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Sals POV

I woke up to being shaken so i opened my eyes seeing Larry, i reached over and grabbed my mask and put it on "what?" I sat up looking for y/n seeing her in her bed asleep so I reached over grabbing my shirt as I listened to what Larry had to say "me, my mom her aunt and the gang are outside in the hallway we are about to talk with the doctor so come on" He started walking out so I quickly put on both shoes and stretched

I walked out seeing a crying Jamie, Ashley, Lisa, Todd and Neil "what? What did the doctor say?" Larry continued to ask until Jamie spoke up "they are gonna give her a week and if she's still alive then t-then they are going to pull the plug but" her hands shook and her lip trembled as she spoke "but there's a chance of her not even living past two more days" I widen my eyes and so did Larry

I felt a million needles and knives stab into my heart and soul, I only had two days to spend with her before she'd die and I was already watching it happen infront of me so I just turned around and walked back into the room shutting the door behind me and pulling my shoes off again along with my mask

I lifted the covers getting underneath them, laying beside my best friend who would die in about forty eight hours most likely so I shook her gently "hey wake up" I watched as her eyes fluttered open and her lips curled into a tiny smile "hi" she whispered so I smiled back "hey"

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone holding it up "say cheese" she smiled widely and I snapped the picture staring at it for a while until my finger slipped and the Phone came crashing onto my face "oww!" I heard her begin to laugh, her laugh sounding raspy and sad almost but it was still her laugh

The laugh of my best friend that I missed hearing

I scrolled through my phone, through old pictures of us like me and Larry and y/n or even the whole gang just doing funny things and I knew it wasn't going to be the same without y/n it just hurts thinking about it

Day 1

We played a few board games and even listened to music for most of the day just hanging around and bringing up memories as if they were yesterday

Me and the rest all chatted and talked to y/n while she laid in the bed and commented back or laughed at what we had said, I couldn't help but want to cry every second while being around her because it hurt seeing her this way and I know the others thought and felt that way also but as I was out in thought Larry got up and got into the bed with her snuggling close and cuddling her, why does HE have to cuddle her right now

I felt my teeth clinch a little bit but I came to a realization, she was dying soon and why could he not cuddle her I just need a cigarette fucking hell

I went out and smoked a cigarette maybe even two and I was about to put it out until the doctor came around jumping when he seen me "oh hello" He nodded his head to which I nodded aswell not wanting to speak just knowing I'd bust out into multiple tears and not stop so he leant up against the wall and lit up his cigarette breathing it in and then out slowly

"I don't know what to do anymore" I grieved as I stepped on my cigarette killing the small light that was already dimming "I don't know either and I'm sorry" he mumbled, the words were serious but he shouldn't be saying sorry to me it should be her he should be saying sorry to

I gave him a small wave and went to walk back inside but I heard him mumble small quiet words "love her" was all he whispered so I turned back "what?" I raised an eyebrow but he shook his head "nothing" I just shrugged and walked back to the entrance but as I did I seen nurses and doctors rushing into the elevator and instantly I darted for it aswell squeezing inside with all of the doctors and nurses

too much love/ a hanahaki story/ sally face x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now