Chapter 2: Falling For it ❔

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Walking down the streets of Lazy Town your stilettos click-clack against the crimson pavement beneath your feet. Looking down at the letter in hand, Mayor Meanswell sent you this just before you arrived in Lazy Town. The letter states in black ink, handwritten by the Mayor himself the location of your new house which should be down the road near the school. It is really nice and generous of him to give you your own house right next to the school. It is super convenient for you. You don't even need to ride your bicycle to work like you used to do in the big city. You can just walk to work. You chuckle, realizing how good you have here in this messily off-the-map town. After all, how many people get that luxury of living right next to where they work? You ask yourself.

As a few minutes of walking passed by in a blink of an eye, you find yourself standing at the front door of your new house. It wasn't big or extravagant but that was perfect for you. You wanted things small yet comfortable. This was just perfect. exactly what you wanted. On the wooden door is a letter taped to the surface at eye level for you to notice. You take the letter and peel off the tape from the door. Before you open it, you see on the outside cover of said letter the signature of Mayor Meanswell. You open it and read to yourself. In summary, the Mayor hopes you like the house and can't wait to have you start next week on Monday, which is the first day of school for the kids.

The letter also states that the keys are under the floor mat. Kneeling down, you look under the floor mat to find two keys on a chain that has a cute little school bus charm on it. The key chain has the key to your house and the master key to the entire school. You haven't met the Mayor yet but he seems super kind considering all he has done for you already and he doesn't even know you. You are a stranger to his town and he absolutely doesn't have to go through all this trouble for the new girl but he did anyway. His actions definitely spoke louder than words.

Opening the door, you enter your house. The house was already furnished and cleaned before your arrival. In the living room, the couch was small but looked super comfy looking. There were pillows on the couch of different colors and designs. One has an old-fashioned schoolhouse on it and another had an apple on it. In front of the couch was a wooden coffee table with a small cactus in a pot on the table. The TV was perched in the center of a sturdy-looking wooden bookcase surrounded by books on shelves on either side.

The kitchen had all the appliances you needed. A stove, oven, microwave, pots and pans, mixer, refrigerator, toaster, and even some spatulae. Obviously, there was still work to be done to make it your own but this was a good start. The dining table and chairs also seem to be in the kitchen as well but that is fine. You could move it into the living room later if you wanted to. On the dining table, there are a set of plates and bowls that have different fruits painted on them. They were glass plates and bowls and you don't know if you're going to use them but it is a thoughtful gift.

Awe-stricken you stair up the staircase to the second floor, excited that there is an upstairs. Before you lived in a one-story apartment building in the big city with very little space to live in and everything you had, which was not very much was cluttered randomly. Running up the stairs, you explore the second floor of your new abode. Upstairs there is a small bathroom with a shower, sink, and toilet. Nothing special and probably needs the most work than the rest of the house so far. Your room was the most beautiful of all. The bed was pretty big and looked so soft and fluffy like a cloud in the sky, you suddenly get the urge to jump on it. On top of the bed, you notice a hand nit blanket that has a different colored flower pattern. It is absolutely stunning and looks comfy to snuggle with.

Your room had a nice dresser and on top of the dresser are wood carven letters spelling teacher. It was cute and well-made. The whole left wall is a bookcase filled with books. It made your soul overjoyed seeing all those books on a wall dedicated to just books. After looking around you, you come downstairs to the first floor and unpacked some of your luggage. Mostly clothes for now. Sitting on the couch, you fold your clothes neatly into piles but you easily get bored. Looking out the window you the kids still playing outside. Moving on from playing basketball to soccer. Sportacus was not there, unfortunately. He probably already went home or found something better to do with his time.

Race For Love {Lazy Town~Y/N x Sportacus} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now