Episode 1: Carnevil Part 2

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Part 2

By TalosLives & CrackedInkWell

Part Two

A portal opened up in a lonely part of the Smoky Mountains, on a forgotten dirt road by a decapitated covered bridge. Four armed Angels stepped out into the evening light. Blitzo held up a hand, and the others froze, taking in their surroundings. Before them was a forest with an overgrown path. The sky was getting darker every second, the sun sinking past the trees. All they could hear were crickets.

"Where are we?" Loona asked.

"Around northern Georgia... the Smokies, by the looks of it. And I think...." Blitzo craned his neck to see the covered bridge. "We're at the place where Dennis died, which means they're not too far away." Once he'd closed the portal, Blitzo noticed footprints and tire tracks in the dirt, all leading towards the forest. "See this? These were made not too long ago. All of them are heading that way."

"Do you think we should go down the trail?" Loona asked. "What if they have guards or traps laying around?"

"It's possible. That's why I need everyone on high alert. We need to move quickly but cautiously. Keep your eyes open, listen carefully, and most importantly of all, stay together. Got that?"

The team nodded.

"Good. Let's move out."

H.O.P.E. glided over the dirt trail through the forest that was getting increasingly darker. Shadows from the twisted trees seemed to stretch out, swaying in the evening breeze. While they tried to go as quickly as possible without making a sound, they weren't sure they were truly alone. The Spanish Moss dangling from the trees made things even more unsettling, as they couldn't tell if the flowing figures were just plants or the dark robes of a cannibal.

"This place looks like something out of a horror movie, huh?" Millie nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, it would be a great setting if there wasn't a cannibalistic cult nearby." Moxxie looked over his shoulder. "I don't like this. It's too quiet."

He was right. The crickets that they heard when they got there had ceased their chirping. For that matter, they couldn't hear anything, not even the sound of chirping birds or buzzing insects. It was almost as if the forest was holding its breath before something horrible came ransacking through the trees. For all the four of them know, they could be surrounded. Their attackers probably had their backs against the trees, waiting to unleash their ambush upon the unsuspecting-

Like a bomb going off, a twig snapped just off to the side of the trail. Everyone except Blitzo screamed as they snatched whatever weapons they could get their hands on. Moxxie instantly pulled out a pair of pistols, Loona took out a can of bug spray and a lighter, and Millie pulled out a miniature cannon. They readied themselves to blast whatever unholy abomination it was back to Hell... only to find a confused squirrel there. It looked at them for a moment before running off.

"Sheesh, that nearly gave me a heart attack." Loona had a paw over her chest.

"Okay, calm down everyone, put your weapons away," Blitzo told them, turning to Loona. "For a moment, I thought you were going to after it."

"I would, but... that nearly scared the shit out of me."

Blitzo frowned at Loona's profanity, but said nothing about it. "At least nobody shot at it. That could've given us away. In the meantime, we need to be level-headed about this. So nobody pulls out their weapons until I say so. Got it?"

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