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Celeste's POV | 2 days after we escaped

Since my dad was dead I'm staying with Robin and his mom until she doesn't want me there.
She's ok with us sharing a room ,since what happened I've been staying in his room sleeping with him.
I would wake up on top of him crying from nightmares but he comforted me.
Since what happened people have been giving us time to get used to what happened and letting us get used to everything.
Me and the group have been hanging out a lot and people have noticed but they know why.
During school everyone's nice to us and nobody's bullies Finn anymore especially because of Vance and Robin.
The teachers look at us with pity and I fucking hate it and know the rest of us do too.
They lets us turn in homework late and slack off on our work so that's a plus.
And they've been letting us just skip school without telling our parents.
We held a ceremony for Griffin ,Adam,Max and the rest of the missing kids it was sad I cried a lot.
And with the grabber we snuck into the morgue where they held his body ,dissed him a few times ,carved all out names into his arm ,especially his victims.
When people noticed we didn't get in serious trouble just a few lectures ,considering what happened.
We went back to the basement to just I guess get closure ,but I think it just made it worse.
But the phone rang and we talked to all of them and told them everything we did for them.
Turns out they knew they were there both times.
They appreciated us and told us they're there when we need them or when we think of them.
A bunch of tears were shed but that was my closure.
I still fucking hate the basement but closure for their deaths.
I found Griffins brown bandana covered in blood.
It's the one he used to clean up his wounds.
I washed it and kept it ,it's in my back pocket at all time.
I was in a deep depression and just tried not to push everyone away and when I did they just ignored it and still hung out with me,
They never gave up on me.
I spent a lot of time in Robins back yard just crying ,smoking and listening to music.
But to just get away from everything I hung out with my boys and they helped.
A lot.
Today was different I was better.
I was hanging out with the boys at the beach it was about 12 AM and there was nobody around to pity us.
Which we were thankful for.
We were just chilling listening to the waves.
I had on short shorts and I got cold so I had in Bruce's jacket.
I was comfortable my back against Billy's chest him warning me up even more.
We had just finished smoking 3 blunts to celebrate our escape.
I was happy.
I took off Bruce's jacket and my shorts leaving me in my bathing suit and went into the water the moonlight was shining in the water.
I was putting my head in the waters
my curls filling up quickly,when I felt someone grab my shoulders that's scared me so I turned around and it was Finney and the rest of the boys.
We just swam for a while enjoying the silence and the peaceful scenery.
"I love you guys"I said I couldn't help it ,it was in the moment.
"I love you too."said Vance kissing me.
And everyone else did the same ,telling me they love me too and kissing me but I didn't mind.
It was something we were used to .
In the end I got lazy and Robin was just carrying me around the water.
My legs were wrapped around his waist and my hands around his neck.
He was holding onto my waist making sure I didn't slip.
We all loved physical touch and just being around each other.
It wasn't anything sexual but the feeling of skin against skin with our loved one did something to us.
(Nah I'm a sucker for physical touch.)
We were splashing each other and just having fun overall.
Before we got out of the water and went home we had a chicken fight.
I was on Robin's shoulders
Finney on Bruce's
And Billy on Vance's
It was a tie between me and Billy but I caught him off guard at the end and won.
So hah take that.
We ended up going to Vance's house to sleep over in his room as it was fairly big since it was just him and his mom.
We told his mom we were home then we all showered and changed into comfortable clothes.
I changed into one of Vance's shirts and Robins sweats.
Then we fell asleep listening to music and talking.
I woke up basically on top of Bruce and went out to the kitchen.
Ms.Hopper or Ashley as she wanted us to call her was in there finishing up breakfast.
She gave me a kiss on the cheek said goodmorning then headed out for work,
I woke everyone up we did our morning routines and then we sat to eat breakfast.
Today we were going to school but after that we were going to the mall.
I wore a white crop top and Finneys brown zip up jacket with some jeans and my brown converse.
Griffins bandana was in my pocket hanging out like always.
My curls were just down.
When we walked out ,Gwen and Donna were waiting for us i hugged Donna and said hi to Gwen also hugging her.
We got lots of stares like always but we've been trying to ignore them.
Ever since we got taken out guards have been up and everytime I look I see the grabber for just a second then he's gone.
We've been paranoid thinking he's going to come back even though he's dead.
Im not used to stares anymore they make me even more nervous.
Bruce squeezes my hand noticing my internal panic attack and he helped me compose myself.
When we got to school I had first period alone with Donna but it was art class and I loved art.
We were painting and I painted the basement I didn't let anyone see it though and just put it in my backpack.
2nd period I had with Gwen's it was chem which I hated I fell asleep and got sent to the nurses office for a nap but I sneaked out through the bathroom window and met the boys outside.
We smoked a couple joints and went back after just chilling.
3rd period was gym and I had it with Billy and we did everything together ,that girl Marie didn't bother us anymore but she did send me glares once in a while,which just made me laugh.
He chose me ,he don't want you.
4th period I had with Finn and Bruce it was math and Finn helped us since he was good at it.
We went to lunch and the teachers let us have it in the teachers office alone.
Me ,Finn,Robin,Bruce,Vance ,Billy,Donna and Gwen since we wanted them there.
5th period I had with Vance it was world history/writing and we were just goofing off and like the past couple days the teachers let us.
6th period I had alone and that was science on or my least favorite subjects.
7th I had with Robin and it was a free period so we spent it on a bench outside my back again this chest and his legs spread out so I was between them.
His hands were hugging my waist so i didn't move.
I was reading a book to him and he seemed to enjoy it.
After that period we met up with everyone else and headed to the mall but got stopped by a group of girls.
Ones that flirted with Bruce and Billy all the fucking time.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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