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Celeste's POV

I woke up late this morning ,having went to sleep around 2 AM last night ,after bandaging my ribs which still hurt like a bitch.

I smoked 2 blunts trying to ignore the pain, then I got ready for school ,by the time I was done
I would only make it to my last 4 periods but I still had to go trying to avoid any conflict from my dad.

I put my hair in a ponytail ,my curls were everywhere but I looked presentable.

I wore a black hoodie ,with a black Deftones shirt under ,I was just trying to cover the bruises and then I wore some black jeans shorts ,incase I got hot.

I put on a regular black bandanna and put my black converse.

As I was about a minute from school I saw that same van but this time someone actually came out of it ,a man wearing a weird fucked up mask.

He had dropped his groceries ,so I helped pick up some of the stuff he dropped.

"Would you hand me my hat?"he asks laughing.

When I passed it to him he put it on asking if I wanted to see a magic trick.

I quickly said no ,backing up as I seen what's in the back of his van.

"Are those black balloons?" I asked running away.

"Yup"he said as he quickly catches up and grabbed me ,holding a hand to my mouth incase I screamed,as we reached the van he opened up the back pushing me in there.

I was finally able to scream out in pain because he was tightly holding onto my ribs.

I didn't fight, I was just holding back tears.

He sprayed some shit in my eyes and mouth and the last thing I felt was multiple people next to me in the van but I was too disoriented to figure out who they were
I woke up in a bed grunting holding my sides.
There's was more people in the room passed out on the floor,but my eyesight was too blurry to see who they were.

My throat hurt too whatever he sprayed did some serious damage.

"Who did that to you?"said the man standing by the door.

Startled as I didn't even know he was in here I scooted myself back on the bed.

"What are you talking about"i say actually confused.

"You know what I'm taking about."he says looking straight at me ,I think.

"Actually I don't dipshit"I say sighing.

"The bruises and cuts on your stomach."he says.

"Why the fuck were you even looking!?"i yell pulling down my hoodie.

He ignored my question and kept pressing,I stay quiet for a few seconds before just telling him it was my father.

"Hm,what's your name?"he says sounding a little mad.

"Celeste,Celeste Boweman."i say, seeing no point in hiding it ,as hes going see the newspapers that are soon to come.

I hear footsteps then the door closing,just sigh looking down.

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