Mission pt:2

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Making it towards the group I see that Fawllin has woke up.

"What happened?" I ask

"The beast was evading Gavyns blows, I tried to intervene using roots to grab the creature. I managed to grab its leg but he quickly cut the vine and jumped into a tree."

"......it jumped....into a tree...." I say dumbfounded

"Yes." Gavyn says with an attitude.

"So Gavyn starts blasting fire into the tree trying to get it down but it was well hidden in there."

I look around noticing the tree that's nearly burnt to a crisp, welp...that's enough proof I guess.

"This one was fast....knowledgeable, more than the others. Like it knew after watching what to do next."Gavyn says 

"I noticed that too, I just don't understand how it's possible. How it goes from a mindless machine to an almost cognitive creature." I say

"I don't know... but we have one to bring back to the lab. One that's alive at least, I can assume that whoever is creating them has found a way to elevate their minds slightly.

Fawllin takes a deep breath before continuing " I was going to manipulate the branches but the fire spread too quickly, killing the branches. it leapt from the tree before I could even blink and  bashed me in the face with its foot before leaping back up into it."

"Was it moving too fast to take a shot?" I ask Gavyn and he scoffs

"I've used most of my energy. Yes, I knew there was a chance for a fight, but I wasn't expecting the creature to have half a fucking brain."
I'll take that as a yes he tried but missed

"I want to get moving we obviously can't keep going on, we have enough information and the creature to gain a bit of knowledge. I'd like to be back to the town as soon as possible And I want fawllin and Yundor switching off on the water ball." He says to the group and turns starting to walk back the way we came. His shoulder is dripping with blood, that needs to be fixed before we leave the area otherwise we could be tracked back to the town.

The stick definitely got shoved deeper huh.... They still don't know I can use water.... To them I can only use air fire earth and shadows...

"Can you walk Zin? Or do you need help?"

"I should be okay kiera, thank you,......for saving me." She says to me and gives my shoulder a squeeze while also giving me a look that says "you're telling me how the fuck you did what you did"

"You don't need to thank me, come on."

We start to walk back, the silence is deafening and it causes me to sink deep into my thoughts. I feel guilty. Stupid for not just using my light element... it would've saved us the pain, the fight. I just don't know who to trust. Yes I trust zinnia and Gavyn even though he's being a total ass. But I don't really know Yundor and Fawllin too well. Should I have risked it? Revealing such a secret that could be spread by them... information that could be sold. Was it selfish to want to keep myself safe? Revealing I could use shadows was enough of a breach of my secrets. I don't think I could've revealed my top card so soon after.

It's awful to think like that... but living on my own for so long... having to always watch my back because of being a hybrid... but also because of my abilities. I know at some point my secret will come out. It's inevitable. Especially since war is gearing up. I don't think I'm ready.. not yet... and I hope they'll forgive me... though I'm not sure if I can even forgive myself for the amount of lies I've told.

"You okay?" Zin asks me, I turn my head to her and answer
"I'm okay... just lost in thought."

"Mm...we'll talk later for sure." She says matter of factly.

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