We're over

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Yn pov
Me and Noah been fighting again you probably ask why because he doesn't let me go out whit friends but the same time he's going out having fun and cheating on me white another girl.
Why i can't go out?I screamed at him because i said so your a woman you should sit home.Noah said and i was getting angry. I was about to say something when my phone started to ring i looked at the caller's i'd and it was my manager Meg . I picked up and she told me that we are going on the trip to Madrid.
Why.i asked confused.Because we have to celebrate your contract and plus i need a hot wether.She said and i know she hide something from me.And i heard in background saying "he's cheating on her".It was the tv. I ran to tv and turn in and saw pictures of my boyfriend kissing another girl my eyes started to water and in that time Noah came closer and saw the news.I be there in 5 minutes pack your thing.She said and hang up the phone.You cheated.i said looking at him.It was an accident i was drunk and that night we had a fight.Noah said to me.No, i trusted to you .i said to him ,he started to come closer to hug me but i pushed him back and went to pack my things after 3 minutes i came downstairs white my suitcase.Wait your leaving me because i made stupid mistake.Noah screamed.Cheating know is a mistake. i looked at him and he was about to say something when the doorbell ringed and i yelled that the doors are open.Meg came in and took my things and looked at me.We're over.i said and left the house whit Meg. Noah called me and texted me saying that he's sorry.Amanda and Isy will meet us at the airport.i heard Meg saying that but i continued to look out of the window and thinking was i that bad. Unlucky for me the paparazzi was already waiting me at the airport to ask questions.Yn is it true. one of them said when we stepped out of car.Isy and Amanda came to my saids and we continue to walk white the paparazzi following us.Yn where are you going.another one asked. Was it your fault that he cheated. someone told and that broke me.Thanks good we were already in the airport and waited in line to get our tickets of course i got some glairs from some girl,kids. Some even came to me and asked if i'm okay some came and hug. When was our time to get tickets we went to get them. Thank you.we said to that guy that gave us tickets and we went to  the plane.

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