Part 6: A Soft Side

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You felt yourself wrapped up in a blanket being held in someone's arms.  Still feeling cold you could barely open your eyes, seeing a dark haired man with a kasa bamboo hat over his head as he was trudging through the snow & the freezing blizzard.  You close your eyes again as everything went dark.



There was a soft floor beneath you on the light pink yoga mat in your room.  You were still bundled up with the fleece blanket.  Goemon sat in front of you holding your shoulder checking on you worried.

Goemon: Y/N? Can you hear me?

Y/N nodding: Mhm..

Goemon's eyes were filled with fear, he then closed his eyes painfully.

Goemon: I'm sorry for sending you out on your own, I should've been with you.

Y/N: just wanted to challenge and t-test me remember? *you shivered still cold*

Goeman's eyes shut, he shook his head violently, his black hair swished over his eyebrows, gripping his sword tightly.

Goemon: No, I should've accompanied you then you wouldn't have gotten lost and almost died of hypothermia.

Y/N shivered again: But G-Goemon- 

Goemon changed the subject hesitantly: Please..., I've made you some soup to make you warm.

He then helps you sit up with the blanket around yourself.  He helps you sip the miso soup.  It was good, still shivering cold a little Goemon lowered the bowl beside him.

Y/N: I c-c-can't stop sh-shivering~ *you whimpered*

Goemon raised his hand out, he then blushed pink hesitantly at an idea in mind.

Goemon: Your body temperature is dangerously low and can cause your internal organs to shut down- 

He paused.

Then he suddenly wrapped his arms around you holding you close to his chest.  Your eyes widen in surprise but then you wrapped your arms around him as he closed his eyes.  The both of you were silent, his body heat exude against yours.  Your felt your cheeks flush hot, not knowing how to react you just stayed still in his arms.  

Goemon:  My body heat should bring your low temperature back up.

You blush still already feeling warm and so close to him.  He noticed you were red faced.

Goemon: Are you alright?

Y/N: Mhm yea- just um already working pretty well.

Goemon smiled: Good.

Your heart raced in your chest against his own, and he felt this.  Though his own heart beat was calm and slow, he then spoke.

Goemon: I heard you slayed the Alpha wolf, it was tragic for you wasn't it?

Y/N: It was going to kill me I didn't have a choice.

Goemon: I know, sometimes us Samurai's have only two choices; to die, or to defend ourselves and others.  It is alright to feel guilt after slaying the animal in times of being threatened.  

Y/N: I know I didn't want to but, yeah self-defense is important for ourselves.  Keeping the right emotional state too.

Goemon felt his heart leap, his intruding thoughts came into his mind again.  You heard his breath become shaky.  

Y/N: It's okay can tell me your thoughts.

Goemon: I can't- *he said sharply*

You then retract from his hug and caressed his face.  He gasped softly feeling  tremendously vulnerable.  

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