Episode 4: Istanbul Not Constantinople Part 1

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Istanbul Not Constantinople

Part 1

By TalosLives & CrackedInkWell

Based on EMositeCC's AngelAUSeries


In the deepest parts of the jungles in Brazil, during the night of the full moon, a daring, brave adventurer set forth to do what few dare to do: discover the truth of the mysteries of their world. With his machete chopping down the vines and bushes in his way, Dr. Oswald Jones marched forward without a hint of fear on his face while determination sparkled in his eyes and flashlight in hand. The man was in his late 30s, with a heavy beard that one could mistake for a castaway on an island. His rugged adventure clothing looked like he had been traveling for quite a while. There was mud, sweat, and maybe one or two collections of feces from monkeys when he got a too close to their territory, but none of that stopped him from his quest.

He turned to face the camera following him all this time. "We're getting close to the location right now."

Sitting on a log, he took out his canteen and doused himself with water before sipping a bit. Once he finished he turned back to the camera focused on him. "For those of you who just joined us, we've been researching the south jungles of Brazil. Near a set of ancient ruins that were said to have been made by an ancient civilization that was gone long before Western colonizers arrived in Brazil. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal for us, but we've heard rumors from the locals that there might have been strange sounds, lights, and even voices nearby at night."

He leaned forward dramatically. "We have reason to believe that, based on these ancient people's strange architecture and star worship, their civilization was actually visited by... aliens."

He paused for dramatic effect.

"We know the theories. That our great ancient civilizations were possibly the hosts of interstellar travelers with great wisdom and power. The pyramids. Stonehenge. Easter Island. These locations hint that we've been visited before and may be revisited."

He started walking forward and looked around as if expecting trouble. "Some might say that what I'm doing is dangerous. Or even foolish. But lots of great men have been called that in history. And those men did what they did because they dared to dream. To go forward without fear. And I, Dr. Oswald Jones, Xenologist Expert. Will..."

He paused and turned to the left. "Wait, did you see that?"

The camera turns to the direction he is facing. Zooming in, they can see strange lights dancing around in the darkness further up as the thick bushes and trees hide what is happening. Dr. Oswald walks forward with excitement. "There! Something there! It's them!"

He rushes forward, a strange series of sounds and garbles being heard as the camera continues to follow him. "I can hear it! Words and sounds of an alien language! This is amazing!"

His voice dies when he reaches the clearing and sees what is happening. A set of ancient ruins was before them, and strange voices were being heard with bright lights in the middle. But that was thanks to the DJ's stage, where a hundred or so college students on spring break were dancing, shouting, drinking, and partying up to the synth band music playing. Their drunken screams and shouts of joy were echoing up in the jungle. Girls were getting down and shaking their money makers while guys were pumping their fists up while daring each other down another beer.

Dr. Oswald Jones stared at the scene before him with disbelief and a twitching eye as a young 20-year-old girl walked over and put a ring of flowers around his neck. "Come on! Party it up!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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