Chapter 9: Pillow between Us ❤️

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(Authors Note: Warning-Mature themes in this chapter)

(Ps: I'm sorry it took so long. Writer's block sucks!)

After the race, you decided to retire home, drowning in your sorrows as you walk back to your humble abode. Unlocking the door, exhausted you randomly place your purse anywhere. For all you care at this moment, it could go on the floor. Kicking off your sneakers, you slowly make your way to the couch. You flop onto the couch, laying on your stomach. Holding one of the many pillows on the couch. Robbie's words seem to have gotten to you more than you originally expected. Your mood has been gloomy and dreadful since Robbie uttered those words of doubt into your mind.

Though this should be a time of celebration, commemorating success and a close victory over the infamous Robbie Rotten. You just couldn't bring yourself from moving an inch off your soft and comfy cloud of a couch. After all, Sportacus and the kids with Mayor Meanswell's guidance put so much time and energy into preparing for the race. It was all for you and your school. Your mind is still blown by how much these people in Lazy Town cared for you so. Sportacus especially did not have to do that for you, you of all people.

You flip on your back, getting comfy on the pillow you were cuddling before. You are so tired and unmotivated but you should be out and about, or at least being happy while laying on your couch alone. Staring up at the ceiling for no apparent reason, except that you are bored and don't know what to do with yourself. Up until this moment you never realized your house felt so empty. Though it surely wasn't. Your house was filled to the brim with all types of decorations that appeal to your eye.

Maybe you should be considering cleaning out, and giving them away. And of course, books galore! Basically, everything you could ever want. Neatly placed and organized exactly where you wanted them but still it felt like something was missing. Something you couldn't quite put your finger on. Groaning, you look out your window, seeing Sportacus and the kids carrying baskets, overly filled with different types of Sports candy for the festival they mentioned earlier. How do they still have energy after that emotional and physical roller coaster of events? You think to yourself, watching Ziggy wobbling and holding a heavy basket of fruits.

The children bring their baskets of sports candy to a long wooden picnic table, covered by a red picnic plaid. The table stood in the middle of the sports field where Mayor Meanswell organizes the fruits from the vegetables. Miss Busybody beside him, with her sleeves, rolled up, cleans the sports candy before prepping them for various dishes that would be served at the festival. Sportacus realizes Ziggy was slowly staggering behind the group and turns around placing his basket on one of his shoulders while he grabs Ziggy's fruit basket from Ziggy's tired arms, with his other hand. "Thanks, Sportacus!" The little blonde -haired boy says with a smile, hugging Sportacus's leg tightly.

" Come on Ziggy! We're going to play tag at the playground!" Stephanie yells over to the little boy, waving him over. The rest of the kids ran to the playground as fast as they could. Ziggy, sticking to Sportacus's leg like gum on a shoe. He looks up at Sportacus who gently smiles down at him. " It's okay, I got it. Go play with your friends." Sportacus says watching Ziggy let go of his leg and run over to Stephanie, who takes his hand in hers. Leading him to the playground where the other kids were waiting impatiently. Sportacus walks up to the picnic table and Miss Busybody turns to look at him with a smile.

" That's the last of it, Bessy." Sportacus says setting the baskets on the table, the baskets hit the table with a hard thud. The Mayor and Miss Busybody stare at the baskets then back at Sportacus. " Thank you so much! Uh, could you put those on the ground beside Milford, please?" You say with a polite smile, staring at the overflowing baskets that looked too heavy for her to carry. Not only would she break a nail but her back as well. " Sure." Sportacus says picking the baskets up again as they weighed like a couple of feathers. The two watched Sportacus with their mouths agape. Sportacus places the baskets beside the Mayor's sorting area.

Race For Love {Lazy Town~Y/N x Sportacus} (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now