Episode 1: Carnevil Part 4

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Part 4

By TalosLives & CrackedInkWell

Edited by Anon

Based on EMositeCC's AngelAUSeries


It was an unquestionable victory. Every sinner and demon in the carnival hadn't stood a chance. While their souls were heading straight to Hell, the practical duties of cleaning up the bodies remained. Once all was said and done, the Guardian Angels felt sorry for the clean up crew who had to take care of the bloodbath.

As for the survivors, the victims, there was still work to do. Outside of the unholy grounds of the carnival, emergency tents were set up to evaluate and give medical treatment to those that desperately needed it. Heavenly doctors and nurses set to work as soon as the first of many were teleported out. Teams of doctors swarmed to treat gashes, wounds, amputations, burns, and whatever else was deemed serious. They found they had a lot to work with, as some were without arms or legs, others disfigured, and some even begged them to kill them.

There were, of course, others that the nurses tended to. Many were in shock, others were crying uncontrollably. The nurses didn't just treat those who were physically hurt, but those who were mentially, emotionally, and spiritually scared, they did what they could to comfort and give peace. However, from every patient that was handed over, they could see hope in their eyes; relieved gratitude that, at long last, their nightmare was coming to an end.

Meanwhile, over at the big top, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Luna exited while Guardian Angels search and secure the carnival to make sure that nothing was overlooked by either sinners, demons, or victims.

"Sir," Moxxie asked, "what happens now?"

"We still have one more thing to do before we can go back. We need to find Jess and make sure she's okay. I bet by now she's being looked over in an emergency tent somewhere."

"But what about you?" Luna asked. "Won't the army be pissed that we went behind their backs?"

"I'll deal with that. For now, just-"

"Excuse me? Blitzo?" As if on cue, one of the Guardian Angels approached them.

Blitzo saluted. "That would be me."

"Sir, Colonel Hadriel wants to speak with you immediately."

"I take it that this Colonel is in charge of this whole operation?"

"He's the highest ranking officer overlooking this mission, sir."

"I see..." Turning to his team, he told them, "Go find Jess. I'll meet up with you later."

The others nodded and floated away as Blitzo turned to the Guardian Angel. "I'm very glad he wants to speak, because I also want to speak to him as well."

"Follow me, sir."

Blitzo complied, floating behind the soldier towards the front entrance of the ruined carnival. Just outside of the gate, flanked by two angels with riffles, was an angel who had his helmet to the side. Though he was as composed and rigid as his guards, the scowl underneath his short blue hair clearly signaled to Blitzo that he was not happy.

As soon as Blitzo got within earshot, he saluted. "Colonel Hadriel, I presume?"

He saluted back. "Blitzo..." His expression did not change. "I'm very much aware that you are retired from any military position. But even so... do you have anything to say for yourself?"

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