Beyond the shit show

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        Exiting the meeting room I let out a strangled sigh. What a fucking shit show. I continue down the hall, making my way to my office and hear Gavyns footsteps following, I'm sure he'll have plenty to say in closed quarters. Stepping into my office I wait till he  steps through, closing the door behind him and locking it. I take a seat at my desk and rest my elbow on it with my fist clenched and raised to rest under my chin.

           "Do you have any thoughts as to who we put in a team for this mission?" I ask Gavyn with a serious tone

    " I do have a few people In mind, trained exactly for stealth and intel gathering missions just like this, you don't need to worry at all, I have this covered. Why don't you go out, get some fresh air, you haven't taken time for yourself since we came out from hiding Ry-"

       " Gavyn. How could I just leave after learning what we have just learned. It's only been hours since you told me what the soldiers who are out have been hearing, and only hours before Ellaera said the same things. No. I can not just leave when there is danger that will come to my people."

    "Ryder... the threat has only just started, they may be growing in numbers but there is no way they will make the first move. Not now, they would need thousands if not more to make such a move like that. Please brother. You spread yourself too thin, besides there are many that reside in faerie and her safety. Please, there's a town not too far from here. It's quiet! Secluded! There's even a tavern that sells Timmy's juicy meats and broth! Or something like that."

             "Timmy's juicy fucking what?....."

there's a moment of silence before we both started laughing so hard it starts to hurt.

              "Come on Ry, take a couple days for yourself, there's an inn there as well, you can even bring some of the soldiers with you for backup if anything truly happens."

         I let out a sigh actually considering his suggestion Timmy's juicy meats and broths huh... I snort..maybe I should take a day or two, to truly get some peace and quiet, to gather my thoughts.

           "You know what fine. Fine I'll make the trip and see what this little town has to offer. But I won't be leaving until later tonight. There's still much to do here.

                "YES! You won't regret it Ryder, you need this time to relax. To get your mind ready for what's to come. Connect with your elements and refuel." Gavyn quickly turns to unlock the door and walks out closing it behind him, leaving me alone to sort out my thoughts.

               I truly can't remember the last time I left this castle. Sure I come and go between here and faerie but. Actually leaving, for my own needs? I quickly pull out the tablet in my drawer to check what's going on in the world currently

             'Mass shootings skyrocket in America causing citizens to quickly loose faith in their government' mm a pity to be below old men who probably wear diapers and only want one thing by whatever means necessary.... Control. 'Monkey pox outbreak and covid strains still on the rise worldwide' gods above these poor humans. 

'Girl goes viral through dancing with her cat on TikTok' the fuck is a tiktok

                'Andrew tate asks the boys of the world what color their Bugatti is' ....okay the humans are doomed.
                 I shut down the tablet and shove it back in my drawer. Standing up I walk out of my office locking the door behind me and make my way through the halls to find the warriors in charge of training. Striding outside to the training yards I find Yundor and Fawllin, two of my close friends along with Gavyn.

       "Yundor! Fawllin!" I yell and they both turn to the sound of my voice. Turning back to their trainees they both yell "halt hut" making them all stop and turn at attention. Fawllin then yells "10 minute break trainees, if we find any who aren't back when 10 minutes are up! You get to spend two days in the box!"

A few of the trainees mutter curses and bolt away after being dismissed. Fawllin and yundor make their way too me and yundor asks "Ryder, what can we do for you?"

           "I'm sure gavyn filled you two in on what's been found out yes?" They both answer quickly              

    "Good, I want the training amped up. I know you both train with the intention of making warriors but now we need them trained to not only be warriors but ready for actual war though I'm sure you always have that intention while training, I want it to be brutal, I want you both to start training with their elements, find out how many they are able to manipulate, fire, earth, water, wind, shadows, and light."

Fawllin answers
             "understood Ryder,  but um.... We haven't met anyone aside from you who was able to call upon shadows in over 100 years. Both shadow users and light users all died during the wa-" 
                   yes yes I know fawllin... but it won't hurt to see if any are capable yes?".  "Yes, you're right. we'll tell the trainees there's been a change of plans then." he says while an evil smirk begins to grow on his face.

                Such sadists the both of them. "I'm also taking a few days for myself, I leave tonight, keep your eyes open. Please. While I'm gone make sure no one gets through. No one comes to harm our people." They both answer "you have our word Ryder. No one gets through."

           "Oh and uh... make sure to drink that birth control tonic before you leave brother." Yundor  says. They both Burst into laughter while my face is straighter than a human catholic priest. Well, there's a smirk on my face so let's leave it at that.

              "I highly doubt I'll be needing that,Gavyn says it's a quite secluded town. I find it hard to believe there will be any good looking women there at all."

   "Sure sure, I truly hope you enjoy yourself brother, you truly deserve it." Yundor says with sincerity.

   "Thank you both." I look to check the time and see the trainees have 4 minutes left

          "4 minutes to go, keep your eyes opened"

           Fawllin scoffs "please Ryder don't insult us. Get your ass moving."

          "Is that how you speak to your king?"

         "Uhhh yeah....yeah that's how I speak to my king....." Fawllin reply's dryly

          "You're a real ass you know that?" I reply

             "Uhh.... Yeah... yeah I d-"

           "Okay...... goodbye." I walk away while they both hunch over with laughter.

        The sun begins to set and I make my way to my room to pack a bag for my travels. After 20 minutes of gathering my things I grab a few weapons and a light weight chest plate. Just in case. I make my way down the hall again and down the stairs where I meet another long time friend and personal guard Rowen.

          "Rowen, i see you have a bag packed as well, I assume Gavyn put you up to coming?"

    "Well yes, he did" he says with a chuckle "there's no way in goddess's holy world I'll be letting you go alone ryder"

    "Alright then old friend, let's head out."

         We make our way over to the stables where the stable boy finds me my stallion and Rowens mare. "Thank you pellar"

        "you're welcome king ryder" the young fae reply's.

         "Ah there you are arogon" I slide my hand up arogons head while he gives me a few chuffs and a couple head bobs. "You ready for some time away?" He answers with more chuffs.

          Pellar finishes with our saddles and let's us be on our way. Fae horses are larger than the ones here on earth while they range from 650 pounds to 1,000. Fae horses range from 2,000 to 3,000 pounds. Though the fae species in general are larger than humans and even some other species, the wildlife in faerie are also bigger.

           With no need to rush. Rowen and I start moving towards the entrance and exit gate to start a much needed retreat.

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