did she get here?

I walked over and hugged her tightly "oh y/n dear" she whispered brushing through my hair with her fingers which soothed me because she reminded me so much of mom "sal can I talk with her for a bit?" I turned to look at him seeing him nod "y-yea I'll go smoke a cig" He walked out heading for outside probably so I stopped our hug and looked at her "how have you been?" I smiled weakily but this only caused a sad smile on her face "I've been okay what's going on?"

As I laid in the bed I told her everything not leaving a single detail out about what was happening with me and why "but I'm not getting the surgery" I looked up at her to see a shocked and almost angry expression "what" she growled through her teeth "I said im not getting the surgery" I looked down "YOU WHAT!?" She yelled out making me flinch "all because your experiencing love for the first time in your life!?" She yelled out of anger now standing "Yes!" I yelled back

"You are getting that surgery I don't care if it kills me!" I glared "it's my body I do what I want!" She shook her head "I LOST MY SISTER I BE DAMNED IF IM LOSING YOU TO!" I stopped feeling my breath get caught into my throat "i-i be damned" she sobbed "I loved your mother with all of my heart and all of the sudden a mother fucker chooses to drink and drive one night and now all I have is you" she weeped harder barely being able to speak "just because you love that boy doesn't mean you have to sit and suffer" she shook her head but I disagreed

"That's what love is about, when you love a person you'd die for them or even because of them, that's what love is its this feeling that makes the blood in your veins pump faster and your heart speed up and I love that feeling and I love Sal and I don't care if it kills me because THATS WHAT LOVE IS DAMN IT!" I yelled, I simply stared at her now shocked expression "go get a hotel for the night, you need rest so I'll see you in the morning" I mumbled seeing her nod and grab her bag "I love you" she whispered before opening the door and leaving

Sal waddled in and took off his shoes kicking them beside the other hospital bed, pulling off his shirt and putting it on the floor I simply looked away from his nicely shaped body and focused on my shaking hands "your dad brought you extra clothes in your back pack incase you stayed the night" I noted watching him reach under the bed and grab onto the back pack pulling out sweat pants

He had put the curtain up so he could change into his sweats and at a blink of an eye he was finished and already had the curtain back to its place

He had laid down and turned the other way not facing me taking his mask off "im sorry" I trembled trying not to cry again

Sals POV

"I'm sorry" she blubbered out almost sounding as if she was ready to cry again "for what?" I questioned hearing only silence waiting for her to speak again "for being the way I was before" she spoke quietly and slowly making me feel worse by the minute "don't apologize I shouldn't have said i would have killed myself" I shrugged but I heard nothing in response besides low shuffling

I closed my eyes wanting to just sleep since I was still tired from it being a long day

But as I was drifting off I felt the side of the bed sink and a warm body come close to my back "y/n?" I whispered out "yea it's me" she mumbled "your the only person I have to comfort me at the moment but I could always get back in my bed if you'd like" she begin tracing shapes on my bare back with her cold fingers "it's fine I don't mind" I begin to fiddle with my fingers feeling almost nervous about what I was about to do

Y/n's POV

I continued to trace the shapes on his back until he started turning over to face me but I didn't dare look up "you can look up ya know" he stated but I was worried, not that his face was bad but that I'd upset him somehow "are you sure?" I asked only to feel him nod

I slowly lifted my head up meeting his crystal eyes and then his lips and then part of his missing cheek to where I could see a row of his back teeth and then his chin and forehead and every little crevice of his face, just taking in this beautiful site it was almost like looking at "a sunset" I spoke unintentionally "what?" He raised his blue eyebrows that I didn't know he had "n-nothing sorry" I shook my head snuggling closer and laying my head on his chest wanting to just sleep at that point but I felt like I was closer to death even though

I laid next to an angel in the flesh and blood


Guys! I'm giving off a small warning, not really a warning but some info

There will be three endings and one or two are gonna be SAD AS FUCK BRO pardon my French but fr fr and I know this Isn't the longest story in the world and I'm sorry for that lol but I can't come up with any more ideas for the story

Yee that's all I'll continue the story from here on until I'm done with it or until I get more ideas

too much love/ a hanahaki story/ sally face x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now