Part 10: Way's of the Blade

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He sat among his mat in front of you eating his cup of noodles that next afternoon. The snow was still very high beyond the temple, and the trees had also been covered with snow upon their branches. He had his sword by his shoulder against his light blue kimono, as he ate his food with you. It was a very nice, chilly morning, and there were a few white coated wolves that trotted through the woods in the distance through the mountain.



He had some lo-fi, Japanese, nature like music playing from his own radio that he likes to meditate or listen too which was relaxing and tranquil.

Goemon: With your sword, you'll be able to cut through almost anything, but you must let your mind be calm and still as a crystal pond.

Y/N: Anything you've cut through that was not useless?

Goemon nods: Yes, once I've cut through a shooting star in the sky, many people should know of what my Zantesuken is capable of.

Y/N: You are the one to wield it, your the right person for it.

Goemon: I trained long and hard for it, and it's served me well.

Y/N: How are you feeling this morning by the way?

Goemon paused:--refreshed, I would say the copulation gave me more of a brighter side to ideas and such things. Though I enjoyed it very much, loving you has taught me a few things as well.

He smiled with his eyes closed.

Y/N: What are the things you learned then?

Goemon: The Heart's Center is important to loving someone close; you've shown me physical stimulation, affection, and kindness as well that I find very sweet in a woman. Not only your capable of defending, fighting in combat, and remaining level headed, but you are a gentle loving woman as well.

You turn pink at his words as he smiled once again setting his cup of noodle down in his lap. His chopsticks in the cup, he sets it aside and stands up.

Goemon: Today is an important day to teach you on Zantesuken, we must go to where the wolves are however.

Y/N: The wolves? But what if they have a new Alpha?

Goemon: It is not the wolves you should worry about. There is something else that lives in these mountains that both of us should be worrying about more.

Y/N: What is it?

Goemon: They call it; the Yajū, The Beast.

Y/N: What does the Beast look like?

Goemon: That I do not even know myself.  Which is why we are going to trek up further through the mountains near the Alpha Cave. 

Y/N: What ever we have to come across we have to kill it right?

Goemon: That is the goal, when I trained and was set to go against the Beast, it was with my own bare hands however.  The Beast takes forms of anything your conscious can think of. 

Y/N: What did your Beast look like when you fought it?

Goemon: My own fear.  A friend turned enemy

Y/N: Who was the friend?

Goemon closed his eyes: That I cannot say, if I were to say it you will get the idea too.  However, it wouldn't be the same as your fears as well.

Y/N: My fear has always been the absolute worst.

Goemon: Do tell, it is important that I should know.

You took a deep breath with your eyes closed lowering your cup of noodle, setting it aside yourself upon the yoga mat.

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