Accidents Happen

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You groaned.

It had been a month since you abandoned ever becoming a cop.

You spent years training, you were strong and brave. But you were also stupid.

Incredibly stupid.

You always fell all over the place and couldn't figure out smart ways to get yourself out of a tough situation. That was what you lacked in what a cop needed.

Your strength needed a brain and apparently you didn't have one.

You groaned again. This sucked. You were working a sucky job at the market down the street for minimum wage and you were barely keeping yourself financially stable.

You did go to school, but you could never focus on anything. It was so easy for you to zone out and let your imagination run wild.

You decided to just make yourself a sandwich for the time being, to get your mind off of your life struggles. 

As you were cutting a croissant to make the sandwich in, you accidentally cut yourself. 

"OW! Fuck- why did I decide to use my extra sharp knife!" You cursed and left the kitchen to get a band-aid from the bathroom. 

You swore you heard something in your kitchen while applying it, but you blew it off as an animal outside, you left the window and sliding glass door open- and yes you did have a screen window and screen door so nothing but air could enter- so it would be easy to hear stuff going on outside. 

As you got back down to the kitchen, you saw the knife on the cutting board you were using. Strange.. You clearly remembered putting it in the sink. Then again, you couldn't remember what you did too clearly because your priority was your bleeding hand. 

There was some blood left on the knife, so you washed it off and grabbed a new one, and it was dull and wouldn't hurt you. 

You started up some music and started singing at the top of your lungs while waiting for the bread to toast while dancing around clumsily. 

Keyword: clumsily. 

Your not-stabbed hand landed right on top of the hot toaster. 

"SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" You cried jumping around and waving your hand around. You put your fingers under cold water from the sink and felt like falling onto the ground and sobbing. 

And that, ladies, gentlemen, and other people who are neither, is how clumsy you were. 

But that's okay because you're a big kid! 27 year old you would not be a crybaby and give up on everything because of your clumsiness. 

You say that as you had just quit becoming a cop......................


You sighed and ate your sandwich when it was finished. Nothing could go wrong with eating right? 

You decided to turn on the news. 

"Locals have reported mysterious figures lurking around as the sun sets. A lot of them have compared them to characters from the 1991 show, The Rainbow Funtime Friends. Some of the photos provided by people who are safe in their homes prove those comparisons to be fairly accurate. Is this a prank? Or an actual threat? Stay inside and lock your doors and windows until things are updates further, Jessica Rowie, signing out." 

"Damn.. Sounds scary.." You looked at the photos that were being displayed on TV. 

You froze up when three of them looked like photos of your street... 

"No- you gotta be brave!" You shook your head and ran to all your doors and windows. You locked them up and turned all your lights off. 

You ran to your room and hid under the blankets, deciding to play games on your phone to keep yourself distracted. 

You would be fine... Nobody was gonna come for you... You were okay. 

Before you knew it, you drifted to sleep. 

"The result is just as we thought. They're related to him." Orange said, showing Blue the phone they had been trusted with. 

"Alright.. Good, we weren't sent on a wild goose chase. Where's Purple?" Blue asked. 

"I hear them coming up right now." Green answered. That's when Purple popped up from the pipe in the sink and crawled out. 

"Great. Now we can get them and bring them to Red." Blue nodded. 

"Red didn't give us orders to take them though. He just said to spy on them and see if they're really gonna be able to help." Green reminded Blue. 

"But we need them. I don't like how Red wants to take his time when it's limited for all five of us." Blue shook his head, "He hasn't been seen in years. They're his flesh and blood. They're the only one that can help." 

"I agree with Blue. Red's acting too careless. We have the confirmation and opportunity, let's take it." Orange nodded, "Besides... I'm too scared to waste any more time..." 

"Y-yeah.. Let's do this!" Purple added in hesitantly. 

"Orange and Green, keep guard if anyone comes near." Blue ordered, "Purple and I will get the human." 

"Don't cry to me when Red disapproves of this.." Green muttered. 

Strong Human, Smart Creature | Red x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now