The Weekend Pt 2

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Eliza's Pov:

I wake up on the floor in wyatts arms if you guys are wondering let me fill you in.

2:00 am in the morning:

I wake up and kick Zed in the back

"Zed sleep with your girlfriend I'm gonna go on the floor with wyatt" I say he was half asleep so I kick him again and he finally gets up so I go on the floor. I see Wyatt sleeping on the floor all alone he's so cute when he sleeps.

"Wolfie can you move I wanna sleep to" I tell him then he does as I say and scoots over. So I laid down next to him. When I finally got comfy, Wyatt put his arms around me so I did sleep in his arms.

*present time*

Now you are filled in. 

"Wolfie, can you let go of me? We need to wake up," I say.

"No Ellie let me sleep" Wyatt complains then tightens his grip around me

"I'll let you sleep some more but just let me go wyatt" then he let me go so to reward him I kissed him before I left. I went to the kitchen and Bree and bonzo were once again making breakfast.

"Where's willa and wynter?

"There still upstairs sleeping" Bree said

"What about wyatt, zed, and addie" bree continued

"They're still asleep. We should wake till you guys are done to let them sleep in some more"

"Sko rightksa nowska" (so right now?) bonzo said 

"Yah we just finished" bree continued

"Lets wake up wyatt, zed and addie so wyatt can wake willa and wynter up" i suggested. We all agreed so we went up stairs to addies room and they were still asleep.

"Ok wolfie i gave you more time to sleep now its actually time to wake up" he made some noises but not actually talking

"Wyatt please wake up"

"Me waking up isn't for free, but one kiss on the lips will pay the fee" wyatt said while being half asleep

E"Seriously wolfie" I say. I needed him to wake up so i did kiss him on the lips then he did get up. Then after we woke Zed and Addison.

"Addie wake up" Bree says while shaking her lightly she did wake up then bonzo woke zed how we usually wake him up by pouring water on him

"OMG bonzo, eliza you have to stop that" zed yelled.

"Never gonna happen. It's tradition" I tell him.

When we all get up wyatt goes to the spare room to wake up willa and wynter but when we get to the room they were already awake on their phones. 

"Oh you guys are already up" Wyatt said.

"Yah obviously" Willa said. 

"GUYS. what are we gonna do today" Addison yelled

"Idk, pool, movie maybe some games" I said  

"How about truth or dare" Zed said "we can play it right now""watch eliza truth or dare" 

"I choose truth"

"Is the relationship between you and Wyatt your first or not" Zed asks

"Zed you know the answer but no this relationship is not my first" after I say that Wyatt looks at me wide eyed.

Zombies 3 (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora