a movie night gone wrong?

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Y/n's POV

It's been a few weeks now and I've gotten to know Larry and Sal and bunch more and even there friends Todd and Neil who are a happy couple and Ashley along with Lucas who's her boyfriend but Lucas isn't really a part of our little gang, but also chug and maple I already am in online school since I'm not dealing with real school so oh well but I got up and stretched since it was a Saturday I didn't have to really do much I was only in panties and a big baggy shirt that covered my ass and went down almost past my thighs, as I was getting some water there was a knock more like a bang but I quietly snuck up to the door looking out the peep-hole phew it was only Larry and Sally so I opened the door "nice job I thought the cops were after my ass" I chuckled letting them walk in and heading back over to my glass of water "so what's going on?" I asked drinking my now ice cold yummy water "it's a movie night Sal has pizza and I have drinks hopefully you have movies" Larry said looking hopeful so i smiled "oh I have movies babs" and with that I walked over opening two book case looking things showing rows and rows of movies left from right making him set down everything and run over

After ten minutes of him deciding he picked the worst movie it was hereditary it always would have me jumping or screaming it was horrifying and I wasn't this scared ever with movies but this one was different so we settled down on the couch with blankets or pillows all bundled up eating pizza and other types of junk food until the movie started, I cowerd down a little trying nit to even watch it but I am not a wuss I told my self already starting to chew half of my nails off by now but I quickly just breathed in and out and watched it but glancing over when I seen Sal lift his mask a bit eating some pizza I seen half of his cheek missing showing his teeth

Holy hell that's cool but right as I looked back there was a jump scare making me scream and grab onto sals hand I instantly blushed and whipped my head over "i-im sorry" I went to let go but he held on a little tighter "it's ok" His eyes squinted a little as he smiled I just nodded and held hands with the boy I liked and am I super glad that I stole that energy drink and slim Jim that day so I just dazed out and watched the movie squeezing his hand everything a Jump scare would happen and he would squeeze mine back making me smile to myself maybe he likes me back

Big time skip

Sals POV

I opened my eyes and instantly yawned, as I went to move my hand it was being held onto so I looked down seeing mine and y/n's hands tightly entertwined making me shrug so I gently moved her hand and her head off of my shoulder looking over seeing Larry still sprung out beside me aswell so I stood up heading straight for the bathroom so I could wash off my eyeball and wash off my face and wipe out my sweaty mask and to take a piss.

I did all of my business but as I was putting my eyeball back in I heard a loud curdling scream so I set my eyeball on the side of the sink and darted out seeing y/n balling her eyes out on Larry's shoulder "what happend?" I asked walking up so Larry looked at me sadly "a nightmare" he said rubbing her back and raking his hands through her hair "i-i seen you g-guys die" y/n cried harder then before just letting it all out so I walked over and begin to rub her back gently "I have nightmares to I understand how you feel" I said lowly while still rubbing her back seeing her nod gently "but mine are m-more gruesome" she sighed trying to wipe her tears and call down I just agreed with her, just wanting her to calm down a little so she could catch and steady her breath

A few moments passed and she went to her room to change or something while me and Larry chit chatted "I feel bad for her man" Larry said taking a drink of some root beer making me fake gag "root beer is not good man" I said shaking my head he just gasp "root beer is amazing" He said flipping me off making me laugh but then y/n walked out in some jeans and a hoodie "sorry about earlier guys" she mumbled walking over and sitting down in the middle of the both of us "it's fine y/n we've dealt with it before it happens it isn't your fault" I smiled a little putting a hand on her shoulder making her smile a little hopefully she doesn't have a nightmare while we are gone or something one day at our own apartments, we really need to get her a walkie talkie "Dude we should get a talkie from todd" I said talking to Larry making him nod "definitely" He said stuffing his face with candy, he's always eating but I love him haha.

We went to Todd's and luckily he had an extra we could get for y/n so we handed it to y/n and taught her how to work it and use it to call us up if somethings gone wrong or if she's had a nightmare "y/n you call us ok? Don't make yourself feel like your being annoying or waking us up for something stupid Okay? Because we are here for you my dude" Larry said hugging her and patting her head making her smile and nod and thank him and me "thank you guys I'm glad you guys are my friends" she said smiling bringing us both into a tiny group hug, she was always super sweet hopefully she stays that way forever

Yesss ahhh okay this is working out better then I thought! So stay tuned because y/n will have something happen soon what you may ask? Read and find out ;)

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