Part 1: The Art of Meditation

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~Female Reader x Goemon Point of View~

It begins at the base of the mountain range that went on for miles.  It's a long hike to near where the peak was and through the thick woods that surrounded and shaded the sun's light from above.  Making it near the peak on some flat mossy ground, a few bushes here and there, with large trees towered over you.  The great pines grew over and around a small Japanese's temple, it was in the middle of nowhere out in the forest near the top of the highest mountain range.




It was a little hard for you to breathe up here but you managed make it all this way.  Was this even worth it?  Sitting down on the steps of the temple you set your bag down and caught your breath.  Looking around it all seemed peaceful, you hear the stream flowing below with a distant waterfall.  Birds chirped from the highest trees and a few critters scampered into the bushes and grass.  

   You heard a door slide open behind you, you stand up and turn around in surprise. 

Y/N: Oh! Mister Ishikawa~ my apologies *you bowed your head to your new teacher*

Goemon: There is no need for apologies L/N, Y/N.

Y/N: I came as soon as I could.

Goemon: Very good, I heard you were struggling to breathe, the air is quite thin up here.

Y/N: Yes, but I'm sure I can adjust.

Goemon: You seem to have a confident attitude, it's good to have but you mustn't get caught off guard.  Sometimes your confidence can be too intolerable, there will be times in your training where you'll second guess yourself.

Y/N nods:  I understand, I heard your friends have decided to separate for a while?

Goemon: My friends and I have committed sins of thievery, however, we only take from those of the wealthy and rich.  For myself, I don't keep things I steal and If I did I would give it to the poor.

Y/N: Like robin hood?

Goemon:  I know not of that person, but yes...please, come inside the temple.  I have your room made.

You picked up your bag and entered the nice small temple, it was airy with a few Japanese's sakura cherry tree printed shoji separator walls.  There were handprinted black kanji  Japanese handwriting upon the light lemon colored walls.  Entering your room there was just a light pink yoga mat, a small window, and a little pot with a rose smelling incense already burning.  Setting your bag down you sat on the mat.

Goemon looked through the archway holding his sacred wooden encased sword in his left hand.

Goemon: Your first lesson is meditation is a form of sleep, you calm the mind and body enough to enter a trance-like state.  You remain conscious, but remain relaxed, it reduces your insomnia and increases your meditation trial.  

Y/N: You do this as a regular thing?

Goemon: Of course, it's my way of resting the mind.  But before you do so, I have made you some soup, you've must've had a long journey hiking here.

Following behind him you enter the dining room where the small table and chairs were made of birch wood, a bowl of yakisoba noodles were there with some chopsticks.  You sit in front of Goemon and eat the food he had made.  

   The noodles were good and had some tofu, soy sauce, miso soup mixed into it as well.  Something that seemed personally made by Ishikawa.

Y/N: This is really good, I like it.

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