Part 2: The Art of Defense

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Goemon runs at you slashing his sword, you gasp and duck and dodge him.  Tripping over you fall on your ass, he points his sword down at you



Goeman: Never fall before your enemies!  Get up.

You stand up on your feet and pant.

Goemon: Now... Again!

Goemon slashes his steel cutter and you bend back and dodge his sword, he steps forward and you move one way to the side, then the other.  He spins his sword and makes you trip over the butt-end of the Zantesuken.  You fall on the ground again hitting your ribs against some rocks in the grass.  You hissed in pain.

Goemon: You must be lightfooted, always know when to watch your feet; you step on a landmine your dead,  you fail to leap over a blade your ankles will be cut,  now...AGAIN!

You stand up achingly and, stood your ground with your legs apart.  Goemon slashed his sword at you, and with a raging cry and you duck and spin and kick him in the side of the ribs.  Your teacher gets knocked over onto the ground dropping his sword.  He groaned, your eyes widen in shock.

Y/N: Mister Ishikawa! *you go to check on him on the ground immediately*

Goemon then draws his sword at your throat and you stop with fear in your eyes.  

Goemon: NEVER feel sympathy for your enemies!  THAT is what will get you killed.

Goemon stood up still holding his sword to your neck as you stood up with him.  He then puts his sword back in it's casing.

Y/N: I apologize

Goemon closed his eyes and sighed: You are still learning, and you have been accumulating your skills quite fast, it impresses me actually.

Y/N: Really?

Goemon opened his eyes again: Indeed, I was startled when you managed to stun me from my conscious.  You did just as well however, you used anger to influence your actions.  You do not want to let your anger take over or else you will rebel and become tyrannical of the Samurai Code.

Y/N: What's the Samurai Code?

Goemon: To always remain at peace, when there times to attack you must utilize and suppress all of your emotions, so they won't get in the way on what you're trying to accomplish.  However, it appears that you seem to be a good listener and tend to follow my practices.  We should not have any problems at all.

Y/N: Thank you Mister Ishikawa. *you bow your head*

Goemon: There is no need to thank me, I am simply trying to help you.  Now...prepare yourself...

Goemon unsheathed his sword again, you walk back as Goemon walked with you from the side from a seven foot distance apart you. 

    He then leaps up in the air yelling slashing his sword down, you jump and roll on the ground as he slammed his sword in the ground.  He pulls it out aggressively and runs charging at you.  

   You crouch down and swiped your leg under him making him trip over.  Jumping up you catch his sword and roll over on top of him and pin him down holding the sword at his neck.  

Goemon's eyes widen with shock once again feeling flustered at your quick skill-learning.  His cheeks turned pink, he was stunned once again and couldn't speak.  

   Seeing the fear in his eyes you wanted to ask if he was okay but, you remembered not to let your emotions come to you.  So you put the sword back into its casing and stand up in front of him

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