Back to school

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Addison's pov:

It's morning and I don't want to wake up

"UGH I don't want to wake up"

"Addie please shut that stupid alarm" wynter said then we get up and notice Eliza wasn't in her spot

"Where's eliza" Bree questions

We get ready and go to wake up the boys but to our surprise they were still asleep one more interesting is that Eliza was asleep with wyatt

"Zed when did she get here" I whispered

"When did who get here" then he looked at wyatt "where did she come from" a couple mins later after talking Eliza starts to wake up and see all of us looking at her.

"UGH I meant to wake up before you guys" Eliza whined but she did get up but it looked like she struggled because Wyatt was holding on to her and it looked like he didn't want her to leave. Hold up, is this how me and Zed were?

"Morning guys I'll go get ready" Eliza said she said half asleep

"Ima go make sure she doesn't go back to sleep" Bree said

"Willa do you think you can wake Wyatt up" I asked

"No way he bites and scratches me" Willa fought back. Then the most hilarious thing happened. Bonzo poured water on Wyatt to wake him up.



"GET UP WYATT" wynter stated. After 20 minutes we were able to go to school all ready

pov change brought to by Coach's Fro Yo

Third person pov:

The gang gets to school and wynter brings up an important question.

"Eliza what happens if your Z-Bands go completely offline" wynter asked then right after she stopped in her tracks as if she was in a trance but then after Wyatt waving his hand in front of her face she came back to normal Bonzo and Zed knew why she was like that.

"She's having a flashback" Zed said

"Why" Willa asked

"Sorry I was having a flashback" Eliza said, "but well when our Z-bands go offline..... t-t-they inject some sort of sedative that makes us go unconscious"

"Eliza when we were back in elementary her z-band went offline and she went unconscious and it freaked me and bonzo out" Zed said but Eliza was just walking again in a trance all the way until Ap Chem.

"Ahhh" Zed said

"Zed you ok" Eliza and bonzo ask him Eliza and Bonzo see Zed holding his wrist. And they start to get a little worried. They almost made it through the day until..

*Z alarm goes off*

Zeds Pov:

I was completely fully zombie and I was with bonzo we were controlling it just fine but we knew that Eliza was with wyatt so he will prob be helping her.

"It's ok bonzo we got this we can control it" I say trying to calm him down.

"Zeres elizika?" Bonzo asked

"Idk bonzo but I'm pretty sure she is handling it well" I tell him

"ZED" Addison yelled Zed recognized that voice so he turned back. And smiled and she smiled back. Then suddenly he drops to the ground lying unconscious with bonzo lying beside him.

Addisons POV;

"NOO ZED" Addie cried out. She ran crying to her zombie boyfriend who was lying unconscious

"BONZO" Bree call out as she also ran to her zombie boyfriend who was lying unconscious.

"We need to fine Wyatt and Eliza" Willa said worried after that Willa and Wynter howled to tell Wyatt where they were

*It's like happening during zeds pov*

Eliza's Pov:

"it's ok Ellie you can control it" Wyatt say to comfort me

"I can wolfie is HURTS" I say on the verge of crying

" It's ok I'm right here Ellie but we need to find the rest of the gang" Wyatt says and I take his hand. We were walking for a little bit until we got to the bridge where I saw all the zombies fully zombified.

"WAIT Wyatt we have to be quicker" I told Wyatt "the sedative is gonna inject soon" I say while tears start to fall down my face

"Oh no pls Ellie can you do something to stop it I don't want to lose you" Wyatt said while tears are forming

"You won't lose me Wyatt you never will" I told him while crying. I kissed Wyatt before the sedative could be injected. When we finally pulled away we were looking for the rest of the gang until.......

"NOO" Wyatt cried out as he saw his girlfriend drop onto the floor unconscious. He quickly ran over to pick her up and ran to find the gang. Until she heard his sister howling telling him where they are.

Wyatt's POV:

I was crying my eyes out as I was holding carrying my unconscious zombie girlfriend to the rest of the gang. When I finally make it to them I see Bree and Addison on the floor crying because of their boyfriends. I put Eliza down next to Zed and Bonzo right after I go to Willa for a hug and cry into her shoulder. Then we hear the sirens for he Z patrol cars.

"My Dad maybe he can help" Addie cried out

"You guys go I'll stay with them" I tell them as I sit on the floor next to Eliza and holding her hand. The girls went to get Z patrol and I was looking around to see all the zombies were unconscious.

"Don't worry Addison we have people from Z tech to take care of them" Adddisons dad said. 

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