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Does anyone like to wake up to the sound of someone beating your door down?


"LETS GO BITCH, LOTS TO DO TODAY." Zinnia screams through my door.

"Ughhh Zinnia for the love of the Gods go away!" I shout under my blanket.

"NOPE! time to wake up princess, we have a full day of plans." She replies.

"If those plans include sleeping another hour then that sounds amazing."

"If you don't open this fucking door I'm gonna break it!!" She yells.

"I'll be sure to tell Ryder to charge you for the bill!" I yell back and hear her gasp with exasperation. It's quiet enough that I try to get myself to fall back asleep. Until five minutes later when the incessant banging begins again.

"Alright I gave you five more minutes time to get the fuck up" Zin yells. FOR THE LOVE OF-

"I'm gonna start screeching like a banshee!"

"AAALLRRIIGGHHHTTT" I throw the blanket off over my head and begin to fake cry.

"Oh please, give me a break Kie."

"I am not a morning person okay?! Do you even know me at all?!" I say as I sit up in the bed.

"Can you just open the damn door."

"And can you un-bunch your panties from your pussy flaps for five seconds while I find the energy to move?!" I yell and hear Zin gasp again.

"Gods you're a nasty bitch in the mornings."

"Oh... I haven't noticed" I reply sarcastically as I move off of the bed in the pace of a decaying person. When I finally open the door, with my eyes squinting against the light I turned on in my room, Zin looks at me with horror.

"Are there birds in your hair?"


"Your hair looks like instead of sleeping you wrestled with your blanket all night" She snorts.

"Wow, way to make a fellow woman feel beautiful Zin."

"I aim to please Kie." She says to me with a wide smile and I stand there for a minute in silence.

"Uhuh." I reply and open the door fully so that she can enter my cave. If people didn't clean this room for me it would look like a bomb went off. Zin makes her way over to my bed and hops onto it, flopping on her back and sighing which makes me rage.

"The urge to give you a purple nurple right now is over powering" I say.

"What why?" She says as she sits up, leaning on her elbows.

"Maybe because you made me get out of my habitat only for you to crawl in it?"

"Seriously Kiera maybe you need to un-bunch YOUR panties."

"Well...the jokes on you, I'm not wearing any!"

"Ah...which leads me to my next topic of discussion" She says to me.

"Which is?...."

"A spa day baby... a spa day."

"Zin where the fuck is there a spa here?"

"It's not here dummy, it's in the town, I made an appointment already. We are getting our nails, hair and make up done, AND.. we are getting waxed!!"


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