theres family?

43 1 7


Sals POV

She has family? But I thought she said she didn't have any? She lied?

All these thought swarmed my head like a roller coaster so I let my hands fall through my hair "hey how about you go take a smoke break I'll watch after her for a bit mk?" Larry put on a small smile letting his hand fall to my shoulder so I stood up with a short nod "okay" I walked to the door heading out to the waiting area and getting into the elevator

I plopped down on a bench outside but realized I looked like a twelve year old in a Halloween costume so I stood back up and walked over to the side of the building and lit up my cigarette only to find y/n's doctor "oh" He widen his eyes but I just waved puffing my cigarette "you stressed to?" I looked over to him seeing him give a shameful nod "I can't watch another person die, it kills me" he sighed hitting the cigarette harder this time

"I think y/n will make it, she's strong way stronger then any of us" I nodded feeling my eyes begin to water "I wish I could cure all diseases and just make every bad thing go away" He begin to tear up so I walked over leaning against the wall "I get that, really' more then you think" He nodded wiping his face "I just need to find out who she loves and maybe talk with them and explain how wonderful she is" I sighed feeling the tears fall more but he just looked at me "I know, when she wakes up talk to her about it she might tell you who it is" and with that he threw the cigarette down and stepped on it

I stood and thought on who it could be, maybe someone we know because she doesn't go to school and she's always home never anywhere else, maybe it's Larry! IT HAS TO BE LARRY I hit my cigarette one last time and threw it down turning and jogging inside and to the elevator slamming the buttons with all the energy I had which they opened so I rammed into the elevator and slammed the fifth floor and watched as they closed, tapping my foot down impatiently but for me time stopped, what if it's me or even Ashley? Is she into girls


My brain keeps spinning like I'm in a drying machine I can't think of anything, the elevator stopped do I stepped out walking to her room and walking in only to see her sat up and talking to Larry and Ashley "y-y/n?" She looked over along with the others and smiled a bit "hi Sally face" she waved God I loved when she called me that but I jogged over and pulled her into a tight hug feeling my heart get caught into my throat "oh god y/n" I cried into her neck feeling like if I let go I'd lose her again

And I didn't want to

She easily undone my pig tails and ran her fingers through my hair so I took this chance to pull myself onto the bed and lay almost completely into her lap, I looked up meeting her darkened e/c eyes which made me look all over her face

She was pale way more pale then usual and her pretty lips were chapped and dry, she looked sickly and it hurt me to see her like that so I tilted my head back down and laid there closing my eyes as she messed with my hair but then I begin to fall into a deep sleep

Y/n's POV

I woke up to a standing Larry on the phone, i wiped my eyes and looked up at him tilting my head to the side and sitting up groaning in the process as my body felt sore almost but that caused Larry to jerk around and hang up with whoever was on the phone and leap into my arms "holy shit dude" He whispered pulling me in more giving me a stronger hug "I'm okay Larry I'm ok" he just sat there with his head in my neck for a second holding on tight

After a while he plopped down and we started talking "sals outside smoking a cigarette" he nodded I smiled "sals here?" He nodded and sighed "if you tell us who you love then we can help" He begged almost, I didn't want to I really didn't because he'd push Sal to start to love me but...."it's Sal" I looked down shamefully "WHAT!?" I flinched as he yelled out "calm down" I laughed out, only for him to stare at me like I was crazy in return "I know I know, he's just so perfect" He let tears fall down his face

"Don't cry Larry everything will be okay I promise, if I die then I'll die happy knowing that I could actually feel these feelings that I thought didn't exist for the longest" He wiped his eyes and then his runny nose "just tell him or atleast get the surgery please I beg of you please, you two make me who I am and i can't lose the both of you" He shook his head but I felt my heart sink

"You'd only be losing me what do you mean the both of us?" Larry just cried harder "s-sal said he'd have to kill himself if he lost you" I felt my eyes widen and my teeth clench

Time skip

I played with the soft blue hair that belongs to the boy that would kill me, not on purpose but unintentionally

I knew there wasn't any saving me because I wasn't going to lose these feeling when it was my first time feeling them so that meant I wasn't giving them up like pieces of candy or earned money because I loved the feeling of love like when I looked at him I couldn't help but smile or when he'd talk to me and make eye contact my heart couldn't help but skip a beat or speed up from its original pace

I loved the feeling and it was my feelings to feel and to have so I wasn't giving it away but I'd have to lose it if he'd try to kill himself

too much love/ a hanahaki story/ sally face x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now