The Gala 2

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The night continues to thrive, with touches and kisses, our bodies melting against each other. Moans littering the air. I don't know how long we stay in that room, I can't even form thoughts passed the blazing pleasure I experience. My body feels full with so much energy I can't stop moving, touching, kissing, feeling. How can you stop? I don't even want it to.

At some point we've left the room. No one paying us any mind as we exit. My dress is off, but I'm wearing Ryders shirt, the smell of spices and citrus wafting around me, mixing with Gavyns earthy fresh scent. I'm still crazed. Barely noticing that we are moving until we reach my bedroom. Being away from the blaring energy downstairs I slowly feel my mind start to clear.

I'm sitting on my bed, Gavyn sits behind me taking pins and flowers from my hair. Trailing soft kisses against my neck. I hear the shower turn on before Ryder appears in front of me, taking my hand into his and leading me to the bathroom. Whatever clothes remained are now scattered on the tiled floor. Our masks tossed onto the sink, forgotten. I'm sandwiched between them as the hot water cascades and caresses my body.

Gavyn gently washes my hair, his fingers kneading into my scalp as Ryder washes my body. The smell of lavender and rose filling the bathroom, thick with the steam from the hot water. My hands roam along Ryders chest and shoulders as Gavyn cleans himself up. I can't look away from Ryders bright, hungry eyes. No words are spoken, we just feel each other. He kisses me softly, groaning as our hands explore.

I feel Gavyn press against my back and Ryder releases me before I turn. Even though his hair is wet, it's still as bright as the moon. His hand rests against my jaw as his thumb softly runs across my lips. He kisses me then, passionately, hungry, like we've been doing all night. The calming hot water stops and I feel a soft blast of air move around us, drying our skin.

We move to my bed, all three of us climbing in and wrapping our limbs around each other. My head resting on Ryders chest as Gavyns legs tangle between mine. No words are spoken. No words said as the lights turn off and I loose myself in darkness.

It didn't feel like I've even been asleep for a minute before I wake with a jolt. Panic slowly creeping into my mind as I realize I'm not where I fell asleep.

I'm dressed in a white satin nightgown, barefoot and alone in a huge forest. I stand on my feet and look around, taking in the trees, the flowers, the grass and the sky around me. Everything is so colorful, unpolluted, fresh with life. The leaves remind me of Gavyns eyes. Bright emerald greens mixed with yellows and lime. The sky is cloudless but unlike earth, it isn't this pale blue.. in fact it looks almost purple. The flowers around me dance in the breeze, the aroma almost overwhelming with different floral scents. I've never seen flowers like these before.

"Hello?" I call out. Taking a few steps forward. I have no reason to move, I don't know where to go. Nothing reply's but the wind blowing between the crinkling, dancing leaves.

"Is anyone there?" I ask anxiously. I'm alone. Utterly alone, again. Quickly forgetting the eerie beauty around me My heart rate picks up, breathing becoming shallow. I fall to my knees fisting the grass beneath me and try to ground myself, I squeeze my eyes shut. You're okay, you'll be okay. You always have. I jolt to my feet quickly after hearing twigs snap in the woods to my left. I hold my breath and stare at nothing. There's no one there. Not an animal. Not a person, just trees.

"Hello?... please I... I mean no harm."

A twig snaps again off to my right and my head twists so fast but I still get met with nothing but lines of trees that grow darker the deeper  they go.


I spin in a circle, grabbing my chest as a calm female voice carries through the wind around me. I don't respond.

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