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Ryders pov:

Still sitting next to Kiera, holding her hand in mine, I see Gavyn finally poke his head through to door.

"How is she?.." he says... he sounds defeated.

"She's healing..." I say back and glance at Kiera. Slowly.. but she's healing. Standing up I turn to Gavyn

"Let's go to the lab." I say as I start walking towards the door, Gavyn following close behind. Walking down the hidden stairwell at the far end of the castle it brings us down to the dark murky dungeons Filled with cells. Making two turns at the end we reach the lab doors and it's like walking into a different world compared to the cells.

We walk through two white wooden doors where lights are blaring and machines are running. Multiple fae walking with lab coats. I make my way to the table where the...thing.... Lays dead on the table. It's head snapped back into place, body strapped down just in case. You can see the stitch marks where the front paws connect to the the wrists, and the hind legs connect to the thighs.

Leaning closer I reach out to it's mouth opening it to take a look. It's fangs are massive, bigger than normal vampires. Obviously that's what it has to be. A lab rat. Created for....for what exactly? I look at one of the lab coated fae.

"Can you tell me anything about it?" I ask

"Well my king. It's as it seems, a vampire body, modified with Lychan parts to enhance power, the DNA of the animal is.....well. It's not mixed so to speak. We took blood from both vampire parts and lychan, the DNA is as it should be, there's no mix.......but we found that the venom from the fangs are a lot stronger than a regular vampires. And that the nails or claws of the Lychan parts are not made from keratin, but from actual bone. The claws excrete a different type of poison that when injected into the blood, slows healing rates way faster than a normal Lychan wound does. And for the vampire venom, well we aren't quite sure what the result would be if anyone were to be bitten by that."

Fuck! Looking at Gavyn his face appears grim. I know he's hating himself right now, no need to add to it even though I so desperately want to... he's a commander for fucks sake... Shaking my head I say to Gavyn,

"We need to discuss this more... in private." He nods after.

"Should we write to king James and Queen Ellaera?" he asks

"No!" I immediately respond
"Not yet... for now we'll have to deal with this ourselves.. just because we are semi civil does not mean neither of them could've made something like this... or done this together." I say

"You make a good point... when do you want to have a meeting." He asks, he sounds dead, void of emotion. He looks drained.

"Soon, tomorrow morning. Send for my fae council. Tell them It is of utmost importance." I say and Gavyn nods his head, walking away. I run my hand through my hair and back to drag it down my face as I exhale deeply.

"Fuck.....keep running tests... update me on everything. Do you understand?" I say to the fae next to me

"Yes my king, I will not let you down."

"Good" I say and walk away, back through the dungeons and back to Kieras side. Grasping her hand again I feel an overpowering sense of protectiveness come over me. The wounds are still deep, still bleeding and she's pale, too pale. I refuse to watch her die. I look up at the three healers currently tense all with furrowed brows breathing heavily.

"Take a break..." they all look at me with shock. None of them moving.

"But... my king...we mustn't-"

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