its getting worse

45 1 10

Y/n's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed looking around seeing Sal sit in a chair "hey what's going on?" I asked but begin coughing this time it was a huge vine with thorns and multiple flowers on it "you are going to end up dying y/n because I will never love you" Sal said Coldly "w-what?" I questioned looking over at him he just chuckled

"You think I'd fall for someone like you? Your weird you fucking cough up blood and flowers for a living and you cry all of the time like grow up and get some sense" He said scoffing making tears fall from my eyes "your lying your a liar" I said wiping my face "oh no there's no lying in this, I mean you are disgusting y/n l/n and I will never ever love you until the day I or you die" He said standing up "your not real!" I yelled out getting out of the hospital bed

But he begin to walk to me making me back away "oh I am real and so is my hate for you, I hate you and all your flowerd guts" He growled getting closer making me bump into a corner "you are nothing, you are useless and you will never be anything and you will always be useless!! Youll die alone and useless!" He screamed loudly making me cry louder

I sat up screaming seeing Sal and Larry both shoot up aswell "w-what happened?" Larry said rubbing his eyes so Sal looked at me "y/n hey are you alright?" He asked inching close I just backed up against the wall of the tree house and continued crying "s-stop please" the words in my head screamed and echoed "He hates you y/n" they kept screaming and i seen a look on sal ive never seen before it showed nothing but pain but the words rang through my brain making me squeeze my eyes shut until everything stopped so I opened my eyes seeing a super concerned Larry and Sal both of them looking tired "y/n hey I'm gonna come over ok?" Larry talked low and easy so I didn't move as he moved closer, once he was there he put a hand on my shoulder "it was just a nightmare it was all fake Okay?" He nodded but I just jumped and hugged him making him hold me tight "i-i don't want to d-die alone" I cried out into his chest making him nod "I know, your not okay it was all fake" I just nodded gently as he laid down with me "hey Sal what time is it?" Larry asked making Sal reach over and grab a clock "it's two in the morning" He hummed "Alright let's just crash again" He said pulling a cover over the both of us as I clung to him like a teddy bear

As we laid there he would rub my back or rake his fingers through my hair just telling me to try and sleep so I did, I fell asleep feeling safe for once like I feel with sal

Tiny time skip

Sals POV

I opened my eyes as I was being shook "come on dude we have school" larry said so I nodded sitting up and looking around seeing y/n on her computer so Larry jumped down from the tree house probably heading in to change or something, I was about to do the same until y/n spoke "hey um" she said so I looked at her she just sighed "I'm sorry for what happened last night" she fiddled with her fingers so I got over beside her "it's okay do you wanna tell me about the dream?" I wanted to know it had to be about me with the fear she showed as she looked at me last night "you told me you hated me and that I'm useless and that I'd die alone you begin screaming at me aswell" she said not making eye contact

"I'm so sorry y/n but your not useless and I don't hate you and I Won't ever let you die alone I promise" I smiled as I stuck out my pinky so she took it smiling "thank you Sally face" her smile was perfect and don't take that the wrong way, I looked at y/n as a best friend so I found her really pretty and she was super kind "well I have to get going I'll see you later today" I smiled and with that jumped from the tree house heading inside needing to get going

Time skip!!

As school kept going my mind wandered to y/n I could look up this sickness she has but that's passing a boundary it's her business not mine but I'm just really worried about my best friend..I'll just let her be until she's really ready to talk about some things.

Me and Larry walked through the school surprised at how quick school had went by for us today but as we were walking, about to leave the school building I got a call so I skipped over to the doors with Larry since it was super loud outside and I opened my flip phone and answered "hello?" I questioned since I didn't recognize the number "hi sal" it was y/n but her voice sounded grogy "oh hey is everything okay?" I wondered why she wasn't calling off of her phone "I'm in the hospital sal" she said shuffling some things "what!? Oh my gosh are you okay?!" I was now worried sick for her "yea yea I'm fi-" everything stopped I heard her coughing and then I didn't hear anything and then I heard one thing that caused tears to Leak down my face

Her heart monitor went to a straight line and then I heard nurses and doctors rush in "d-dude call your mom we need to go to the hospital r-right now" I cried making Larry quickly nod and dial his mom telling her everything and before we knew it she was pulling up into the school parking lot like a maniac "get in!" So me and Larry ran over jumping into the car "Okay look I went up into the tree house to look and check on y/n but when I did she was unconscious I thought she was asleep but nope, so I called the ambulance but I couldn't stay since I had work I'm sorry" Lisa sighed so I shook my head "it's okay Lisa but right now we need to hurry and get there because I do not want to lose my best friend" I said still upset looking back to Larry who was sat in the back seat on the phone with Todd and Ashley informing them about this

Please let y/n be okay, let my y/n be alright!

Okay yes things are progressing quickly and now that I think about it this might be a kinda short story unless a bunch of ideas come to me so I already have a few for this one but hope you like it!<3

too much love/ a hanahaki story/ sally face x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now