Part 9: Tantric Love

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WARNING: Soft SMUT/Passionate



He stood by the shoji separator walls that was in front of the archway out of his room. Removing his hakama, and thick dark kimono from himself letting the robe fall to the floor with a soft thud.

He only remained in his white haramaki cloth that was wrapped around his abdominal area, and his white cloth fundoshi that just covered his genitals.

The new sight of him to you made surprised, he was very muscular and had a wide upper body that slimmed down to his strong thighs.

Y/N: Um, are you sure your alright with this?

Goemon choked a little, he couldn't think of words to say as he looked at you enter the room.  You were in a light baby pink bra, your white haramaki cloth around your abdominal area, and your own fundoshi around your lady parts.  

   The shy Samurai closed his eyes looking away from you.

Goemon: I don't know about this...*he says*

Y/N: It's okay if you're too timid, I won't do anything bad or try to hurt you though.  You can trust me.

He peered over his shoulder, his eyes only locked on your face.  

Goemon: I know what I said when I was going to teach you tantric love making, but I haven't done it once myself.

Y/N: But...we can learn together... *you flirted a little with him*

Goemon hestitated: I- well, I guess we--could.  

He goes over and sits upon the yoga mat, the white cloth fell over between his legs.  A few dimly lit orange and yellow candles lit the room.  Making it a warm glow.  A sage incense burned in front of himself.

He took a big breath calming himself before offering his hand.

Goemon: Will you join me my love?

You take his hand and he brings you close to him sitting on his lap, your legs on each side of him.  Red-faced and somewhat feeling hot at the Samurai's sudden action, he wrapped his arms around you gently holding you.

Goemon: Are you alright with this?

He slipped his fingers by your back clip of your bra.  You nod with your arms around his neck.  He pinched and unclasped your bra letting it fall in between the both of you. 

    Setting it aside, he slid his hands up your smooth back, and pulled you closer to his shaven bare chest.  His cheeks turned pink feeling your breasts press against his chest,  he spoke quietly.

Goemon: Exploring your partner's body is a good example of intimacy, and loving the flower.

Y/N: Flower? *you asked quietly*

Goemon nodded with his eyes closed: Your womb that is.  

He had a beautiful way of describing your lady parts in a very respectful manner.  Goemon was a soft lover and has a sense of care.  Though he was still a little shy, he wanted to test himself to see if he was good at tantric loving you as well.  

   He brushed your hair behind your ear, then adjusted himself over your shoulder and in your neck.  Holding you close in his lap he reached down whimpering a little.  Inserting himself into your womanly temple, beneath his fundoshi.

His eyes shut tightly and his mouth fell open letting out a soft moan as he entered you for the first time, he blushed bright red.

  Goemon: A-Aah~

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