Part 5: The Wolves

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WARNING: Attacking Wolves/Graphic Sword Violence



   It was in front of the temple once again holding your sword at your side.  Your teacher sat upon the steps instructing you on your next lesson.  It was beginning to grow cold up in the mountains, a chilling breeze flowed through the air.  The leaves had blown away from the dormant branches of the pine trees and oaks.  



Goemon: You will travel down the river stream just above the waterfall and through the mountains and pines.  You will be swift, light-footed, and discreet.  Slicing through branches, becoming one with the forest around you.  Sharpen your hearing, your sight, your smell, your touch and everything around you.

Y/N: Aren't you coming with me to mentor?

Goemon shook his head: No, I will watch you leave and I expect you to return by sundown.  You'll learn about yourself and your abilities out there on your own.  I don't suppose it'll be a good way to test your skills.

Y/N: Well alright then...

Goemon: Remember, you must return by sundown.

You nod and turn and swiftly ran down the mountain and through the barren pines and trees.  Goemon watched holding his sword as you leaped down the mountain to the waterfall.  Until you disappeared from his sight he sat there in silence as he meditated a little bit.  

  Leaping up the rocks you kept your balance making it up to the top of the waterfall.  You then run through the leaves that crinkled beneath your feet.  Leaping up you unsheathed and slice your sword cutting a tree branch.

   The branch fell to the ground with a thud and you put your sword back in its case discreetly.  You then carried the branch and brought it to a wide open area with leaves.  Standing it up against a large dark grey boulder you got into a ready stance.

Y/N closing her eyes: Relax the mind...Transcend the mind...

You open your eyes.


You turn and kick the giant branch and it snaps in half.  Exhaling you turn, run, and leap up another boulder and race through the dead grass.  Everything seemed to be going really well for you.  Though the cold chilling winds picked up.  The stream beside you began to drop in temperature as well.  

Y/N: Jeez, its getting pretty cold out here...

You swing from one branch to another from the pines and flipped, landing on your feet, you look in the distance catching something moving in your sight.

Y/N: What is that? *you said to yourself curiously*

Standing up you see the dark wolf figure move slowly creeping from a dark cave it came out of.  It's fur was a mix of a dark grey and white.  Its eyes were filled with fiery rage, his black nose flared, and its teeth dripped of crimson blood.  

  Y/N: Wolf... *you gasped*

The wolf howled and charged at you snarling and beating its paws against the dead grass.  You draw your sword and dodge the charging beast, the wolf howled once again and you turn and see there were more of them.

Y/N: SHIT!   *you cursed to yourself*

A pack of at least seven wolves came down the boulders after you along with the alpha.  You turn and run down the mountain  & cold water stream, through the dark brown un-leaved pines and trees.  The leaves crinkled and crunched as you kept on running being chased after.

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