The Truth

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Addisons pov: 

I was horrified, one of my best friend's is the cause for all of this. I grabbed Eliza pushed her against the wall. I could tell she started tearing up 

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, TO ZED, TO BONZO TO EVERY ZOMBIE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yelled at her I poured out all of my anger out into that one sentence 

"Addison be careful she just woke up" Wyatt said I put Eliza down and turned my attention to everyone else mostly Wyatt. 


"Eliza?" Willa questioned she was curled up in the corner crying into her knees

"Eliza why did you do this" Wyatt asked 

With tears rolling down her cheeks as she was still crying "I promise you I didn't want to do this" she had said while crying 

"THEN WHY DID YOU" I yelled 

Once again while crying she managed to say something while crying "he made me do it" . All of our attention was drawn to that one sentence 

"How did he make you do it and when?" Willa asked Eliza finally looked up to answer her question 

"Thursday and he kept hitting me to get to do what he wanted" she said with dried up tears on her cheek

"WHAT" everyone said

"Who is this he" Wyatt asked with harsh tone

"I don't know he was wearing a mask so I couldn't tell" Eliza said

 *eliza flashback to Thursday*

Eliza's POV:

I was going to school and out of nowhere some man pulled me into the cracks between 2 houses and put some cloth on my mouth. I woke up with my hands tied together with my back leaning on a pole in the middle of some kind of warehouse, looks like seabrooke power.

"Wt-" I say until I see someone " who the hell are you, why am I here" I say

"Oh Eliza just as annoying like you've been" the man said

"How do you know my name?" I asked

"I have my ways, and don't think that your friends are coming to get you I went on your phone and texted Wolfie that you were and not to come check on me because it's really contagious"

"Your sick, now what do you want with me" I said because I really wanted to know

"I heard that you have the technology to hack the Z-bands and I need you to give it to me" he said

"NO! I will never give it to you, what will you even do with it" i shouted 

"Maybe this will change you mine" he said than straight up punched me in the face and slapped me right after that

"I will never give it to you" I said while trying to catch my breath 

"Ok since hurting you won't work since wolfie seems really important to you maybe I can have someone give him a little punch" he threatened 

"NOO! PLEASE NOT WYATT PLEASE DONT HURT HIM DONT HURT ANYONE, I'll give you the program just pleaseee DONT hurt them" I say "it's on my laptop" 

"Thank you and remember one word about this to anyone your dead. You zombies don't deserve to be apart of seabrooke

*end of flash back and while this is happening Eliza was explaining what happened*

Back to Wyatts POV

"You zombies don't deserve to be apart of seabrooke?  that's sounds a lot like Mr Williams" Addison said "he never really liked zombies" 

"So what your saying is that he might be the one who hurt Eliza" I said as I put the pieces together 

"Not only hurt her but every Zombie in seabrooke" Addison added

"Then we got to find him" Willa and Wynter said in unison 

Hey guys and a btw my names not Caroline it's smth I thought of while making this acc. I have been working on this book for a while and sorry for not updating for while before the chap before this it's bc of school and not having the time to. I want to shout out Melotta bc her zombies books were a huge inspiration to me and I can't wait for her new book Zombies 7 to come out and good luck with that. I wish you guys all the best 

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